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Messages - PALU

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 [41] 42 43 ... 109
Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: April 16, 2020, 08:05:24 PM »
Also note that the skin IS damaged from neck hits, so reserve those attacks for Njerps/Robbers (they never yield quality skin anyway :P ).

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: April 15, 2020, 11:25:23 PM »
Value in this context is definitely value per unit of weight, not total sales value.

Suggestions / Re: Wilderness map: visible fires during night
« on: April 15, 2020, 09:06:41 AM »
Since NPCs actually light fires now, it certainly would be good to be able to detect them from afar.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: April 15, 2020, 08:54:27 AM »
If I remember correctly, any furs will do, but I'd finish the process (i.e. cleaning, tanning, and softening) before leaving. In the past I've performed the quest with smaller game, not the least because I can't carry the meat from a full elk with me, even with a dog of burden.
If it's winter I'd consider drying the meat while waiting for the skin and return later to collect it. In summer I'd try to smoke some of it in a nearby Kaumo village (if there is one nearby) for later collection. Otherwise I'd just accept that most of it will spoil and take what I can as dog food, possibly collect the rest later.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with rituals
« on: April 13, 2020, 09:34:52 AM »
Probably due to its isolated location, in Finland the Iron Age happened much later. 
IIRC that was mentioned by Sami or Erkka at some dim time in the past, likely near the end of the Iron Age  ;)
Yes, Scandinavians were very backwards at the time, and the Finns even more so. It was a backwater of a backwater at the edge of the "known" world. Some parts of the world took longer than others to leave the Iron Age behind.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with rituals
« on: April 13, 2020, 12:24:24 AM »
You've got the timing wrong, Tom H. The UrW timeline is approximately 800-1200 AD.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with rituals
« on: April 12, 2020, 02:45:49 PM »
The rituals are based on actual folk lore superstition, i.e. what people have actually thought worked, which most people nowadays write that off as pure superstition (which doesn't stop a large portion of those same people from engaging in superstition, rituals, and omens when it comes to gambling their money away...).

The "open water" season is when the ice is gone, presumably when you can use a boat to get out onto the water without smashing ice at the places that get ice. The corresponding ritual has the fish sink when "successful", and I your fish was fresh because the (air) temperature was below freezing.

Suggestions / Re: Dog commands
« on: April 12, 2020, 12:01:01 AM »
Dogs have better hearing than humans for starters. Also, when entering villages, the villagers keep greeting you from further away than the range from which you can respond. Conversation is one thing, which shouting is another, so it would be useful to have one range for shouted, simple commands, and another for conversations. Coordinating a posse of villagers in robber quests is problematic because of the short conversation range, where the morons de-aggro while a buddy gets beaten to death in the tile next to them, while your character is engaging another robber further away.

Development News / Re: The situation and stuff
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:22:26 PM »
Take care yourself, and make extra sure not to spread the virus to or between those you help.

While I agree a good game is welcome when forced into inactivity, there is not an urgent need to update it at an express rate. Spend your time the way you feel is the best one.

Gameplay questions / Re: Various questions from a new player
« on: April 10, 2020, 09:03:37 AM »
There's a fixed number of item stacks the PC can carry, and there are similar, but much lower, limits for craft, animals, and companions. There is not a limit for dropped item stacks on a time, as far as I know, although there is a limit to the number of items that's allowed in the "vicinity" (something like 3 * 3 or 5 * 5 world tiles) numbering a number of thousand. Note that this number includes the stacks in built structures such as walls, fences, etc., so a fence might consist of two stacks of 1 withe each and 2 stacks of stakes (where the 2 different stacks comes from two different levels of quality), resulting in a "cost" of 4 stacks.

Did you zoom out without moving, i.e. directly from a land tile? It shouldn't be possible to move with an overloaded craft, but if you didn't actually move it first, a check may be missing. There also was a recent bug of landing a craft and then zooming out directly after having dropped the paddle on a land tile (i.e. one not belonging to a river/lake). This might be related.

The modded items aren't that hard to make again (assuming the tools needed to make them weren't among the lost items), assuming the logic is close to that of Buiodda's mod, but losing quality items and the only tool of various kinds hurts.

In my case I had my character move in a "random" facing direction after turning on the spot for a while, and I suspect I actually had the character walking away from the spirit, based on what I think the original facing was and where the spirit showed up when light was available, which (I think) facing in the same direction.

Thanks, didn't know that was possible.

I'd like something even simpler (in real world terms) for stable/indoors animals: hooks on the walls (or poles on the floor) to which you can tile the ropes holding animals.

The problem with using doors of various kinds is that animals tend to tail gate you when you leave. I build my "stables" around trees to provide something to the the animals to (leaving holes in the roof, of course, but that has no game play effects beyond seeing snow "indoors").

Not bugs / Re: Spirit of the forest quest doesn't work in winter
« on: April 01, 2020, 08:18:14 PM »
Yes, a big fire did the trick. I'm not sure I'd have seen him if he'd been on the other side of my character, rather than on the other side of the fire, though.

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