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Messages - PALU

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A preemtive question: Are you updating the punt quest to specify and require a particular kind of tree trunk, or are you updating the fulfillment test to check against any type of trunk?
I would probably go towards a specific kind of tree, given that the quest giver is rather particular in the request, so a species restriction would seem reasonable.

Asked because it's the kind of thing that can break as a result of splitting trunks up while still easy to miss the dependency.

Gameplay questions / Re: Is someone stealing my poop?
« on: May 23, 2024, 07:55:22 AM »
Animals in traps die eventually, so you can't keep it.

Gameplay questions / Re: Will robbers etc steal low quality items?
« on: May 22, 2024, 08:44:22 AM »
I've had robbers not take low value low quality items. Like Plotinus, I gear up in a beggar outfit (low quality clothing and weapons) when looking for robbers, so I'm not losing anything important if they do take something.

In my remote island starts I've managed to train up swimming to 100 (or very close to it) and do island hopping swimming until I've reached inhabited islands where you've got the resources to make a paddle (this was when it was outright impossible to make a paddle with a stone axe).
I'm not saying I haven't failed (starvation early on is a huge risk), but I've never been stuck until winter (but note that there are only a small number of days when the water is warm enough for long distance swimming). Ice during the winter wouldn't help either, because I've started far out in the archipelago where there's open water between the islands.

Also, if you do such a start, start your swimming training as early as possible, even if it means you get chilled down. You need all the training you can get so you're ready when it's warm enough.

Also note that you can swim with a small amount of clothing and carry a small amount of items without suffering a penalty.

It would be plural if the responder refers to fish hooks, but singular if it referred to the order/task/job/mission.

Changing it to plural wouldn't hurt, though.

A tangent regarding the lead developer's name from someone who doesn't know Finnish but has a slight idea of how Finnish works:
- The name is Sami, and I would "translate" it into English spelling as "Sammi".
- The Saami is a people related to the Finns. They're spread, as a people, over the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. They also used to live on the northern part of the Kola peninsula, but I don't know if they've been exterminated, forcibly relocated, or remnants still remain there.  Their name is pronounced with a long "a".

Yes, I think a separate space for mods would be quite useful.

When mod functionality gets implemented into the game, mods ought to phase the mod version(s) out, and it would be useful if the mods then contained "translation" recipes for a transition period. Mod maintainers have limited amount of time available, though, so what's desirable might not be what's reasonable at all times.

Mostly it's up to the mod maintainers to adapt to the changes in the game, but a mod space seems like a reasonable game support (when "resources" are available to provide it).

I don't think it would hurt for the developers to look at mods occasionally to get some additional perspective on intended new functionality. Not as "this is how it has to be", but rather to provide aspects they may not have thought of. Also, a proper implementation would not be restricted by the same constraints mods have. However, the developers obviously have to manage their time, and looking at mods may well end up in the "no time for this now" bucket constantly.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bears during winter
« on: March 13, 2024, 08:45:33 AM »
UrW bears don't hibernate currently.

Bug reports / Re: [3.83] Runaway Slave Start - Njerpez Infighting
« on: March 10, 2024, 10:02:01 AM »
For context, it can be mentioned that the same phenomenon used to be a major issues with parties of recruited hirelings: They constantly shot each other and the PC in the back while trying to hit the enemy on the other side of the victim. When your character accidentally hits one of them they frequently attack the PC.

Note that is is from before companions (and enemies) were changed to take the risk of friendly fire into consideration. Ironically, my recollection from attempt at runaway slave starts is that they frequently hit each other, but I don't remember them getting into a fight over it (that was well before the friendly fire check was introduced).

Gameplay questions / Re: Water Folk dont visit
« on: March 02, 2024, 09:52:30 AM »
The spirit quests aren't completed until you've reported back to the quest giver, so you should return to him to see if he recognizes the quest as performed. If not, you'd have to try again.

My guess is that it has been performed, as spirit quests usually involves keeping your mouth shut. You've obviously missed out on the feedback you'd received from looking at the spirit's appearance and what it said, but I don't think that's vital.

Note for the future: Instead of pressing the wait turn key, you can locate the command to wait (I don't remember what it is off the top of my head). When something happens (such as the appearance of a spirit or noteworthy animal) you'd be notified.

Gameplay questions / Re: Water Folk dont visit
« on: February 23, 2024, 07:13:39 AM »
Looks like a valid spot to me. Spirits don't appear 100% of the time, in my experience, but four failures for a first meeting seems too much (repeat sessions can take many attempts, as they're probably tired of you). Also, I think it's important to start the waiting process in time, i.e. before the point of the night specified, although I'm not certain that's a factor.
In your case the partial screen shot mentions midnight, and if that's all it says (rather than before midnight, or something like that), then you should start during the previous time segment, in my experience (at least I've had more success with that timing, possibly 100% failure when starting during the specified time period).

Gameplay questions / Re: Travel time raft vs. walking?
« on: January 24, 2024, 10:56:06 AM »
@dangerousbrick already mentioned the vehicle max stack size being 40, and I think that's correct.

You can manage/manipulate these limits by making use of the PC max inventory stack capacity as well, so you place 40 (or, for more ease, slightly less) stacks of light items into your PC inventory and the heavy stacks on the vehicle.

In the case of looted clothing, you may want to spend a few days turning the smallest pieces of clothing into bandages to reduce the number of stacks (assuming you have a use for a lot of bandages, but what other use do you have for huge piles of damaged clothing).

In the extreme case you may even fight your inner pack rat and leave some of the most useless stuff behind for a future trip to the area (that's likely never to happen). I know from my own experience that this is really hard to do, though: If it ain't nailed down it has to come with me (unless I can pull out the nails, in which case those items come as well).

Gameplay questions / Re: Wielding a rope
« on: January 17, 2024, 11:30:50 AM »
The game allows you to throw anything, and in most cases it causes some damage, but that doesn't mean it's effective. Similarly, you can hit things with anything you can wield, but, again, it's not particularly effective.

Development News / Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
« on: January 13, 2024, 11:03:30 AM »
I would suggest the head quality to be stored separately from the quality of the overall item, as suggested above.
I would also suggest considering whether the head should have a separate wear status or not. If it has a separate (future?) wear status, it might be restored through (a future) sharpening activity.
Thirdly, I would suggest a de-hafting activity whereby you remove a  (s)haft from a hafted item to allow the head to be mounted on a new (s)haft. This could be used as preventative maintenance on an item with a badly worn (s)haft, but could also be used to try to improve the quality of an item where the hafting didn't work out properly, resulting in a lower quality item than you'd like.

Elk are good swimmers in real life, so it wouldn't be off if they just ran out into water and swam away.

Running through shallow water should definitely be a thing (at a speed and fatigue cost), but doing so when the ice breaks is probably a very bad idea. Not only do you (the animal) get cold, but also cut by the ice, the progress would be very slow (unless the ice is thin enough to offer little resistance to the legs ), and it would be very strenuous.

Suggestions / Re: Make it easier to find quests + add more quests
« on: December 29, 2023, 09:43:49 AM »
My understanding was that the game can generate multiple quests, but once you encounter one the others are muted, but I'm not certain this is the case.

However, there are some long duration quests that can be active in parallel with "normal" quests (I know this from experience). The quests involving spirits tend to have long duration (so you can get the water spirit in late autumn and not fail it just because all water freezes during the winter, not to mention your character won't fare well from waiting naked for hours when it's freezing cold).

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