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Messages - Bert Preast

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Suggestions / Re: Groundworking and levelling terrain for building
« on: October 23, 2021, 01:25:48 PM »
Nice pic, and I can see that working if a corner of the building needs a prop.  However, my cabin crosses three contour lines where I feel that some groundwork would be essential!

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70] [3.63] URWSSSelector v1.0.3
« on: October 23, 2021, 12:48:42 PM »
He's back!  Our night in shining armour  :)

If you don't have a fishing rod or net, then fishing is only going to make you starve a little more slowly. 

The key is berries, but as Koteko said you should only ever eat them in an emergency.  Berries make bait, so find a fishing spot and get or make yourself a fishing rod then start catching roach and perch.  If you can, fish in rapids and make a raft, that way you can use the roach and perch as bait for salmon and trout in the deep water.

If for reasons of RP or because you're trapped on an island you cannot trade for a fishing rod, then yes you are in the doggy doo-doo.  To make a rod needs yarn, and this can take some time to acquire.  Also, if berries are out of season then you'd best get hunting and trapping as you won't get any amount of fish worth the time invested unless you have bait.   

Okay it has just happened again, I am trying to trade my furs for a long mail hauberk with a guy called Gilbrand, and he tells me I am just a few things away from making the trade but he can't carry my elk fur.

I have made a save for you to check, but it's rather big.  How do I get it to you?

Suggestions / Groundworking and levelling terrain for building
« on: October 14, 2021, 01:33:53 AM »
It seems the most efficient place to build a cabin is right by the shore of a river, lake or sea tile.  This is not very realistic, as if you build too close to the water you would be sure to flood at some time.

I would suggest that to discourage this, a contiguous wooden building should only be possible on a flat bit of land, which is usually found a little uphill from the shoreline.   

What would be great though is if we could do groundwork - that is raise or lower the level of terrain with a shovel and about maybe eight times the effort needed to dig a pit.  Even better would be if raising or lowering the level of one tile forced you to correspondingly lower or raise an adjacent tile - all that earth has to go somewhere or come from somewhere, after all.   

Building right by the shore should still be possible, but this would make it a lot more work to simulate making some rudimentary flood defences with the moved earth.

A small hunting cabin should usually be unaffected by this, which is good - but I think a larger house needs to be made more challenging to build.  Groundwork can do this!

Just tested - mystery rapids fishbranches are not edible.  After picking up my teeth, I tried starting a fire with one  fishbranch, and two normal branches.  This worked as usual, so the fishbranches do seem to function as branches except that they won't stack with other branches.

I tested making an arrow and the fishbranch also worked for that.   I can't test it works as a splint as I have no suitable injuries, but I am guessing that it does.

I was pretty sure that I caught a tree trunk one time too, but I didn't mention it as I was drunk and not wholly confident of my memories! 

It could be that it is possible to catch twigs and slender trunks too, then.  My experience so far has been that in 20 to 30 fishing trips I have caught 5 branches and one tree trunk, as well as the odd fish here and there  ;D

Every once in a while when rod fishing from the shore in rapids, I catch a branch.  The branches do not stack with my other branches, and I have caught them while fishing both successfully and unsuccessfully.  I am wondering if this is bug or feature, as a waterlogged old branch is fairly normal bycatch on my fishing trips in the real world!

I am running Windows 10 and URW 3.70 beta 3 via Steam, without mods.

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: September 29, 2021, 03:27:14 PM »
I'm living as a hermit on the north coast so the only tools I have are those looted from murder victims who got too close to my cabin - Seven handaxes and knives and a woodsman's axe where I got lucky one time!  It's all the fine winter furs that I am paranoid someone will steal.  I will put them on a skerry in an unfrozen sea tile.

I am in the habit of setting a light lever trap over my cellar whenever I go hunting, and one time I came home to find a small fox who's greed had overcome his caution trapped in it  8)


General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: September 26, 2021, 08:43:22 PM »
You completely ruined my weekend telling me robbers might still steal my stash!

Now I am considering whether to wall it up or hide it on some rocky outcrop in the river  8)

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: September 26, 2021, 05:37:40 PM »
Just finished my cabin, and while proudly admiring it I noticed for the first time the address:

Appopera, or "Gapingrear".


Gameplay questions / Re: Tips, Tricks, FAQs
« on: September 24, 2021, 12:51:38 AM »
I have spotted an error with your FAQ:

2. How to Sleep Warm in Winter - You have it backwards, with fewer furs you "Lay on the furs", with more you "Wrap yourself in furs".  Also spruce twigs can now insulate you from the worst of the groundfrost.

If I may also suggest some additions:

The game is traditionally permadeath, but there is a way to save scum ahem...  I mean archive a save in case of a bug.  Find the game directory, for Steam users usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\UnRealWorld  and you'll see a folder there with your character's name.  You can copy this to anywhere else before facing a bear possible situation where a bug may arise, then if you die shut down the game and copy the character folder back into the game directory.

It is a really, really good idea to set up your base on a rapids tile or where the sea doesn't freeze over.  This way you aren't always having to break the ice for water in winter.  Unless you're freezing or starving, always take the time to find a good spot before beginning building.  I like to find somewhere with water just outside the front door, but also space for a tanning table (you can build "floors and ceiling" outside your cabin if there are two adjacent walls or doors, this means you can tan skins without getting frostbites in winter - well, mostly!)and a cellar, preferably designed so the walls of the cabin block access to any of this unless you wade through water to get there.  Most predators won't wade through water, especially in winter. 

Another way to keep valuables safe from home intruders is to push (shift-P) the valuables onto the walls of your cabin.  Thieves can pick up your stuff, but only from the ground.  You can also use the push command to display antlers, crossed swords etc. on your walls once you are sufficiently set up to bother with cosmetics!

A persistence hunter needs to be fast and use javelins, while someone with speed less than 6 km/h when dressed for hunting should probably use a bow or stick to trapping.  Tracking skill is vital for persistence hunting - that is, chasing the prey down - and even a master tracker will still struggle to keep the trail.  Snow makes tracks much more visible, and you will need skis.  Some animals are designed for snow but many are not, and on skis you can run them down very quickly.  Winter also means you can dry the meat, which is the best way to preserve it.

The northern coast has a really harsh winter, there are days when even if you are wearing everything you own you you will not be able to go half an hour without being next to a fire without getting frostbite.  Stay in the south for milder climes.  I had played for years before I became aware there was a difference!

Something else I took quite a while to realise existed was the Shift-A screen, detailing warmth and armour ratings.  Also that making a general sacrifice after each kill is probably a good idea, even though nobody knows why.  That's religion for you!

Great FAQ, as a long time player I already knew most of it, but the ability to strafe move was a new one on me.  Every day a school day, cheers!

Mod Releases / Re: [3.63] [3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.3c
« on: September 18, 2021, 01:35:16 PM »
Edit - scratch the below, it's me being an idiot.  I had been trying to use the character menu for 3.63 with 3.62, which of course didn't work.  I just spotted there is also a character menu for 3.62 which of course works fine!  And 3.62 is the free version so no problem to download, make a character, then migrate to 3.70  :)

Workaround: you can create the character in v.3.63 and then upgrade to v.3.70 to play that char.

Not so simple if you're using the Steam version; it won't let me download 3.63 because it knows I already did that, even though I subsequently installed the 3.70 Beta-3.  URW is the first game I have played via Steam so if there is a way to have dual installations that I have failed to spot, then I would be happy to hear it!

I assume the solution is to uninstall 3.70, reinstall 3.63, make the character, then uninstall 3.63 and reinstall 3.70 again.  I think I am correct in saying that as long as I back up my character folders before doing this, I should be able to go back to 3.70 without any problems.  Can anyone confirm this?  I would be gutted if it messed up the characters I am already playing.

It's no go then, I got badly beaten up shortly after the encounter with the traders and spent weeks healing up.  Probably over a month in game time has passed so very little chance of finding the traders again. 

Of course I still have my huge pile of furs and am looking to trade them, so if it happens again I will send you a save game.

Modding / Re: Romance/Husband/Wife Quest Mod Idea
« on: September 16, 2021, 09:23:38 PM »
I think marriage would be good, but not if it involves lots of silly quests in order to woo your chosen one.  It should be as it likely was -  you tell the village sage or elder that you want a maiden, then he tells you how many cows/sheep/pigs the village wants as a dowry.  Pay the bride-price and a maiden becomes your permanent companion. 

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