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Messages - werepacman

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Gameplay questions / How to check if item limit is reached?
« on: January 04, 2022, 05:21:11 AM »
What is the message to look at msglog.txt?

I decided to stay near settlement during first winter and forgot about item limit.
This settlement is very close to another one.
Now Items started to disappear despite it is only beginning of the game.
Can hare eat yarn?

I had same problem in old version.

Gameplay questions / Re: 3.63 New fire mechanics
« on: March 04, 2021, 09:31:14 PM »
15 firewoods a day for how long?
This prevents from traveling and exploring the world.

I personaly find this masochistic. It is fun when there is new content in the game but not when common tasks require repeating same actions.
Im very casual player so may be missing some joy from game  ;D.

Gameplay questions / Companion - does their help worth the food?
« on: March 07, 2020, 02:48:03 AM »
Does the help from a companion worth the food he eats?
Do you use them for home tasks or only for raids?

For example if you failing trees companion reduces only 10-15% of the work.
It means only 1 additional tree in 8-10.

But you will need more kills - so it will be harder to please the spirits.
Also less food for trading.

After reinstalling windows find out I dont have excess to drive which i didnt know was encrypted.
Decided to try a different OS and installed Ubuntu Hardy Heron, so it must be 2008.
With limited choice of games I found one with computer graphics and portraits of people in costumes. It also had keyboard control. It looked very original. I like games with gameplay over graphics. This one looked like more humanized version of Nethack.

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: March 06, 2020, 09:59:28 PM »
Trapped two stags and bunched one before skinning.

When marriage is added, I would like gay marriage to be a thing too - or at least partnerships of some kind where two people would go off and live together and make a life together.
With gay parades in the villages.
And pride month added to the calendar.  ;D LOL

I like an idea of a marriage.
But only as symbolic addition to the game atmosphere. I dont see how it could be implemented with game mechanics and dont turn to boring micro managing - lots of spent time IRL but very few actions in the game.

This could result in one game year = one year IRL.  ;D

For me symbolic inhabitant would be enough.

Simple technical solution would be help which reduces fatigue and work time for the task. But this will ruine the realistic atmosphere and turn wife into robotic helper. And I think feel and realism is more important than technical options in the game.

- Update

Found out topic about companions so this already implemented. Now I dont see a necessary to add marriage additionaly.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bird thief quest - do I search for a right tiles?
« on: February 26, 2020, 03:50:39 AM »
It is not even cheating, because items are invisible behind trees.
Quest could be hard but not impossible.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bird thief quest - do I search for a right tiles?
« on: February 26, 2020, 01:05:59 AM »
Loop snare and feather becomes invisible behind the tree.
So with bad lack quest becomes impossible.
I faced this twice.
Would be grate if game prevented this. Or you could use ritual to remove trees which cover objects.

Or at least use file reading to define location.

Gameplay questions / Bird thief quest - do I search for a right tiles?
« on: February 25, 2020, 12:17:44 PM »
I built a Shelter in the center of an area and made a map with coordinates  South North West Est and steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Marked all matching locations and checked them with climbing a tree.
However with no luck. I guess feathers and traps are behind the trees.

The trapping site is - at border location of coniferous forest area next to heathland in the South.

So I need to check _only_ coniferous forest tiles, which has border with heathland in the South?

I wonder if quest items are generated before character enters zoomed location. I did savegame reload few time because got injured during climbing.

Gameplay questions / Re: Traps and hostile forest
« on: October 12, 2019, 04:03:41 AM »
Did you cut any young trees to make your traps?

No, those trees where from pile.

Something need to be done with area quests.

Gameplay questions / Finding an item
« on: October 08, 2019, 10:11:58 PM »
Is there a way to find a particular item in save file?
Dont want to cheat but just interested where I could put it.

Gameplay questions / Re: Question about Combat and Accuracy
« on: October 08, 2019, 09:14:31 PM »
Currently I have savegame with character who has greatsword and 96 sword skill.
And robber chops him with no chance with hunting knife.

That is why I always give character maximum shield skill. Blocking gives a chance enemy will drop weapon. Staff has also good blocking chance. You can make fine staves as disposable.

I have ho luck with other tactics for 1 on 1 fight.

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