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Messages - PALU

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Suggestions / Re: User-adjustable quest frequency
« on: September 18, 2017, 08:32:01 PM »
There are some bugs that can cause quests to be absent longer than they should be (Sami has fixed a number of bugs in the next release). The only quest type I think should be a major hurdle is the robber quest, as it's dangerous, you need a lot of resources to hire companions (and those are a danger to you and each other if equipped with missile weapons), and companions frequently just ignore orders to help other companions engaged in a desperate fight (some of these issues are addressed in the next release), and eventually you run out of potential companions because of the robber fight attrition (robbers can also be tackled using extreme tactics using only the PC).
Apart from that, the "wounded adventurer" quest can be lethal if the animal remains and attacks, although a more sensible player than me would withdraw and return later (but well within the quest time window) if the animal is still around.
Which other quests are too hard to finish in time (all the "search a large area for X quests are tedious and could do with a smaller area, but that's not a matter of difficulty)?

It's also a matter of looking for quests with a decent regularity in more than a single location (and I've never had anyone coming to my character to offer a quest...).

Suggestions / Re: [NPC dialogue] Asking about other folks in town.
« on: September 18, 2017, 06:15:44 PM »
It does help marginally to know that UrW seems to round distances UP, so a village 4 kilometers away is 31-40 tiles away (I tend to count them as I go, just in case).

Suggestions / Re: [NPC dialogue] Asking about other folks in town.
« on: September 18, 2017, 09:28:32 AM »
I believe this has been proposed before, but that was probably on the old board.

I believe townspeople SHOULD know which person with a given name you're looking for, because you ought to have additional identifying information that's not displayed by the game either because you've met the person before or because the quest giver should have provided some recognition traits. After all, in real life when we're sent to look for a person we don't know, the person who sent us typically provides some clues to help us weed out most people (hair color/style, tall, fat, limping, squinting, always smiling,...), not just the name.

You ought to be able to ask about the people in town, professions, and skills, and it wouldn't hurt if the person asked could respond to a question with "no, he's not living in this village, he lives in the one to the <direction>. After all, we're talking about small villages within a kilometer of each other, so everyone should really know about everyone else in such a small region.

When it comes to directions to villages, it would help if villages had names.

Gameplay questions / Re: Baiting Wild Pigs
« on: September 17, 2017, 02:39:35 PM »
Try turnips or roots for hares...
If you have a line of snares hares will have to enter one of the traps to get past, and it seems the trap fence effect applies only to animals of a size that does not fit the traps.

Suggestions / Re: Herb Collecting Quest
« on: September 17, 2017, 09:19:14 AM »
My experience is that the "unknown" image of a plant is always the same, while the name is random. Thus, I'm usually able to recognize heather (but that's about it) even when my character isn't.

I typically find that my characters can't get 100% herb lore, as they eventually run out of things to train it on. In general, I consider skill increases to be very good rewards.

Bug reports / Re: Impossible quest
« on: September 17, 2017, 09:12:47 AM »
I've definitely seen birds "pick" berries, and I've had my cereals "picked" in the few hours between ripening and my character harvesting it. I've also had an early case of lots of reindeer or elk tracks over a patch of unidentified plants, and the plants were completely gone afterwards, so they may be able to eat the whole young (wild) plants as well (I've had fields devastated by badgers and reindeer, so cultivated plants can definitely be eaten whole while young).

Gameplay questions / Re: Baiting Wild Pigs
« on: September 16, 2017, 03:49:21 PM »
Well, if they eat something they'll eat it, but my experience with spoiled goods is that the "pull" effect of the bait very rarely exceeds the "push" effect of the trap (I don't know if that can be completely negated by trap mastery). Trapped animals very rarely seem to eat spoiled stuff in the traps.

Suggestions / Re: Herb Collecting Quest
« on: September 16, 2017, 10:13:03 AM »
I've felt the quest answer route of saying you're not good at herb lore ought to lead you to get pointers as to where the desired plant grows, as per the edit, and I don't think you should have to give up the quest reward for that, as the old man ought to actually want to get his plants, so he ought to give his replacement legs and ears as much help to achieve that as is reasonable, which I definitely think a few words on where to find the plants is, and possibly how rare it is (bog beans is a pain for that reason).

Bug reports / Re: Impossible quest
« on: September 16, 2017, 10:07:38 AM »
Heather is weird in that it can be harvested after the flowers are gone, and the harvested plants can be processed (which takes time), but you get nothing at all as a result.

I typically find heather in forests rather than cliffs (but since I find them in forests I might just not take note of them on cliffs). One thing to remember is that plants mature and wither/shed flowers at different times in different locations, so you may have been to areas where the flowers have already been dropped (I don't refer to different parts of the world, but rather places a few kilometers or less apart in more of a patchwork pattern).
Finally, there are two ways to harvest from plants: picking and harvesting. Picking takes leaves and flowers, but leaves the rest of the plant (roots, etc, if applicable), and harvesting can only be done when the plant is mature (while picking can be done prematurely). It seems that plants with useful underground parts take a lot more time to harvest than those that only yield leaves/flowers.

Anyway, in your situation I'd try to wander around and try to pick flowers in several locations, and if you believe you have identified heather you should take note of what the description is so you can locate other heather plants.

Gameplay questions / Re: Does the quality of the skis effect usage?
« on: September 15, 2017, 02:21:26 PM »
The way I'd do it is to apply a weight bonus to fatigue for equipped skis in the same vein as a certain amount of clothing is "free" if worn. The drawback to that is that the skis would still count towards your total carry weight, but if you're weighted down that much it doesn't matter much: you're going to move at a snail's pace in no time regardless, with frequent and lengthy stops to regain the breath.
I wouldn't mind to also have higher quality skis weigh a little less than lower quality ones, but that's probably hard to fit into the current crafting system.

Gameplay questions / Re: Does the quality of the skis effect usage?
« on: September 14, 2017, 10:25:32 AM »
Ski quality has no effect whatsoever, unfortunately. As LoLotov mentioned, the skiing is tweaked from being a drag on the character to hopefully be useful in the next version. I will certainly try out skiing again to see if it has become useful.

The problem with skiing in the current version is that skis are heavy, and all of their weight is considered carried even when the skiis are on the feet. This weight causes fatigue build up (in particular for small characters), which quickly causes you to move slower with skis (due to fatigue) than without. The benefits of using skis is currently a marginal speed increase (initially), and there isn't enough of a penalty to trying to walk through deep snow without skis (or show shoes, which aren't featured in UrW).

Gameplay questions / Re: Baiting Wild Pigs
« on: September 14, 2017, 10:18:08 AM »
I haven't baited wild boar, but I'd try the standard baits, such as berries, turnips, and roots (and you can multi bait). While they're omnivores, I'm not sure if they are in UrW, but you can put a cut of meat on the bait pile as well, for good measure.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Pig in forest cover quest
« on: September 13, 2017, 06:51:15 PM »
And I admire your persistence...

Modding / Re: Use of dried/smoked meat/fish in cooking
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:43:48 PM »
Check the Njerpezit Cooking Mod. It's got recipes that require dried and smoked meat respectively. It's also got dried mushrooms and berries.

That mod doesn't seem to be posted on this forum, though, but it is present on the old one.

Gameplay questions / Re: Quest: punt
« on: September 11, 2017, 02:12:26 PM »
I think the two kinds of logs were introduced explicitly for quest purposes, but appeared in the game a bit earlier than quests did. As far as I know there is no difference between the kinds of logs apart from quest suitability.
In real life cutting a tree while it's raining or dry makes no real difference. It's more important to protect the logs from getting wet after they're cut down than a little rain during the cutting. One important cause of damp in wood is from the ground, in particular if the log is lying in deep moss, so getting a space between the ground and the log (i.e. by placing it on thick branch pieces) is probably as important as providing a "roof" above it. You should also remove the bark from the log both to get it to dry faster and to keep tree burrowing insects in check.
It can also be mentioned that one historical way of transporting timber for cutting into boards (much later than the UrW timeline) was to dump them into rivers and tend the logs (pushing them out again as they got stuck, dismantling pileups, etc.) as they floated down river towards the lumber yards, and the timber didn't take much damage from that treatment.

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