Topic: Probably the stupidest thing I’ve done in game.  (Read 27227 times)


« on: February 16, 2018, 04:42:39 PM »
I’m not going to lie I’m a noob in this game.
In my newest game, I’m playing a normal fisherman that decided to settle down (hobbit style) away from villages. During the summer, I purchased a hunting dog. Brave and fearless companion. And went on a short hunting trip, in a nearby forest west of my wooden hut. There, I encountered a bear. As a new player with javelins as hunting tools I set my dog at him, I mean in the worst situation I’ll loose my dog, hawk, which isn’t a big deal. He managed to kill the bear! I was excited, as it was the first big animal I (well, my dog) killed in game. I thought I could make cord for the winter, arrows, blanket for my bed with all the fur and eat it’s meat until next summer. Through my excitement, I forgot to google how to skin and animal, and butchered it before harvesting the skin. As a new play I though the fur was destroyed by the dog, so i didn’t care as much. With a rope given to me by a villager I smoked some of the meat, cooked a bit for my own use and sold the rest. What did I buy with 80lbs of bear meat?
Reindeer fur.
If you’re not following how cringey and stupid my decision is, let me explain. I easily could have harvested and created bear fur from the bear corpse I butchered, but instead, I decided to not only waste all my meat that I could sell for tools and lost all my wealth.
So that’s my short story... I hope I learn from my mistakes xD
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 05:08:18 PM by Jakub-urw »


« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2018, 05:39:09 PM »
Aw.  FYI, there's a new option in 3.50beta that will prevent such things from happening:

- added: BUTCHER_CONFIRMATION configuration option (defaults to NO)

        If the option is enabled a confirmation prompt appears if you try to butcher a carcass before skinning it.
        This is to avoid accidentally cutting up the whole carcass and losing the skin.

        To enable the option add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

I should remember to go turn that on; I've done the same thing with hides before, although never with a bear fur!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 05:41:08 PM by caethan »


« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2018, 07:43:36 PM »
Thank you!
If only I new abut this earlier xS


« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2018, 05:20:53 AM »
The stupidest thing I have done was walk some amount of kilometers from my homestead only to freeze to death in the snow, as I forgot to wear the clothes that I had in my inventory.

Often times I will skip skinning my kills depending on how willing I am to sit down in one area for two weeks to turn it into leather. And also often the meat I take I cook and immediately trade for furs if there is nothing else of value I could want. There will always be next time to get that bear skin (and now skulls!) (:


« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2018, 10:23:17 AM »
Often times I will skip skinning my kills depending on how willing I am to sit down in one area for two weeks to turn it into leather. And also often the meat I take I cook and immediately trade for furs if there is nothing else of value I could want. There will always be next time to get that bear skin (and now skulls!) (:

Careful that the intermediate products of tanning can and will rot. In warm temperature, they rot pretty fast. In winter you might not have noticed.

In case you didn't know it, if you "cure" the skin it will last longer. You can go pick it up later.


« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2018, 12:33:08 PM »
It takes a couple of weeks to de-hair and turn elk skin into leather, which is what I think trento007 referred to.

Now, there aren't that many reasons to do that, as most processes that take leather also accepts hide, but here are a few things that require leather explicitly. I believe on of those is the leather ropes you need to build a raft to get off an island, but in that case you don't have much choice but to stay in the area until you get the means to leave.


« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2018, 02:44:18 PM »
It takes a couple of weeks to de-hair and turn elk skin into leather, which is what I think trento007 referred to.

Now, there aren't that many reasons to do that, as most processes that take leather also accepts hide, but here are a few things that require leather explicitly. I believe on of those is the leather ropes you need to build a raft to get off an island, but in that case you don't have much choice but to stay in the area until you get the means to leave.

You are right, I had somehow missed the last few words of that sentence :D (and misunderstood it anyway.. where's my brain today? :S)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 02:45:51 PM by koteko »

JEB Davis

« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2018, 04:46:20 PM »
Rather than wear fur clothing all year round, I think leather is more realistic for the warmer months to avoid drowning in sweat and dying of heatstroke. (Yes, I know that being too hot is not yet modeled in the game, but it will be someday.) So, that's a good enough roleplaying reason to dehair a couple of those larger hides to make a good suit of leather. Just my 2 cents.


« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2018, 05:05:16 PM »
Role playing is a good reason for leather (and purchased "real" clothes). Still, I'd consider using furs to purchase clothing in that case (except for a god pair of leather boots). I tend to have my characters wear a lot of clothing because of the protection value and, as mentioned, neither heat stroke or excessive sweating is a thing yet.


« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2018, 08:18:47 PM »
Don't be this guy:


« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2018, 02:04:14 PM »
The stupidest thing I have done was walk some amount of kilometers from my homestead only to freeze to death in the snow, as I forgot to wear the clothes that I had in my inventory.

Often times I will skip skinning my kills depending on how willing I am to sit down in one area for two weeks to turn it into leather. And also often the meat I take I cook and immediately trade for furs if there is nothing else of value I could want. There will always be next time to get that bear skin (and now skulls!) (:

you take 2 weeks to tan a skin?

on average it takes only 3 days.

day 1: clean + first step.

day 2: rinse

day 3: use the beater on it.



« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2018, 02:28:49 PM »
The stupidest thing I have done was walk some amount of kilometers from my homestead only to freeze to death in the snow, as I forgot to wear the clothes that I had in my inventory.

Often times I will skip skinning my kills depending on how willing I am to sit down in one area for two weeks to turn it into leather. And also often the meat I take I cook and immediately trade for furs if there is nothing else of value I could want. There will always be next time to get that bear skin (and now skulls!) (:

you take 2 weeks to tan a skin?

on average it takes only 3 days.

day 1: clean + first step.

day 2: rinse

day 3: use the beater on it.


I think de-hairing takes longer than the other steps. So all together might sum up to a week for big skins.


« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2018, 02:37:26 PM »
I had at one point a stash of cured furs, and since it was the start of winter I decided to work on them all at the same time.. I forgot how long it takes and how tired it makes you.. Basically 4 reindeer and 2 elk furs have gone to waste :(


« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2018, 03:26:41 AM »
My idea is that I can often buy enough furs from the driik villages next to my homes to have stuff to trade with the foreign traders, so most of my kills I turn into leather since it doesn't come from anywhere else. The exception is small game and any skin I feel I can turn into a superior fur. And yes for large game the dehair process alone can take upwards of 12 days which is where I get the 2 weeks from.


« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2018, 08:43:27 AM »
Stupid thing: What about skinning a hazel grouse, find that the skin is harsh, decide that it isn't worth the bother, drop the skin 'D'estroy it, find that there are more things to destroy, abort, pick everything up (as everything carried was dropped together with the bird carcass), drop the skin, destroy it, and then later find that the 50 superior arrows you've put about 1000 hours into making (Buiodda's Craft mod, modded) are missing?
It's not completely catastrophic, as the hundreds of fine arrows produced as a "failures" are still available, so I'll fall back to those, but it's still a heavy blow, and it's a lot better than losing the superior broad knife I've FINALLY managed to make.

