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Messages - Tinker

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Not bugs / Re: milkweed harvesting problem
« on: May 18, 2021, 10:27:05 AM »
As two players have reported not seeing this happen it does seem to point to my install being the problem, it is 100% occurring if I pick up harvested milkweed and it would seem that two long term players would have noticed it if it occurred, unless the both only pick and never harvest milkweed.

It occurs to me that this may be a specific linux executable problem, though I see no reports of this error on any linux portals.I will try an install on a new box to see if that works before I o a forced new install on my main game system.

Not bugs / Re: milkweed harvesting problem
« on: May 17, 2021, 09:59:50 AM »
The BAC mod plant changes were for urw 3.63, they are not in the version I use, the changes were to about five crops like broad beans and hemp, no version of BAC that I have includes ant reference to milkweed or agriculture.

Tested without BAC and get the same error.

Not bugs / Re: milkweed harvesting problem
« on: May 16, 2021, 09:56:09 AM »
As far as I can tell BAC does not alter anything with milkweed or even use it in any recipes. In fact BAC does nothing with any vanilla agriculture. If I get a chance I will see about removing BAC to confirm.

Not bugs / [Solved - not a bug] milkweed harvesting problem
« on: May 15, 2021, 10:05:08 AM »
Using 3.62 with BAC I have a problem with milkweed.

Picking leaves  is no problem. Harvesting the plant and threshing it without picking it up is no problem. If I pick up the harvested plant, with the idea to collect serval before threshing then there is a problem. I can examine the plant in my inventory with herbalism skill but if I try to drop the plants to thresh or just store them the drop menu does not list the milkweed and the programme crashes to desktop with no error messages. So far this always happens with milkweed and I have not found any other harvestable plant that cause the problem, but I have no come across many plants.

Savegame sent to Sami.

This seems to operate in a similar way to splitting logs into halves and quarters, you start with the item on the ground but end up holding a log of 300 Kg. This may be a design feature that makes the task harder, or impossible, if you have the 'wrong' tool, or just a game engine limitation.

You should be able to extract the sinue from the carcase on the ground but you will end up having to drop the carcase afterwards.

You can get plant fibres from a tall roll of birch bark, the fibre can also be used to make string which is usable as cord.

Well any system that allows you to save to continue again later is open to abuse, by people who like to cheat themselves. Games I write have a level of encryption protection that makes it harder but of course not impossible. Personally I rely on my self control and as a developer I also build in backdoors for testing though they are not in release versions.

I would emphasise that these are my personal views and I am not trying to impose them on anyone, though if you play one of my releses then you might feel I am imposing something on you, but as everything I write is FOSS it only costs you the download time so no harm done.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with finding a cave
« on: May 07, 2021, 10:46:02 AM »
The bug, if it as one, is a bit more elusive. The cave is not at the centre of the F6 map cave marker, in fact that marker seems to move around a bit. Moving around zoomed out sometimes gives a message 'you have found a cave' but not always, it auto zooms in but sometimes to a mountain sometimes to a cave square, twice the cave zoomed in map did not have any sort of cave but one time it did, so I marked it on the F6 map, explored it inside and started building some fences and a door. Handily the west side is an open mire with lots of water.

I sent Sami a savegame before finding the cave so he can investigate if it is a bug or not. I intend to get some screenshots of what a newly discovered cave looks like and update the wiki so others will know what to look for, though having seen one it is now obvious.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with finding a cave
« on: May 06, 2021, 12:20:29 PM »
I cannot see anything that looks like an area surrounded by rock walls or a black are that might be an unexplored cave. I added a screenshot of the central east area of the zone, if helps.

Gameplay questions / Problems with finding a cave
« on: May 06, 2021, 11:02:06 AM »
For the first time ever I got a cave indicator on the F6 map and thought this might provide shelter for my first winter as I have no metal axes.

I jogged towards the spot zoomed out and at one point the programme zoomed in and said I had found a cave on a mountain but I could not see anything that looks like a cave or cave entrance. The F6 map showed I was not quite in the centre of the cave marker, that position matched in a pine mire fust SE of the mountain.

I found a couple of screenshots on the fora showing people in caves but have no structure even similar. The wiki says the entrance is always at the east end and you need a torch to see anything inside. Does this mean I will not see the cave until I go into to it? I tried walking into every east facing rock wall and either walk to the west, get asked if I want to climb or am told it is to steep to climb. It seems from some early screenshots that caves might appear as black holes until you go in with a torch. My problem is I am not sure what I am looking for. The wiki also informs that if you enter the cave square from the east then you will be facing the entrance, I assume this means if you are zoomed out and travelling west, but I cannot get the auto zoom in to work after the first time.

How do I find this cave?

Do you want birch root cord, the you need open ground without snow and be near a birch tree use the tying equipment menu. Or you can harvest birch root using the vanilla make menu.

Which weapon is better depends on what you are trying to do, your question is a bit like asking is a banana beter than a bicycle.

Suggestions / Re: Black Smiths and Armor Sizes
« on: May 01, 2021, 10:33:50 AM »
Coming from a heritage of tinkers this seems obvious to me. My family were mainly concerned with household items (not a lot of call for armour in 18th 19th century Europe) but the principle is the same.

Personally I would prefer it if there was no option to resurrect characters, that is why I choose to only play or make permadeath games.

I understand a reason to load saves for testing/development purposes, but in normal play even in standalone single player games cheating death is still cheating yourself and I refuse to do it and would prefer if the temptation was not there. This is just my personal ethics and I realise others have different views.

Block Pot

I am probably doing something wrong but cannot see how to use the block pot for cooking.

I went through all the steps to get to the deep block tub then made the block pot which was then listed as a tool but I could still it with water then it is listed as a container. I was trying to make vegetable soup and all the ingredients are listed, seasoning is greyed as it is optional and I have several to choose from, I go through the list confirming everything until I get to cooking pot and the only thing listed is a wooden bowl, I cannot select the pot. I have tried the pot on the ground or in my inventory.

Is there some special way to use the pot?

After filling the pot with water then emptying it it stayed as a container and could be used for cooking.

Gameplay questions / Re: 1 arrow = 15 feet cord
« on: April 22, 2021, 01:19:10 PM »
If you are looking for a mod to increase your quality of life, and perhaps restore some sanity, then I would suggest looking at BAC, it adds lots of extra things to do and can itself add confusion at times. It includes several ways to make ropes, cords and string, using birch fibre, it even allows you to collect iron ore and make your own tools, but it will probably take years to make anything useful.

You should be able to dig a pit with a wooden shovel, provided your skill is high enough and you are not encumbered or tired. It is always a good idea to try again another day, check if your relevant skill has increased then make sure you have rested and dropped anything heavy before attempting it again.

Baiting traps can get complicated, some things are attracted to berries, some to vegetables and some to fish or meat, the wiki suggests trying with different things to learn what animals are attracted to which bait.

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