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Messages - StefanPravda

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Gameplay questions / Re: Bird thief quest - do I search for a right tiles?
« on: February 26, 2020, 01:09:20 AM »
If you get annoyed at a point, as I did in the robbers quest, you can use @Night Editor Xray, and you will see through trees. But not through elevation.

Sorry, but I thought the issue is BAC related, else I'd have opened a new thread. Since I have pretty limited modding skills I wasn't sure what was wrong.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bird thief quest - do I search for a right tiles?
« on: February 25, 2020, 01:45:58 PM »
If you do save scumming, as Palu says, backup your save first. I made a script for me that does that, copying to a new folder with timestamp when something is amiss. Something like this: - it's character name, year, month, day, hour, minute, second. If something happens I can revert to an older version of the game, sometimes I might not see the issues soon enough and maybe I have to revert 5 versions back.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bird thief quest - do I search for a right tiles?
« on: February 25, 2020, 12:50:48 PM »
I just had this quest so I can tell you this.

There are plenty of traps and feathers in that spot, so if you pass by, it will be hard to miss them.
To find them, I walked zoomed in to the border of Coniferous tiles with a heathland in the South. The feathers were ON the coniferous tiles, bordered with Heathland.
Not sure tho if you can see an entire tile by climbing a tree, I need this confirmed, because I was under the impression that there is some area left out of your visual field after trying this. And no, I am not talking about areas with a different altitude. So just to be sure I checked a lot.

I suggest you to build/plant/see a loop snare, to understand what you are looking for. I think you will find about 5 loop snares and 20 feathers, so nevertheless it will be very hard to miss them IF you pass by them.

If I understand it right, the quest items are only generated once, when you get the quest.

Also get weapons with you, I stumbled over a wolf during this quest, luckily just one. Be prepared for little surprises. I also stumbled on a rabbit and a fox, but I let them go since I didn't want to ruin my search pattern. The wolf I had to fight tho.

Bottom line, I did it much quicker than the Robbers' quest, which was horrendous.

General Discussion / Re: Advanced Adventures problem
« on: February 25, 2020, 10:53:37 AM »
Use an editor to lower it down.

I read all kind of cool adventures, why the heck don't I have those :)) Bears attacking cows near the cabin, wolves attacking behind the back, robbers ending up at you cabin. At my cabin the only thing I get is the annoying birds I have set up traps for so I get rid of them. And a lost elk.

Wolves = run for your life.

Hm, maybe it's time for some dog armor :P Thanks for the answers. Can armor be modded for dogs?
Given that modders have failed to find a way to mod containers for animals, I doubt it. Also, I'm rather sure they didn't use armor on dogs in Iron Age Finland.

I added something useful for animal hauling: Using it on my bulls and works fine. Although I don't know how to use graphics and stuff like that, so graphically it shows nothing.

And I am pretty sure too they didn't use armored dogs  ;D

Hm, maybe it's time for some dog armor :P Thanks for the answers. Can armor be modded for dogs?

Do dogs autoheal? Or do I have to whisper into their ears? Thanks

Darn, so I need to test it :D And see if it's fun. Maybe do a little save scum until I find a balance between the number of dogs and the maintenance. Hunting for food at least should be easier, ignoring the skin issues.

EDIT: Is it possible to lose dogs if they run after some beasts? Or they return to you.

Hey guys

Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers? If yes, how many dogs to play on the safe side. I know they are not really good for hunting cause they ruin the skins, but I am thinking about trying some kind of dog kennel game :D


Gameplay questions / Re: Traps setup
« on: February 22, 2020, 08:32:34 PM »
Thanks, I was thinking about 3x3 too because I have read somewhere something related to the robbers quest, where the robbers detect you from 3 tiles away.

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