re: cookery -
Is it redundant to have "Dry meat soup" and "Smoked meat soup", when the Njerp cooking mod already includes Borsch and Goulash? Borsch is basically dry meat soup, and Goulash is basically Smoked meat soup, just with more options.
I think this community mod is a great idea, by the way.
The Borsch is a very versatile recipe which can be made only with raw meat, only vegetables, only dried stuff... or all of them! In a pinch you can always make some Borsch, even if not optimally nutritious.
As for the smoked and dried soup, you might have a point... perhaps they just need the values adjusted, and maybe some [optional] tags? I think the smoked one at least makes sense, so that you can make simple soup out of smoked products. Also keep in mind that both of these soups are [boil]ed, while the goulash is [bake]d. I believe you need a burnt-out fire in a fireplace to bake, right? If so, this makes them functionally different.
I've found a few duplications and issues:
- .Broadhead arrow. is in the fletching file, should be removed from the ironworking one
- The BAC_Crafts.txt file has the Barkware and Earthenware menus, which can both be removed now
- I added [NAME:Arrow] to .Fur-fletched arrow., just so all arrows stack and whatnot. Functionally there's no difference
- I just noticed the .Root Rope. in the Added items menu is using the *SURVIVAL* skill... does this do anything in the current version? Just change it to *COMMON*? RIP, fire-starting skill

- .Short quarter log. needs to be derived from "Block of wood", not just "Block"
- BAC_Bowying.txt is duplicated in its own file... it starts again at the end
Carpentry menu seems like a good idea... I'm just wondering if some recipes should change {Wooden tub} to {*tub} in order to use them. For example, .Iron hammer. wouldn't let me use the .Simple wooden tub. as a {Wooden tub of water}, but {*tub of water} worked and should let the new "tubs" be usable as well.
I noticed you didn't include the pine tar gathering and glue-making... from my testing it seemed unbalanced (much easier to use birch-bark), but I'm wondering if it could be balanced somehow. Is pine tar or resin usable as glue on its own? Maybe being able to let it collect the resin for a few days or more but then get usable {*glue}, except perhaps for some more specific/complex projects which would require proper pitch glue? It feels like resin should be a low-tech way to get some glue-y material, which could be balanced by the preparation time collecting it.
Edit: Just tried making a Cask-style tub, but {* pot} doesn't accept normal pots (nor a fine pot). I guess it has to be changed to {*pot}
Just made a Keg-style tub, and its weight was 3 lbs. What the hell? o.O I see no reason why this would happen, except that it's the exact amount of Caulking being used. Could it be fixed by making caulking in pieces of 1 lb, rather than 2, and making the recipe then take "{Caulking} (3)" rather than the #3# as it is now?