Topic: [Outdated][3.71][3.63][3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.4b  (Read 149125 times)


« Reply #90 on: October 24, 2021, 02:51:00 AM »
~Updated to 3.70, forgot 3.63 standalone so I left the 3.62 version up.

If theres anything majorly broken let me know.
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!

Bert Preast

« Reply #91 on: October 24, 2021, 02:57:42 AM »
You beauty  :)


« Reply #92 on: October 30, 2021, 11:22:29 PM »
It looks like a checksum verification was added and changing values to a certain amount gives you constant error messages when zooming in and out.  I've been playing around with this and it happens using URWCharacterMenu or if I change things manually with Cheat Engine.  For instance, setting all of your stats to 18 will cause it, but setting one back to 17 will get rid of it.  Similarly for skills, setting them all to 100 will cause it, but setting half of them to 90 fixes it.  I haven't played since earlier this year, so it may not be introduced with 3.70, but I've never run into it before and I didn't see much with googling it.


« Reply #93 on: October 31, 2021, 03:54:40 AM »
It looks like a checksum verification was added and changing values to a certain amount gives you constant error messages when zooming in and out.  I've been playing around with this and it happens using URWCharacterMenu or if I change things manually with Cheat Engine.  For instance, setting all of your stats to 18 will cause it, but setting one back to 17 will get rid of it.  Similarly for skills, setting them all to 100 will cause it, but setting half of them to 90 fixes it.  I haven't played since earlier this year, so it may not be introduced with 3.70, but I've never run into it before and I didn't see much with googling it.

Thanks for the post. I made a quick patch to mitigate the error messages, but there's probably a reason he added them (maybe for fixing corrupt characters due to other bugs?). Going over the limits may or may not have an impact elsewhere in the game, so max them at your own risk.

~Updated to 1.0.4b
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!


« Reply #94 on: November 21, 2021, 11:15:55 PM »
Someone can share the 3.63 version pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :o


« Reply #95 on: November 22, 2021, 10:03:13 AM »
Someone can share the 3.63 version pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :o

Totally forgot I have previous versions archived, I went ahead and put 3.63 steam version as an attachment, but it should work on the standalone (i think) @Atarantir
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!


« Reply #96 on: November 22, 2021, 08:44:25 PM »
3.71 is a small patch but it seems to be not compatible anymore. It refuses to open now stating mismatched versions, unless I am doing something wrong?


« Reply #97 on: November 22, 2021, 10:09:51 PM »
3.71 is a small patch but it seems to be not compatible anymore. It refuses to open now stating mismatched versions, unless I am doing something wrong?

No I haven't made the update to 3.71 yet. I'll likely do it today.
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!


« Reply #98 on: November 23, 2021, 03:13:14 AM »
Someone can share the 3.63 version pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :o

Totally forgot I have previous versions archived, I went ahead and put 3.63 steam version as an attachment, but it should work on the standalone (i think) @Atarantir

Thankyou very much  :D ;)


« Reply #99 on: November 23, 2021, 03:18:05 AM »
Hello, I'm a long time fan from BAC comunity and auto suficiency like mods for unreal world..
I would like to know if you wold like to develop a major upgrade to physician or medical skill in Unreal world.

In old times of humanity development, the major death cause besides hunger and violence (two of the causes we VEterans of the game learn to avoid if we don't act stupid) were Diseases.. the majority of the people in iron age didn't pass thorough their fourthyes.. due to INfluenza, tuberculosis, and other respiratory or infectuos diseases.. sepsis from a scrach... organ failure due to poisoning acute or chronic like Lead poisoning (many pots where made from this metal) over years of accumullation... hearing and sight loss from bad healed infections or trauma.. parasites seeping from your nutrition pool (bad cooking ability doens't kill parasites), and other component in long term (years) survival

Where I want to get...
I'm a physician (i Can mail you my certifications), and I have a initial knowledge in the language for programming used in the Unreal World Game..
I would like to know if you have interest to form a partnership with me to do something in the way as i've written above..

Do you have interest? As a non money profit project? Your program ability to edit attributes and skills would improve a lot this project of mine
Sorry for bad english (I'm brazilian) and still learning the language  ;D

I have a long history with this game, been playing since childhood, and when I graduated from university, I decided to buy the original game in Steam as a way to support the autor. It has come to me.. why not plan something and share it with the comunity? And well, here I am


« Reply #100 on: November 25, 2021, 04:00:59 AM »
@Atarantir It's possible, we could talk more in depth about what you want to do over discord. I've got a lot of other projects I need to finish though, so I don't know how much time I'd be able to put into it until other stuff gets finished.

discord (Night#9736) or skype (xxvnightvxx)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2021, 04:21:12 AM by Night »
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!


« Reply #101 on: November 25, 2021, 04:20:43 AM »
Updated to 3.71; No address changes (as far as i can tell) just a problem with version checking. I'll be migrating features from this project over to URWME when I update that project for the current patch, mostly to centralize all my projects into one area, and also to hopefully to gain more traction with using the mod extenders features.

Made a small whoopsie and forgot to check the code patches, which did indeed change in location so I updated those real quick and reuploaded.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2021, 07:37:30 AM by Night »
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!


« Reply #102 on: November 25, 2021, 03:32:57 PM »
Thanks, much appreciated.


« Reply #103 on: March 26, 2022, 06:01:51 AM »
This message pops up every time you run a program.
I'm running with latest version.

"InvalidArgument=Value of '7' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'"

If I ignore it and proceed, the game says the character files has been corrupted.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2022, 06:11:44 AM by morrneyo »


« Reply #104 on: March 27, 2022, 07:33:51 AM »
This message pops up every time you run a program.
I'm running with latest version.

"InvalidArgument=Value of '7' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'"

If I ignore it and proceed, the game says the character files has been corrupted.

Its a bug with one of the combo box's not having an index for some of the new ranges for values in the old physique and phobia addresses. If you use it on a different character, it should work. I started porting this over to URWME, been gaming alot with friends so havent done much coding recently. Eventually I'll get around to updating/releasing my new stuff.
URW Character Menu - Cheating menu by a player, for the players.
URW Character Designer - Design your characters sprite!

