Topic: WIP[3.7x] Community mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing  (Read 51479 times)


« on: December 10, 2021, 11:36:11 PM »
Hi! Ive updated the BAC mod to 3.71.

If you didnt know the mod yet check the original thread:

Its a collection of different mods by different modders and originally created by Brygun.

First a little disclaimer: I dont rly plan to take over, I just wanna give life support, because I rly dont want this project to die.

While I think most recipes SHOULD be fine, I have to admit, that i did very limited testing. Thats where you come into play. Try it, test it and report. If something doesnt work, pls give as much info as possible, like which menu, which exact recipe and which ingredients did you try to use.

What I tried to do:
   - resolve any possible conflicts of BAC recipes with vanilla ones
   - make use of the new stuff as much as possible (fibre extraction, new tags (thin/strong cordage, nominlen), new bowstring mechanic, textilecraft skill)
   - restructure some categories


Spoiler: show


- diy_BAC_Tying_Equipment:
   - removed .Hemp rope. (as BAC plant fibres are replaced by vanilla fibres)
   - added vanilla .Rope.
- diy_BAC_Fletching:
   - changed {Fibre from*} to {Thin cordage} for all arrows
   - added [nominlen] to {Thin cordage} for all arrows

          (Im not 100% sure about this change yet, but because BAC plant fibres are now replaced by vanilla fibres, the only fibres
          left were birch bark and spruce fibres. Birch bark is only obtainable during a certain time of the year (spring and early summer I think) and spruce fibre is very labour
          intensive. Therefore and because I dont think you rly need specifically fibres as tying for an arrow I changed it to thin cordage. But thats definitly open for discussion, also the
          required length of cordage)


- cookery_glossary:
   .Berry porrige.: adjusted amount of ingredients needed to be in line with the vanilla recipe
- diy_BAC_Armor_group_one:
   - changed {Tying equipment} to {Thin cordage} for .Fur mask., .Animal headdress., .Fur footwrap. and .Leather paws.
   - changed {*cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Leather laced shoes.
- diy_BAC_Barkware:
   changed {Tying equipment} to {Thin cordage} for .Bark headdress., .Birch-bark necklace.
- diy_BAC_Boneworking:
   - removed .Bone fishhook. as there is a vanilla one
   - changed {*cord*} to {Thin cordage} for .Tooth necklace.
   - changed {*cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Antler necklace., .Elk hunting horn.
- diy_BAC_Bowying:
   - removed all bowstring recipes as there is now a vanilla bowstring, which simulates wearing (but is therefore unfortunatelly hard-coded)
   - removed .Primitive bow.
   - added vanilla .Spruce quick-bow.
   - added [noquality] to {Bowstring} for .Primitive hunting bow., .Birch shortbow., .Two-wood longbow., .Hardwood longbow., .Recurved northern bow., .Northern staff-bow.
- diy_BAC_Earthenware:
   - changed {*cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Decorated spinner.
- diy_BAC_Fishing:
   - changed {Yarn} to {Thin cordage} for .Fishing rod. (why should it explicitly need yarn?)
   - added [nominlen] to {Tying equipment} for .Net. (new tag to ignore minimum lenght requirement)
- diy_BAC_Hideworking:
   - changed {*cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Leather tarp., .Skin.
   - added [nominlen] to {Thin cordage} for .Leather tarp.
- diy_BAC_Toolmaking:
   - changed {*cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Dip net., .Sanding tool.
   - changed {Cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Stone hammer., .Stone adze axe., .Medieval drill.
   - added [nominlen] to {Thin cordage} for .Dip net.

- diy_BAC_Transport:
   - changed {Rope} to {Strong cordage] for .Raft.
   - changed lenght of {Strong cordage} from 10 to 12 for .Raft. to match vanilla recipe
   - added [nominlen] to {Strong cordage} for .Raft.
   - added [nominlen] to {Tying equipment} for .Braced bark hull.
- diy_BAC_Tying_Equipment:
   - replaced .Cloth cord. by new (?) vanilla recipe
   - added new vanilla recipe for .Cord. (Yarn)
   - added {Branch} to .Leather cord., .Leather rope., .Birch-bark rope. to match vanilla recipes
   - changed {Spruce twig} to {spruce twig} for .Split spruce twig. (as reported by Galgana in the 3.63 thread of the BAC mod on page 56 post #831 this recipe doesnt work with {Spruce twig} any more, for some reason it does with {spruce twig}, pls dont ask me why)
- diy_BAC_Utility:
   - changed {*Cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Bag.
   - changed {Rope} to {Strong cordage} for .Sledwagon.
   - tweaked descriptive text (added 'Rope') for .Sledwagon.
- flora_BAC_cultivated:
   - changed [CARB:8] to [CARB:4] for .Hemp. to match vanilla
   - added [FIBRE_YIELD:2] to .Hemp. to match vanilla
- diy_BAC_Weaving:
   - deactivated (you can still find it as boff_diy_BAC_Weaving)
   - moved .Loom., .Weave Nettle Cloth., .Weave Hemp Linen Cloth., .Weave Flax Linen Cloth., .Weave Wool Cloth. to diy_BAC_Textilecraft
   - moved submenu Cloth Garments from diy_BAC_Weaving to diy_BAC_Cloth_Garments
   - moved submenu Woollen Garments from diy_BAC_Weaving to diy_BAC_Woollen_Garments
   - removed BAC fibre extraction and spinning mechanic (soak, dry, extract, spin yarn) as its now vanilla
   - removed .Primitive Spindle and Distaff. and .Advanced Spindle and Distaff. as vanilla spindle is used now
   - removed .Shred Linen for Yarn. to avoid confusion (I dont known how to generate an item of the base item Yarn right now as "Yarn" isnt working, so this would be a different kind of Yarn)
   - changed *COMMON* to *TEXTILECRAFT* for .Weave Nettle Cloth., .Weave Hemp Linen Cloth., .Weave Flax Linen Cloth., .Weave Wool Cloth., all Cloth Garments recipes
   - changed Yarn needed from (1) to =50= for .Weave Nettle Cloth., .Weave Hemp Linen Cloth., .Weave Flax Linen Cloth.
   - changed Yarn needed from (1)/(2)/(3)/(4) to =10=/=20=/=30=/=40= for all Cloth Garments recipes, all Woollen Garments recipes
   - added [nominlen] to .Weave Nettle Cloth., .Weave Hemp Linen Cloth., .Weave Flax Linen Cloth., .Weave Wool Cloth., .Loom., all Cloth Garments recipes, all Woollen Garments recipes
   - changed {*Cord} to {Thin cordage} for .Loom.
- diy_BAC_Knitting:
   - changed *HIDEWORKING* to *TEXTILECRAFT* for .Shear a sheep., .Carding.
   - changed {*Spindle and Distaff} to vanilla {*Spindle} for .Spin Yarn.
- menudef_BAC:
   removed .Weaving. -G- *MAKE* as diy_BAC_Weaving is deactivated -> remaining free letters are G and V

Regarding diy_glossary: BAC moves some recipes to its own menus and does some other changes to vanilla recipes. I used the up to date 3.71 vanilla diy_glossary (to cover possible changes to the vanilla recipes from 3.63 to 3.71) and tweaked it to be in line with Brygun's 3.70c diy_glossary. So most changes mentioned below are not rly changes to BAC but rather copying old BAC changes (marked as (old)) to the up to date diy_glossary.

- diy_glossary:
   - (old) reduced [POINT_ATTACK] of .Javelin. to 5 (from 6)
      reason: .Bone spear. now equals former javelin damage with added blunt damage
   - (old except Spruce quick-bow) removed .Spruce quick-bow. (moved to Bowying), .Short bow., .Arrow., .Blunt arrow. as BAC uses its own menu 
   - (new) changed {Yarn} to {Thin cordage} for .Loop snare.
   - (old) changed {Block of wood} to {Small wooden block} for .Wooden cup.
   - (old) .Wooden bowl. now produces 2 bowls, but needs 240 min (120 before)
   - (old) moved .Birch-bark box. and .Birch-bark basket. to BAC_Barkware
   - (old) moved .Fishing rod., .Wooden fishhook., .Bone fishhook. to BAC_Fishing
   - (old) moved Tying Equipment to BAC_Tying_Equipment
   - (old) moved .Raft. to BAC_Transport

Also attached you find a ToDo list, which is by no means exhaustive, its just what came to my mind while going through the files.

So its still quite some work to do, but should be mostly balance tweaking. For some points i need a little bit of feedback (like yarn length needed for weaving cloth).

Just in case someone wants to use any "removed" recipes, I dont rly remove them they are still in the files, just deactivated. If you want to reactivate any removed recipe just remove the //.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2022, 11:54:15 PM by Arimon »

« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2021, 02:02:59 PM »
Do you think it's stable enough to use for a new character campaign? :)


« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2021, 05:18:14 PM »
Small update to v131, see changelog.

@MilitanttiTalitintti Yes Im pretty sure, I might have overexaggerated a bit by saying expect stuff to be broken. Ive played for some (in game) weeks now and had no real issues. Worst case might be a recipe not working because you are missing an ingredient and I removed the recipe to craft this ingredient ;).

It should be also no problem to always upgrade to the newest version of BAC midgame. Modding in URW might be quite simple and a bit limited, but its also quite foolproof :). Items youve already crafted wont get changed and just stay the way they are, so no real danger of breaking something.

« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2021, 07:24:53 PM »
Thanks! I'll have to try it out for myself.


« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2022, 06:09:18 PM »
Has my blessing.

It had been a possibility during my own BAC issues that medical situations might have ended my life so I already put in a clause that if I had disappeared for too long it could be taken over by someone else.

Brygun, of the BAC


« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2022, 01:57:52 AM »
Has my blessing.

It had been a possibility during my own BAC issues that medical situations might have ended my life so I already put in a clause that if I had disappeared for too long it could be taken over by someone else.

Brygun, of the BAC

Glad to hear you're alright! Stay safe out there.

@Arimon Do you think it's stable enough to use in an already on-going save or should I start a new one? This is the first mod I'll be installing so just wanted to make sure before I mess something up.


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« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2022, 05:50:00 AM »
Has my blessing.

It had been a possibility during my own BAC issues that medical situations might have ended my life so I already put in a clause that if I had disappeared for too long it could be taken over by someone else.

Brygun, of the BAC

Glad to hear you're alright! Stay safe out there.

@Arimon Do you think it's stable enough to use in an already on-going save or should I start a new one? This is the first mod I'll be installing so just wanted to make sure before I mess something up.

Worst I can think a mod might do is to crash your game. Make a backup of your save, install the (or any) mod, play. When saving/exiting, make additional backup.  If it crashes, try again, if it’s repeatable crash; report and it will likely be reasonably easy to fix.


« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2022, 06:13:56 PM »
Hello, I recently started using this mod and believe I've encountered a bug:

I'm attempting to mine bog ore from cliffs. I'm standing in a spruce mire, with a cliff in the tile next to me. Yet, when I navigate to the mining menu and click Mine bog iron from cliff, the checkbox that satisfies "Cliff tile nearby" is unchecked. I've tried this at several mire/cliff areas and get the same error every time. I'm a first time user of the mod so it is possible I'm not doing something right but it reads like a bug to me.

Thanks, hopefully I'm either wrong or it can be fixed.


« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2022, 07:21:50 PM »
 I've not used the mod but;
Hit F3 and examine the spot that should trigger the 'tick' in the menu.
Open the diy_name text file with the task/craft in it.
Find the recipe in question and verify that the [Nearby_Tile:] has the same name that you saw with the F3 examine.
To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2022, 09:54:19 AM »
The command in question is

.Harvest cliff bog ore. "Hunting Horn" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands,stance]    *COMMON*   /40/ [noquality] [patch] [assist:1]
{[TERRAIN:pine_mire spruce_mire open_mire]}      '+be in Mire' 
{[NEARBY_TILE:cliff]}               '+near a cliff'
{Cutting weapon}               '+as something to cut peat layer'
[NAME:ore piece]
// Shouldn't be able to do when ground is frozen. Needs to be done on zoomed-out map.

So you need to be on one of the three mires with the cliff next to you while zoomed out if the ground is not frozen. Any deviation from the requirements will prevent the stage getting a 'tick.''


« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2022, 05:15:33 PM »
Ah, thanks to you both for the clarification. I was able to mine cliff bog iron ore once I was on the zoomed out map, I was previously trying to do it on the local map. For what it's worth I successfully mined it on frozen ground in the dead of winter.


« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2022, 01:18:04 AM »
Taking a look at the code the // is a comment line.

My intention had been that "one day" it wouldn't happen in winter. Since we can't code for it is on an honor system that the player really shouldn't be doing that. However the comment lines don't appear when the recipe is run so unless a player opened the recipe file they wouldn't even have seen that.

The real world process is going around the wet, thus not frozen, bog near a cliff of iron rich rock (which many are in Finland) until the stick going inches or feet into the ground gets a right sort of "thunk" on a lump of collageted bog ore. That being where the bog's biological process and criters have been pooling the iron out of the water that was running off the cliff. Now if the ground is frozen one doesn't get the stick to go down far and would bounce off the frozen layer not a lump of metal bearing ore.


« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2022, 11:53:06 PM »
Whoops sorry for replying this late, completely missed these posts.

First @Brygun, Im rly happy you are still around and active in the forums;)!

@JohnDie as JP_Finn said a backup of your save never hurts. But I hope you already installed the mod and had some fun with it:).


« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2022, 02:07:46 PM »
Lumber pack frames and back packs - how do I store items in them?
« Last Edit: February 18, 2022, 02:54:19 PM by TiasDK »


« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2022, 10:39:16 PM »
Lumber pack frames and back packs - how do I store items in them?

Currently you can't due to code limits. The pack frame is primarily there as a role-play justification for carrying lots of different things. Ideally it would make it easier but it can't with the current modding code.

Some items may be containers like sacks and a if you "a" apply them you can put berries etc in them. Their code  also has a limit to a single type of material going in.

There is a sled wagon thing, forget the name, that converts heavy tree trunks or logs into tokens. Then in the presecence of the sled wagon you can use another mod line to turn them back into the tree trunks. This was one of the other community members wonderful idea that made it much more possible to move 100s upon 100s of wood for buidling cabins. In this way weight is better handled but it takes 2 craft recipes, one to convert to the low weight token and the second to convert back to the normal full weight object.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 10:41:26 PM by Brygun »

