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Re: Can seals and beavers die underwater and be unrecoverable?
I edited the arrow graphics to have the same marking circle as traps for easier recovery. I was getting tired of spending hours squinting at every tree after a hunt.
I've change the colors of my arrows to be bright orange/reddish, and have applied the same to the javelins. That works fairly well for me.

How do you go about doing this? Is it just a case of editing the relevant .png in the game directory somewhere?
Yes. I copied the files to get backups and then modified them using Paint by painting individual pixels. There may well be an intelligent way to do it, but the images aren't that big, so there aren't too many pixels to change one at a time.
The files are in the truetile directory.

When a new DF update comes along I copy the truetile directory and then overwrite its contents with the files from my modified previous version. That should copy across the changes while keeping any additions, but modifications made by Sami to pre-existing tiles are lost. A smarter, more selective method would be to have the modified files only in a directory you whose contents you overwrite the original with.

I think non Windows users may need to take care to handle alpha channels correctly, but I don't know more about it than that. Make a backup, modify the original, check the results in the game, and revert (or retry) if it doesn't work correctly, obviously starting with something your character has access to.

October 23, 2019, 02:52:24 PM
Re: How many seeds do you plant per square? You plant one fistfull of seeds per tile. Planting another fistfull will replace the previous one. Thus, each planting already plants a larger number of seeds than the number that will sprout.

It is possible to abuse the system by planting a new fistfull if the feedback indicates only a small number of plants will sprout to get a new roll of the (skill based) RNG, but there is nothing like that in real life...

It's also possible to plant multiple fistfulls in order to get skill increase rolls, but agriculture is a skill that tends to increase fast through planting anyway.

The number of plants that can sprout per tile is different for different crops. The wiki has the details, but I think yarrow has 5 as the maximum, while rye/barley has 25.

October 24, 2019, 11:42:53 AM
Re: Clothing Protection (after 3.60 update) I'm generally more worried about not having enough protection against cold, particularly on hands and feet.

"When was the last time..." Well, my characters tend to use disabled Njerps for target practice, and usually aim for the legs (to get them to last as long as possible, both because it's hard to hit and because hits tend not to be directly fatal), and there are a lot of arrows going through the feet in various fashions...

October 31, 2019, 05:19:14 PM
Re: A Few Ideas: Agricultural help, Snake fangs and more... Snake fangs are rather small, as the snakes are rather small. I don't know if they had any ritual value in iron age Finland, but my guess is that they didn't.

When it comes to crafting knowledge restrictions (why stop at traps specifically?), there would have to be a balance between "realism" and playability.
For instance, removing the smallest lever traps would have caused all of my characters in trouble, because the birds caught in them is what keeps them fed until the first big kill (and the intervals in between them). Snares will work, but only if you have suitable tying equipment that doesn't rely on kills (and I think some of the new typing equipment might work).
If you remove bear traps you also remove trap fences where you can't dig (marshes, for instance) and when you can't dig (i.e. when it's frozen).

November 03, 2019, 06:16:18 PM
Re: Traps should be nerfed Multiple difficulty levels means multiple levels of balancing, at least if it's intended to affect the whole game, which adds to Sami's workload throughout the rest of the development, and I doubt that's a good trade-off.

It can be noted that you can adjust the difficulty by re-rolling your character until you get in the ballpark of the stats you want, which means that you can intentionally get a weak character as well as a (probably more common) extremely good one. I certainly wouldn't object to allowing the player a higher degree of control over the starting character's properties, though, as that's probably something that can be done with a limited effort as long as the range available is close to the current RNG one.

November 08, 2019, 05:19:00 PM
Re: Why my custom portrait keeps replacing into original one? You may look at the instructions for "Jaredonians Character Models + Distinct Tribes v3 mod" to see how it's done there. If I recall correctly, it involved replacing an image file (after creating a backup of it) with the custom one.
December 13, 2019, 11:41:07 AM
Re: Village citizenship & development 1. There currently is a slow turn over of goods besides crops/seeds.
2/3: Currently makes little sense, as villages are created at the start of play and then whittled down over time due to animal/Njerp(/PC) attacks. It seems some quests spawn new villagers, though.

In a culture like this I wouldn't consider it unlikely that a village very occasionally mounted an expedition to buy goods not available locally, but I'd also expect such expeditions to mainly acquire what the village needs, not extras for trade to the PC.

December 18, 2019, 11:58:49 AM
Re: Lost pet with values items. What can I do? Apart from using hacking to locate the dog ('s remains), you ought to follow the elk until you find it, the dog, remains of the dog, or indications of the dog having gotten wounded and fled.

It also ought to be possible to zoom in from each of the world tiles you think the elk/dog might be in/cross through and shout for the dog. Unfortunately, it seems UrW dogs have a poor hearing on par with humans, so if you don't hear it bark back it shouldn't have heard you.
It obviously take longer in UrW time to zoom out move, zoom in... than move on the zoomed in map, but it takes less player time.

December 21, 2019, 05:28:25 PM
Re: Shields vs projectiles vs dodging You can't dodge missiles in UrW. A shield is a static defense covering a part of the body according to how it's held, and protects that part against missiles (unprotected body parts can still be hit even if the attacker aimed for, but didn't quite manage to hit, a protected body part, or hit the shield while aiming for an unprotected body part, as the partial miss resulted in an attack against a protected body part).

Melee is a completely different issue from missile defense: I don't think a shield provides any passive advantage at all, but rather has to be used actively to block to be effective (but that doesn't rule out enemies [or companions, if you take the risk of equipping them with missile weapons] attacking you with missiles while you're engaged in melee).
Also, using a shield means two handed weapons can't be used as intended.

I don't know if there's any difference between using a shield to block versus dodging in melee (a shield can be damaged, as can weapons used to block attacks). In both cases the defensive skill can completely negate the attack, downgrade its severity, fail, or fail critically.

Maybe there's someone with a better understanding of the mechanics involved?

December 22, 2019, 11:44:45 AM
Re: Game Crash - raft and dogs gone, rope still in inventory I make a backup after every play session. While crashes are rare, they do happen very rarely, and when they do, the cause is typically tricky to track down (all the easy ones were dealt with long ago). Also, crashes can corrupt the save completely if you're unlucky, or partially, as in your case, so a backup is definitely handy.

If you made a copy of your save immediately after the crash (i.e. before resuming), Sami might be able to get something out of it. If you didn't make a copy, I'd make one now to salvage whatever can be salvaged in terms of info in case Sami asks for it.

I'm unable to understand if your character was found swimming on the zoomed in map or if it was on the zoomed out one (as that's happened on one of my crashes), so it would probably be useful if you can clarify that. I'd also look for the missing items/animals on both the zoomed in map and the zoomed out one.

December 29, 2019, 11:45:25 AM