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Topics - PALU

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This is a borderline issue between bug and suggestion.

I went up against an enemy (njerp) archer for the first time in a long time (possibly 2-3 years), and while I have no problem with the removal of the cheesing ability to attack enemies from beyond their (fairly limited) maximum attack range, I think this has been carried too far, as I've been attacked from out of my (the player's) maximum visibility range when zoomed out to the maximum possible. While this probably is within the character's maximum view range (as counted in number of tiles), it's not within the maximum display range (with the possible exception of the very corners of the displayed area).

Now, it can be said that attacks from extreme range has a limited probability of hitting, and thus may actually be detrimental to an enemy with a limited amount of ammunition, but it still feels unfair to let the enemy attack from a range at which the game doesn't even allow me to try to fire back.

As an aside, the enemy can now fire your own arrows that injured them back at you, which is rather nasty, to the point that you may have to think carefully whether firing at them from a distance would actually be better than engaging an ammo depleted enemy in melee.

(If anyone is interested, my character did eventually manage to take out the enemy after suffering significant injuries).

I've started making arrows using bone tips, and I realized the "repeat" box showing what craft you were making last is empty after making arrows, but pressing "r" still repeats the action, so the functionality is there, but the display is missing (much of the time I don't look at that box, as I know what I did last, a few seconds ago).

I've looked for robbers after such a prompt in the past, without finding anything in mires (walking back and forth on the zoomed in map), and now I received such a message as I left my homestead. I scoured the area on the zoomed in map back and forth to a depth of about 4 world map tiles, without finding any trace of them, either in person or in the form of tracks.

How far away are they supposed to be? It will be some rather uneasy sleeping in the near future, as well as tense trap checking routines (should I armor up to the best of my ability, or should I beggar down to only use worthless stuff and let them rob me so I know where they are? Dealing with robbers in spruce infested forests is a pain at the best of times...

Standard question (to receive blacksmith order):
"What of my items you'd prefer in this trade?"

Weird answer:
"I think we could come to an agreement if you could give me your

With the formatting as per the above on my wide full screen display. For some reason the blacksmith seems to be unable to find the name of the item.

I don't have any mod items, although I've replaced a number of images (to better see missiles), and replaced character portraits with third party ones.


However, I believe this to be caused by me earlier having performed a quest for the village, and the fine small knife being fully covered by that. I didn't get an option to claim an outstanding reward, however, but eventually (after backing out of a trade), settled for a squirrel skin, after which I was told the trade covered two thirds of my reward. Thus, I think there's a need to add a bit to allow for the case that rewards cover it all, as I can't get away with offering nothing (and have the reward covering the full value).

I don't know if it's an issue, but as I backed out of the first step of the trade I had the option to trade against the blacksmith's inventory, which contained the knife ordered. I I hope the logic is capable of realizing the ordered goods have been payed for when gotten through ordinary trade and when additional goods were purchased at the same time. I didn't experiment with either, though.

As a side note, I was pleased to find that the small knife now has a use as the preferred item for arrow shaft production (and possibly other things), as I don't think it did have any use beyond being a knife before. I'm also pleased to see grain harvest prefers a sickle, although that was probably the case before.

This is a borderline between suggestion and bug report...

I ordered a fine helmet from a blacksmith, and while waiting for it to be produced I managed to buy a Masterwork Spectacle Helmet from a trader. Nevertheless, I'd made a deal, so I went to pick up the helmet after about 2½ weeks (with an expected delivery time of 2 weeks), but the bugger said that something came up so he couldn't deliver the helmet, and that's all. I can ask him again and he gives the same answer. Thus, I don't know if he doesn't intend to deliver (which is what I really want, as I don't have a use for it anymore), or whether he intends to deliver at some future, unspecified time (another full two weeks? something less than that?).

I believe the blacksmith should make clear what the new expected delivery time is if he insist on it still being a deal as a needed feedback, or make clear the order is cancelled if it is (which is probably not the case as I can't place a new order). Ideally, however, I should be given the option to cancel the order if work hasn't commenced, or confirm that I still want the item even if it is delayed.

I returned to the non delivering blacksmith a month or so later to see whether he had finished the goods, and he has not, but is now open for new orders.

Suggestions / 3.80 (beta) Change trade item preferences
« on: April 29, 2023, 05:02:47 PM »
I don't think it's version dependent, but I've now had a lot of trade transactions where the person I try to trade with suggest trade of the clothes/armor off my character's back, as well as the weapons and tools carried, rather than the inventory of fur carried, which makes the option to ask for what the character wants in trade to be of rather limited use.

I believe the algorithm ought to resort to worn and wielded items only when carried items won't be sufficient, and select trade goods and (lower quality) duplicate items first, as that's likely what you're actually interested in trading.

I've commissioned the construction of a broad axe from a blacksmith, and it will take two weeks to make it. That's a fair bit of time if your character is active (rather than performing tasks that take a long time in game, but only a little time for the player, such as construction or active fishing), and it gets even worse if you need to set the game aside for some time (business trips or other real life obstructions).

It would be useful if longer time tasks could be logged in the quest log and then be removed when completed (rather than cluttering the log with completed tasks). I've lost at least one hide due to forgetting to check the very long dehairing process, and quite a few tanning skins because I forgot they were in process when I pick up the game after saving. Net fishing is another task that may be tricky to remember the timing for.

However, the main aim of this suggestion is for ordered goods that may take quite some time to produce, be it current blacksmithing products or (hopefully) future precious woolen socks and mittens.

Bug reports / 3.80 (beta). Blacksmith wording (minor)
« on: April 25, 2023, 12:02:36 PM »
"No, there are no blacksmiths around here. You will have to find elsewhere." (I marked the troublesome word in bold.)

I would either replace "find" with "look" or "find them".

I downloaded and installed the new version (Lifetimer), copied my character, ancestors, "mod" portraits, and a couple of tile replacements (various missiles in brighter colors to make it easier for me, the player, to find them) to the new version (I don't think any of that is relevant, but mention it for completeness).

After that I started the game, changed settings to the ones I want (in particular full screen, although activating the grid and maximum night brightness (squinting is no fun...) might also be graphics related. Music off, and metric units, auto enter homestead off (the bug reported a long time ago about zooming in that way and returning to a tile to the side of the one used for leaving remained in 0.72.2)).

After changing the settings I then activated Quit, at which time the game hang for a minute or so until I gave up waiting and killed it. When starting again the settings appear to be as they'd been changed to (haven't actually loaded my character), which is why I consider it a minor issue.

When changing the setting the music turned off immediately, while changing to full screen mode didn't take effect (and my suspicion is that the hanging is caused by the game trying to exit from full screen mode while actually still in windowed, although that's just a guess.

I haven't tried to revert and repeat, but I'm prepared to play around with things (including re-installation) if desired.

Bug reports / Aggressive adventurer attacks bird in my trap
« on: April 05, 2023, 02:39:39 PM »
Sorry for this being a bit rambling, but I'm trying to provide as much context as possible...

It's midnight late autumn, so visibility is zero, i.e. I can't see what's in the tile next to me. I've just woken up and tried to move out to the overmap to continue work on my future farm fields, but can't due to local activity. I drew the conclusion that a bird probably has been caught in one of my "bird" traps and moves to investigate, and I eventually find that there is indeed a bird caught by trying to move into it, but I can't attack it as I can't see it, so I try to light a fire (I don't have any torches). While trying to do so, an adventurer known to roam the area shows up in the distance (by the virtue of NPCs wearing light vests), disappears, and then reappears angry, so I abort my last attempt to light a fire and retreats. He then move up to the trap and kills the bird, immediately after which he calms down. I approach, greets him, and pick up the bird carcass (lit by his light vest).

I don't think NPCs on non hostile terms with the PC should steal catches from traps by killing animals caught in them (he didn't steal it strictly, as he had several turns to pick up the carcass before I reached him, but didn't do so, but still).

My character is currently preparing fields, and an adventurer (known to be in the vicinity) starts a fire on a tile fairly recently prepared for agriculture (don't know if the ash had disappeared yet or not).

This is not in itself a problem as nothing has been planted, but would be if I wanted to plant something on that tile as it delays the time until it becomes available. It also suggests NPCs might not care if the tile had been planted, which would definitely be more annoying.

After harvesting the nettles in an area I ended up with two stacks that had exactly the same description. One of them could be threshed (leaving stems that could be retted), and the other one couldn't (both of them could be retted directly with no warning to issued when trying to ret them).

Corrected report by removing a problem that wasn't (apart from me not paying attention).

Edit 2:
Tested to ret mature nettles: No indication that the player might want to thresh them first.

I've got a fairly recent (½ a year or so) Islander character who's managed to gain a 100 skill in Herblore, but still fails to fully identify Bog Beans.
When I reached 100 I reasoned that it might be a matter of reaching 100 on a check for a different plant after having checked the Bog Bean leaves, so I continued trying to identify it, and eventually "increased" the Herblore skill (a + sign by the still (of course) 100 Herblore skill, but still no full identification. I then went on to only test on the Bog Beans, and just reached a new level "increase", but I still get "There is still more to learn." at the bottom of the description.

It can be noted that there are descriptions for eating it and applying it topically, so it might be either a case of a complete description that somehow gets incorrectly described as incomplete, or a case of a the maximum skill roll still somehow failing consistently.

I believe earlier characters have been able to identify it fully, although Bog Beans are somewhat uncommon, so some characters may not have encountered it (or possibly have had it fully identified due to the cultural background).

New character (7 strong wolf pack invading homestead vicinity ended previous one) reaching 100 in Herblore and fails to identify Yarrow completely (or at least the screen states there's more to learn). However, bog beans are claimed to be identified completely for this character (a Kaumolainen this time).

This character hasn't yet "increased" the skill while at 100. I'll continue until it does using Yarrow only. I don't expect it to change the situation, though.

Suggestions / F1 help ought to cover smoking
« on: February 19, 2023, 08:49:04 PM »
The changes to smoking of food has made it quite a chore to perform, which is probably a reflection of the reality, but, more importantly, is quite impenetrable to players. There's really a need to explain both how much wood you need to use, how often you need to repeat the burning, as well as for how long you need to do it. None of these steps are intuitively obvious to people not familiar with smoking, and even those who are may well know how to use it as a means of cooking (for immediate/near term consumption) rather than a means of long term preservation.

Bug reports / Mangled hand prevents stone throwing [3.71]
« on: December 05, 2021, 03:44:54 PM »
I created a character who'd been injured by Njerps and left for dead (starting scenario), leading to a mangled left hand. I found a rock and equipped it in the available hand, noticing that a second rock couldn't be equipped (as expected). When encountering a bird I tried to throw the equipped rock at it, but received the message that I couldn't use the left hand for throwing, which doesn't make sense as the rock ought to have been equipped in the working hand. I then tried the unequipped rock and was met with the same message (which is otherwise reasonable, as the working hand ought to be occupied by the equipped rock). After unequipping the equipped rock I could throw a rock, but I wasn't prepared to accept that unreasonable additional difficulty of having thrown rocks take twice as long to throw, so I just ditched the character and created a new one. Unfortunately, this means I don't have a save with which to demonstrate the issue.

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