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Re: Send a Saved game
If you press [7] in game, it'll clean up the tiles you haven't visited in a long time -- only tiles that don't have any of your things in them--, which will make the file size smaller Deletes things like feathers, branches? Anyway, thanks for the tip! September 20, 2019, 04:58:53 AM |
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Re: [Suggestion] Metric measurements
Since the game was made by Europeans I think it's more likely that the reason we don't have metric measurements is that metric measurements hadn't been invented in the iron age.
January 14, 2020, 01:00:16 PM |
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Re: Frostbitten toes!
You could add these recipes to diy_glossary.txt under [SUBMENU_START:clothes] .Linen footrags. [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /5/ {Linen *} #.2# [remove] +'Linen fabric' {Knife} .Woollen footrags. [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /5/ {Woollen *} #.2# [remove] +'Wool fabric' {Knife} January 17, 2020, 03:41:19 PM |
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I live near a river and every spring the water level rises quite high, it would flood if we hadn't built such a high bank around it. If it doesn't rain for a while, the water level drops. It would be interesting if the areas of low elevation collected water after rains and the shores of the rivers changed. It would be dangerous to build your shelter too close to the river if it was raining a lot, you'd have to build on higher ground. Valleys between mountains would also flood suddenly if there was a lot of rain. January 19, 2020, 11:40:11 PM |
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Re: Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers?
Hm, maybe it's time for some dog armorGiven that modders have failed to find a way to mod containers for animals, I doubt it. Also, I'm rather sure they didn't use armor on dogs in Iron Age Finland. February 23, 2020, 02:12:18 PM |
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Village Food Status and Charity (both ways)
I understand the most recent update adds the option for villagers to refuse excess food goods in trades if their village is well stocked. This brought me to a new idea that villagers' food stocks could naturally fluctuate and lead to different relationships or even "mini quests" in the process. If the village has plenty of food and the PC is starving and has a decent relationship with the village, how about some occasional offers of food to the PC when they chat with villagers? Or increased chance of chores quest being offered to give PC trading credit? On the reverse side, if the village is doing poorly ("bad hunting" or "crops failed this summer") perhaps there could be an opportunity for the PC to earn status/gratitude/friends by gifting some of their food supplies? Some of my long termers have pretty astronomical amounts of food hoarded and it would be nice to have a social purpose for it. March 26, 2020, 10:09:15 AM |
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Re: Village Food Status and Charity (both ways)
I agree. We know that they are charitable to NPCs ie wounded adventures. I think it would be very much in the spirit of the game for them to say I see your starving go collect fire wood and I'll give you supper.
March 26, 2020, 01:40:08 PM |
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Re: Vanishing Blunt arrows
Yeah, it's not a bug per se but simply a message about breakage and/or broken arrow left behind missing from creature based arrow breaks. To avoid further confusion I'll see about adding it. March 27, 2020, 12:15:08 PM |
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Re: Winter hides
Quote from: The cue for the elk to change coats is day length. Starting in March as days get longer, the old winter coat starts dropping off. Their summer coat is short, glossy, and generally much more uniform in color than the winter coat. All the hair of the summer coat is the same length. As the days get shorter in September, the longer, thicker winter coat starts growing out. The winter coat consists of two layers - a longer coat of guard hairs protects the short thick undercoat. By winter both male and female elk have thick, dark manes covering their necks, and long, light tan coats over the rest of their bodies. Quote from: The fur of mammals has many uses: protection, sensory purposes, waterproofing, and camouflaging, with the primary usage being thermoregulation.[2] The types of hair include definitive, which may be shed after reaching a certain length; Quote from: Cats moult fur around spring-summer time to get rid of their "winter coat". Cats have thicker fur during the colder winter months to keep them warm, then around spring and summer they shed some of their fur to get a thinner coat for the warmer summer months. Some cats need brushing during moulting, since dead hairs can get trapped in the cat's fur. Abstract After reading through these, I think fur is regulated by light levels more so than temperature, as the purpose of fur in a lot of animals seems to be temperature regulation, which would imply seasonal changes would be the first factor in hair regulation and temperature there after, fine tuning for more immediate short-term temperature regulation (you see this with house pets a lot when they move into and out of the house with varying temperatures between the outdoors and your home). Also, it appears there are several different layers: Quote from: Thermoregulation is the principal function of the down hair, which insulates a layer of dry air next to the skin. Now we can impress our friends with our knowledge of hair. April 15, 2020, 01:02:10 AM |
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Re: Winter hides
Quote After reading through these, I think fur is regulated by light levels more so than temperature,. Thanks for digging this all up, Night. I'm especially happy that elks were mentioned. I'm also even more convinced there's nothing to-do in regards to the suggestion. Quote Now we can impress our friends with our knowledge of hair. And that's so great in developing and playing detailed heavy simulation game. We learn new things if we stay curious and pay attention. April 18, 2020, 01:14:29 PM |
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