
How important you find adding marriage feature to the game?

Very important, high priority.
72 (25.3%)
Would be nice but I'd like to see some other big features given time first.
141 (49.5%)
No opinion really, when devs feel like it.
32 (11.2%)
Not that important, low priority.
23 (8.1%)
I wouldn't care about it all.
17 (6%)

Total Members Voted: 281

Topic: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority  (Read 146674 times)


« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2018, 01:58:42 PM »
I haven't read all posts here but still please let me know: what will wife be used for in game? Will wife have own attributes and skills? She will need this if we order her to go cooking, hideworking etc.


« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2018, 07:45:59 PM »
Sounds good, but the game world would have to be/feel more organic for it to be pulled off successfully, IMO. Social interactions, NPCs hunting and trading with each other, etc are probably more relevant for immersion than marriage at this point. Then it'll be easier to implement a semi-autonomous spouse/partner that fits the game world.

I believe a spouse should be like a companion who can do more things at your request but can also do their own things (like cooking something available when starving) on their own. This must be a pain to program, and to manage if you don't want them to eat stuff you're saving for later.

I would be willing to sacrifice "historical realism" and have it work similarly for both men and women. It's not a big deal, but maybe there would be different advantages: men/hunters usually have different skills than women/housewives. Which is more useful to you would depend on your character, I guess.

This would be hard to balance, though. On the other hand, if you don't protect your home your spouse could easily get killed, and it shouldn't be easy to replace at all.


« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2018, 07:15:18 AM »
Adding a spouse is extremely important, and should be your next update.

Why? There is absolutely nothing else to do in the end game.
Sleep, eat, sleep, eat, is all about life amounts to in this game.

You should be careful how much of a drain on resources a spouse is, though.
It would be a tragedy for them to "use up" my masterwork resources.


« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2018, 07:17:19 AM »
I doubt there was much slavery in iron age Finland, as slavery implies a social structure both where some people are wealthy enough to have slaves, and there being labor to apply those slaves to.

Vikings crossed the thrall sea to Finland and the Baltic countries to catch thralls and secondary wives, but being the victims in not the same.

Regardless, the question was about marriage, not slavery, although I guess this can be considered an "other important features first" post for a feature that I doubt will be included.

Thanks for your input. I do agree that full scale slavery does not seem to be practice in Iron age Finland.

As for capturing female for spouse, I do have succesfully lock up the last of Nperz Maiden. If she died, the entire Nperz cultural would be elimanated from the map.  :'(

Where did you get a masterwork maul?

Bard of Prey

« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2019, 11:20:27 PM »
Apologies for the necromancy, but I just thought of a simple way to implement the second part of multi-generational families...

A single new starting scenario, called 'Legacy' or something like that.  Selecting it requires also selecting a previous character who (probably) died, while having one or more living children.  (The save folder would obviously need to be kept).

The story is that, while the family has prospered in the meantime, as the child of a parent of some renown, you have chosen to honour that parent by striking off on your own at age 16 the way they did.  Your starting bonus could consist of say 1-3 of that previous character's better items.  The map would be randomly generated as normal, thus abstracting concerns about elapsed time.

[Edit:  On the one hand, your buildings, the villages and terrain you know, etc. are all reset on starting the new character.  On the other hand, with some luck/restarts, specific heirlooms could be passed down through multiple generations... assuming they all survive to have families of their own.]
« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 12:22:27 AM by Bard of Prey »


« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2020, 04:03:32 PM »
When will we have this please? After some simple math, the vast majority of the people in the world, not only playing Unreal World, wants this update and considers it very important. Even the forum poll is pretty clear: Very important, high priority. (3721.6%)


« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2020, 08:17:46 PM »
When will we have this please?

 Given content from recent update(s); adding companion tasks, adding companion 'effort' help etc. I'd guess the stage is being built and set.
To help is it's own reward.
https://www.unrealworld.fi/forums/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


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« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2020, 09:14:42 PM »
When will we have this please? After some simple math, the vast majority of the people in the world, not only playing Unreal World, wants this update and considers it very important. Even the forum poll is pretty clear: Very important, high priority. (3721.6%)

To me the polls result seems like the majority wants something else first. And putting together those who don't want it or don't have an opinion are still more numerous than the "very important" party.

But well, honestly, I don't know when. And that goes for many features.
- Sami | UnReal World creator

Tom H

« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2020, 10:13:20 PM »
Sami- I'm already 70 years of age, so, if you do add marriage eventually but I've died of old age, it's a comfort to know that Steam will automatically update my game for me. On the downside...(hehehe)


« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2020, 01:28:31 PM »

To me the polls result seems like the majority wants something else first. And putting together those who don't want it or don't have an opinion are still more numerous than the "very important" party.

But well, honestly, I don't know when. And that goes for many features.
Given the fact that the poll was made in 2017 and we are in 2020, now we can safely say that option 2, "Would be nice but I'd like to see some other big features given time first.", was already fulfilled, unless people think long term and "would be nice" means 2050. 48.6+21.4 = 70

But, who am I to argue, your wish is my command  :P


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« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2020, 08:01:42 PM »

To me the polls result seems like the majority wants something else first. And putting together those who don't want it or don't have an opinion are still more numerous than the "very important" party.

But well, honestly, I don't know when. And that goes for many features.

Given the fact that the poll was made in 2017 and we are in 2020, now we can safely say that option 2, "Would be nice but I'd like to see some other big features given time first.", was already fulfilled, unless people think long term and "would be nice" means 2050. 48.6+21.4 = 70

That's good thinking in my opinion, but I'm afraid many, many, many players would say their big thing hasn't been featured yet. Well...

But, who am I to argue, your wish is my command  :P

Hehe. We all gotta accept that considering everyone's gaming and developing experience the timetables are plain impossible and the workload neverending - and it only gets more tricky and complex the further we go. But still we stride.
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2020, 10:20:42 PM »
Hi Sami,

Been a long time.

I began to play again in the latest version and it's awesome how it has improved.

Regarding the development plans, in my opinion,

I think female old women and female children would be a good bump for inmersion and complete a bit more the realism of villages.
See childs playing could be a nice touch.

Maybe add a sparse breeding of animals, so you can get calfs.
If you got them penned be forced to gime them proper area for feeding,

Just a couple of ideas,

Awesome so far!


« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2020, 09:50:10 PM »
I like an idea of a marriage.
But only as symbolic addition to the game atmosphere. I dont see how it could be implemented with game mechanics and dont turn to boring micro managing - lots of spent time IRL but very few actions in the game.

This could result in one game year = one year IRL.  ;D

For me symbolic inhabitant would be enough.

Simple technical solution would be help which reduces fatigue and work time for the task. But this will ruine the realistic atmosphere and turn wife into robotic helper. And I think feel and realism is more important than technical options in the game.

- Update

Found out topic about companions so this already implemented. Now I dont see a necessary to add marriage additionaly.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 01:31:23 AM by werepacman »


« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2020, 09:56:19 PM »
When marriage is added, I would like gay marriage to be a thing too - or at least partnerships of some kind where two people would go off and live together and make a life together.
With gay parades in the villages.
And pride month added to the calendar.  ;D LOL


« Reply #44 on: March 11, 2020, 01:20:27 PM »
Found out topic about companions so this already implemented. Now I dont see a necessary to add marriage additionaly.

My suggestion also would be not adding marriage as a lone standing feature, but having npc action and interaction becoming more complex. Like, making the world more alive with autonomously acting beeings, may they be animals or humans.

And at some point, any given individual would perhaps establish some kind of binding to the player's character.
Depending on your interactions, perhaps some simple differences in "npc personality" (like, "naive", "simple-hearted", "trusting", "unprejudiced" "neutral", "skeptical", "wary", "distrustful", "unapproachable"...)

that would automatically implement a kind of life partner/companion, neutral speaking, whatever you make of it.

It could be a woman/man you made gifts to for an exceedingly long time,
or an outcast hunter that you helped with an injury and becoming your friend,
a child you care of after having rescued it from a njerpez village raid

or an old man, who asks you for food and shelter, and gives back some teaching about wooden crafting, cooking, trapping, herbs, or just telling you some stories, because he has nothing else to give...

