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Messages - JP_Finn

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Bug reports / Grinding flour
« on: May 09, 2024, 08:08:41 PM »
This one has been around for a while, finally decided to report it.

When you have a bag, or other container of grain/seeds/roots, with over ~4lbs of produce in it, and choose to grind in to a container that has less capacity than 4 lbs; you use 4 lbs of grain, and only get the maximum capacity's worth of flour.

e.g. grind barley from full bag, choose a birchbark box as target. 4lbs of barley will be used and yet you'll only get 2lbs of flour.

Choosing 2 or more stacked containers, with enough capacity to hold 4 lbs of flour; only one container will be used, the other(s) stay empty in the inventory.

Expectation here is that:
  • grinding would only use grain/seed/roots in the capacity the receiving container can hold.
  • Use multiple containers to receive the 4lbs grinding output.
  • Prompt for "How much grain/seed/roots to grind?"

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« on: May 09, 2024, 07:53:27 PM »
I manually paused the task, slept, and resumed crafting. No other items on the ground. No extra Slender Trunks in reach either.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« on: May 09, 2024, 06:55:51 PM »
I have another save, not stone-axe, but 3 blunt arrows.

And not 6 completed blunts, but 3 complete and 3 largely crafted on the ground.

edit: Finished the duplicate crafting again and it only produced 1 decent blunt arrow.

Brygun, the preload of mods was in Sami’s post; response 7, to Galgana’s question about biy_glossary limitations I.e. returning original recipe ingredients, not the currently loaded recipes ingredients. Currently if you build vanilla shelter, then comment that out, enable punt shelter from BAC, deconstruct the shelter; you’ll get punt shelter ingredients, not 3 slender trunks and 20 spruce twigs that the shelter was originally built with.

Runaway slave starts in Njerpez camp. It makes perfect sense to have spring there too. For immersion, and eventual takeover of said camp.

Dedicated hotkey for mods would make sense.
But would that outrule current option to touch up/edit vanilla recipes?
I like that I don’t need to add new menudef to add say wooden mugs or making stakes from boards, just add those in the vanilla diy_glossary.

I would prefer the “easy editing” stay as is.

Also for reading all the recipes at game launch, it’d make testing mods a massive pain. Edit, save mod. Shutdown, start game. Find a need to edit further.  Repeat.
No thanks!

@Night account is active, so there’s a chance you’ll get a response from the creator.

Sounds like the starting scenario’s trap fences were generated few versions ago, before withes got introduced. I’ll move this post to the Bug section

I think this has been the case for last few years actually. 3.62 or even earlier.
I think the quest mechanism doesn’t check already learnt “new” after initial 4 spells/incantations. But when game loads, it does check for ”spells learnt since 16yo, day1”

Not sure if it’s bug in checking new spells, or bug in loading game when no additional spells were learnt since the quest was given; but I treat it thus: get the quest for new spell. Save game. Load the character. Proceed surviving/thriving in the Frozen North.

General Discussion / Re: Sharing Hacks?
« on: April 20, 2024, 06:51:00 PM »
Is it bad form to share your personal hacks and tricks to survive? Like spoiler alert level stuff?
Not at all. Go ahead and start a thread.

If you don’t have the rights or permission to those images (gnu public for non-commercial etc), then you shouldn’t post them.

Sounds like the engine treats the recipe as canceled and doesn’t consume the required items, but returns it.
As previously the softening of the rinsed skin wouldn’t stop even at starvation, fatigue at 100%, or starting the last step at “Ready to drop”

Great find Plotinus!

Bringing up the crafting menu for Hide and Bone seems to only allow me to haft and unhaft my weapons and tools, I assume it's because of the newest update?
Correct. menudef_BAC.txt has to be amended: .Hide and Bone. -H- *MAKE* won’t be read as the Hafting is hardcoded to use -H-instead. You can change the .Hide and Bone. -Y- *MAKE* or any other available letter. I don’t have BAC installed on the newest release (easier to separate bugs&glitches). So can’t verify what letters are unused.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.83] Hafted weapon quality bug
« on: April 15, 2024, 05:27:51 PM »
I’ve rehafted rough axes with decent and fine hafts and got some decent, some fine axes.

I’ve not tried hafting decent axehead with a rough haft.

The max level product might be limited* to fine even if you use masterwork axehead. *namely CARPENTRY too low to produce MW/perfect items.

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