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Messages - JP_Finn

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 85
Mod Releases / Re: [3.80] Smoker. Hot smoking. Now version 1.2!
« on: February 06, 2025, 02:34:28 AM »
Not that Sami has mentioned it. I’ve not used any mods on the new version.

General Discussion / Re: Salt from the coast...
« on: January 27, 2025, 04:53:33 PM »
Coast means on the shores of main land. And although I’m not on my computer at the moment, I recall Driik mentioned in some of the quest texts.
Driik is the only source of salt in-game.
(I suggested couple years ago that foreign traders would carry various size salt bags too)

Suggestions / Re: Increasing immersion by limiting information shown
« on: January 24, 2025, 05:44:01 PM »
I feel that Urw.ini could be used to set variables to “display nearby cultural areas”*, “enable map” (with default to 1) and “Hide World Gen”
That way casual players wouldn’t lose their mind trying to remember after few weeks IRL where they were and what were they doing in-game.

*on the top center region screen “Appoperä, no man’s land near Western Kaumo”

Suggestions / Re: tree specific firewood
« on: January 24, 2025, 04:36:56 PM »
Willow chips/shavings are our family choice for hot smoking fish. For meat, usually oak for game meat (venison, moose wild pigs), apple tree for beef & (domesticated) pork.

Haven’t ever even considered smoking game birds. Usually bake (covered), braise or stew them. Quail usually shallow fried or campfire roast. But I know some who like to smoke black grouse and capercaillie.

Modding / Re: Wood Materials
« on: January 02, 2025, 07:20:19 PM »
Have you tried .Pine tree trunk. ?
I’m not on computer, so can’t check.

Gameplay questions / Re: Need help with shutters.
« on: January 02, 2025, 07:18:58 PM »
Shutters will get correct alignment once you finish the interior (ceiling and floor)

Suggestions / Re: Reducing amount of blunt hits enough to kill prey
« on: December 25, 2024, 05:13:33 AM »
Most hits I think any of my characters has needed to dispatch unconscious elk was 32 blunt hits of a handaxe. ( might’ve been fine or MW )
And still I think he only got one pip on AXE.

General Discussion / Re: Armor spawn rates in villages?
« on: December 20, 2024, 11:23:54 PM »
You can always get decent armor items and any quality other items by adding recipes in the diy_glossary.

I often do test characters, and don’t have time IRL to grind for basic setup. Is it cheating when I want to test weapons vs armors etc, sure. Is it balanced, no.
Spoiler: show
Code: [Select]
.Battlesword. *COMMON* %99% /1/
{Branch} [noquality]

Takes 1 minute, counts the skill level at 149, you need to be close to a branch (inventory or ground & and doesn’t limit the resulting item’s quality)

General Discussion / Re: Armor spawn rates in villages?
« on: December 20, 2024, 10:58:08 PM »
Sartolais and Koivulais villages on initial visit tend to be average/poor wealth. But visit them again in 6, 12, 24... months and you'll be surprised what you can find; swords, axes, metal armors, leather armors, decent to MW. And so many furs.

Suggestions / Hired help when wounded.
« on: December 20, 2024, 12:05:13 AM »
Simple suggestion:
When injured, and task requires a wounded appendage, allow the task to go on if there's a hired hand/helper/companion available.

e.g. my character got his hand injured fighting a bear, my companion is an old man Ahvo, who's a master hideworker. But the bear skin is going to rot as we can't do the task at all.

Gameplay questions / Re: Gaining Fatigue while walking
« on: December 16, 2024, 09:11:05 PM »
There's no "snow shoes"* in base game, just skis.
Deeper the snow, more and faster fatigue builds up. And higher encumbrance can really cause the fatigue to skyrocket.
Early mornings often have a hard crust that's able to carry person, once sun goes up, the crust can thaw to thin or even all gone, and won't be able to carry person any longer.

*One could mod the game to have snow shoes, but they'd be as fast as skis, which is unreasonable.

Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Burning fine set for gaming instead of shingle
« on: December 08, 2024, 07:25:38 AM »
I created a test character just for this. I haven’t pushed it on clock at all.

My guess is a memory/storage overflow.

And my personal preference re:modded items; none really should use sesta as base item. Apply feature goofiness et cetera. I personally use wood slat (there’s no recipe to auto select slats) or for some items I like hunting horn for the “produce a fancy sound”

Mod Releases / Re: BAC 3.84
« on: December 07, 2024, 03:52:00 AM »
I've been on vacation, but I'll get to fixing it up soon :)

Hey just wanted to say thanks for keeping this going and thanks to Brygun for making this infthe first place.

I noticed that I cannot repair nets anymore with this mod. I can still make them though. I tried to find a way around it or a way to quote out the new menu options under fishing to get it to show but I couldn't figure it out. Hopefully you can take a look at it.


I don't have BAC installed at the moment, but you can add this in Fishing submenu:
Code: [Select]

.Mend a net. "Net" [effort:1] [phys:hands,stance] *NETMAKING* /8h/ %10% |0|
{[NEARBY_TILE:*wall]} +'Wall to hang the net on'
{Net} [ask_num] [remove] [name:Net]
{Yarn} =75= [no_min_len] [remove]
{Netting needle}

The ask_num is in the recipe so the game prompts you which one to mend. And not auto-select a net that's in great shape still.

Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Loud audio popping when skinning and butchering
« on: December 06, 2024, 07:19:20 PM »
That's something @Sami needs to check. How the audio called is for butchering vs tanning or whatnot. Without change(s) in SDL2 either.

Butchering has been pausable somewhat longer than pausable tanning/hideworking, not sure if there's anything to that (especially as pausable tanning was introduced in 3.83)

Two separate Windows machines, different O/S versions. Are the computers same make/model? i.e. are the audio chips on-board/dedicated soundcards identical? (if anyone even uses, or makes dedicated soundcards anymore)

Bug reports / Re: [3.85] Burning fine set for gaming instead of shingle
« on: December 06, 2024, 07:05:09 PM »
Did the test, sesta gets lit up as a shingle.

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