Ahh one's first bear. Your character seems to be out in the frosty snow. A trusted companion Reindeer with you. The vast wilds.
What was everyone else's most memorable bear?
Well mine comes from the tale of Beodrin.
His story began with the tragic death of his father on a hunting trip. The random generated creature.... a bear!!

It gets better. We were on an island! The man killing bear, dead dad and me.
At his point in my gaming and modding I thought you could only use leather to make rope. Rope to make a raft. To get off the island. To escape the man killer bear.
Now where could I get leather?
Oh oh.
There is only one source.
The bear that killed my dad!
For weeks I lived on the southern part of the island. The bear ruled the north. On one daring dash I recovered dad's gear.
I learned to sleep surrounded by traps. Fences, too, later learning man and bear alike could easily kick them down.
When a night's sleep was interrupted with "you think you hear something nearby" oh spirits was I worried!
There was only so many berry bushes on the island. Both me and the bear were eating them.
Finally I had enough leather from small game to make one, not three, ropes. So I made a the three tree trunk bear killer.
Coming back later indeed the bear had gotten into the trap. Alive. Angry. Roaring.
I tossed my three javelins for minor wounds. I tossed rocks and stones. I tossed many things. Where I could I went close to toss them again. Again and again I tossed things at the father killer. All the while the risk of it escaping the trap growing.
Perhaps my father's spirit was there. Holding the trap down on the bear.
After an arc of the sun the bear fell unconscious from dozens of minor wounds and blood loss. Most of bleeding wounds had even stopped bleeding.
Cautiously creeping forward the death stabs to the neck were made.
The bear died soon.
I had, I thought, to turn the bear into leather. So Beodrin lived a few weeks more on Bear Island to dehair the hide. Finally the raft was made and he sailed onto greater adventures. Before his death becoming known as Beodrin Two Bears, who killed two bears and wore them both. Yes he wore his father's killer. As leather armor. Ah, but those are stories for another day.