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Re: 3.80 (beta) hangs on setting change (minor issue) I don't encounter this when trying 3.80. Thanks!
May 23, 2023, 10:05:37 AM
[Fixed - persists in 3.81] Weird requested trade goods answer Standard question (to receive blacksmith order):
"What of my items you'd prefer in this trade?"

Weird answer:
"I think we could come to an agreement if you could give me your

With the formatting as per the above on my wide full screen display. For some reason the blacksmith seems to be unable to find the name of the item.

I don't have any mod items, although I've replaced a number of images (to better see missiles), and replaced character portraits with third party ones.


However, I believe this to be caused by me earlier having performed a quest for the village, and the fine small knife being fully covered by that. I didn't get an option to claim an outstanding reward, however, but eventually (after backing out of a trade), settled for a squirrel skin, after which I was told the trade covered two thirds of my reward. Thus, I think there's a need to add a bit to allow for the case that rewards cover it all, as I can't get away with offering nothing (and have the reward covering the full value).

I don't know if it's an issue, but as I backed out of the first step of the trade I had the option to trade against the blacksmith's inventory, which contained the knife ordered. I I hope the logic is capable of realizing the ordered goods have been payed for when gotten through ordinary trade and when additional goods were purchased at the same time. I didn't experiment with either, though.

As a side note, I was pleased to find that the small knife now has a use as the preferred item for arrow shaft production (and possibly other things), as I don't think it did have any use beyond being a knife before. I'm also pleased to see grain harvest prefers a sickle, although that was probably the case before.

May 30, 2023, 12:46:27 PM
Re: *DAMNED* Meeting with water spirits quest As indicated by JP_Finn, you have to find a suitable rock (one that doesn't require climbing, or at least doesn't require impossible climbing), and it can take some searching to find one. Unless you're attempting this in the hottest part of the summer, I'd recommend using a raft or punt to get to the skerry in order not to get cooled down by the water as you're going to get cold from being naked. You COULD wade/swim out there in good time and heat up to a reasonable temperature while clothed and then only strip as the time approaches. If so, bring food and something to craft while waiting for the strip time.
May 31, 2023, 08:29:17 AM
Re: *DAMNED* Meeting with water spirits quest The tile has to be completely surrounded by water and it has to be a single tile, although it seems you've already ensured that's the case. However, I've had this type of spirit contact attempts fail for unknown reasons, only to work at the next attempt.
May 31, 2023, 07:41:35 PM
Re: Game Course Difficulty Can't say with any certainty, but the step didn't register as completed until I made a second trap pit in my fence, so I'd suggest trying to dismantle two pit traps and rebuild them.
June 05, 2023, 06:57:05 PM
Re: Item Qualities on Transport Items As Bert Preast indicated, you can increase the skill three times a day (with the "day" starting and ending in an otherwise unmarked time during what's described as "morning". If you know you had a skill increase the previous day, you can check for stars to determined whether the day has ticked over yet, otherwise wait for "late morning"), but the star indication appears on the first increase, so you'd have to keep track of what the skill was before the increase to know how much it has increased (and thus whether any additional training has any chance to actually produce any results).
June 07, 2023, 09:35:52 AM
Re: Hired Companions Carry Goods? I believe you can give companions "stuff" and then take it back later. Note that it's been a long time since I think I've done that, so don't trust me on that one.
Also note that dogs have some carrying capacity, in case you've got one (or more) with you.

Another strategy is to leave the non perishable stuff behind (e.g. bones, horns, teeth, skulls) and return to pick those up later when the time sensitive things have been dealt with. Meat left behind can be used as dog food if it spoils before you can get it, so it still has some use.

To find your way back you can mark the location on the overland map, and since I'm a lazy bugger I bring everything up there and drop the items up there so I don't have to search for it should an animal or similar thing cause me to zoom in to a different place from the one I zoomed out from.

June 07, 2023, 11:03:40 PM
Re: One Star Skills I don't think normal batches suffer from a single combined skill improvement chance, as a batch command can produce items of differing quality even when the input is all of the same one. The rope/cord handling is different, though, so it may suffer from issues. I produce my arrow shafts in batches of 5 unless I'm trying to time something (like the end of the day or the processing of a skin) where I go down to a single slat at a time.

I haven't produced any arrows yet, since my Textilecraft skill is so poor that I only occasionally manages to produce decent quality products. However, I've produced a lot of arrow shafts, including from low quality planks, where I'm doing it for training purposes, not intending to actually produce any arrows from the resulting crap shafts. I've probably produced some 500 shafts, with some 500 or so decent quality slats that I've saved for when I have a reasonable chance to actually get decent shafts out of them (and I've reached that stage now).
My Carpentry is a two star skill, but I think Textilecraft is a single star one. Spending essentially the whole day making slats and shafts it seems I get somewhere in the range of 1 skill increase every two days or so (it will slow down as the skill increases, of course), with stretches of days where no skill is gained.

June 07, 2023, 11:18:17 PM
Re: Dog Fur ... I hope you won't have to deal with njerps in real life either...

It can be noted that human relations with animals have shifted over time and location, so in some places dogs are just sort of tools, and farmers used to slaughter their own animals as a way of life (and that remains the case in some places). However, the killing of horses and dogs have sometimes been offloaded to outsiders because the owners have made too strong emotional ties to those animals. For some reason dogs haven't been on the menu in large parts of the world, but it can be noted that sled dogs that died often have been fed to the remaining dogs, at least on polar expeditions.

June 08, 2023, 09:20:10 AM
Re: Version 3.80 released Yes. I posted it as a suggestion earlier because the blacksmith's response was confusing
It turned out the order was cancelled, not delayed.

June 11, 2023, 10:33:05 AM