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Messages - Tinker

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General Discussion / Re: "The Challenge"
« on: August 08, 2021, 11:00:27 AM »
Having tried lots of time I got fed up with dying 60% of the time due to not finding water. In other game starts I am always 3 or 400m from water, in the challenge it seems I can often travel 40km in a straight line with no sign of water.

Last try with the challenge I changed one rule - start at the beginning of summer and survive until winter starts. Luckily I found water the first day, and there was not much problem with cold but everything else was hard or harder, the biggest problem was food, almost no plants were harvestable and for the first week I saw no birds or animals, I had spent time making tools and crude weapons. I got lucky with a black grouse, single shot with a rock got it in flight, then 2 days later a squirrel but fishing attempts with a club were pointless. I have a dozen snares set but no bait until the berries are ripe, I placed the traps on berry plants so they are self baiting. I have decide a net might work better for fishing but need a raft to set it, my starvation penalties make it impossible to fell a tree with a stone axe so I need to collect fallen trunks, this will take some time.

General Discussion / Re: Hunting gripe
« on: August 08, 2021, 10:30:22 AM »
Tracking has always a Problem for except in winter when it is sometimes to easy.

Active hunting is always a problem as well, I do not count squirrels and birds as active hunting, I mean something substantial that will cloth me and feed me for week. I have never, in two years playing, succeeded in active hunting. Until this week.

My fishing and trapping site started to get overrun by a herd of reindeer, they usually set off all the traps and as I was never prepared I never got more than one or two chances to even hit one. A few days later I was going half a km south to collect plants when I came on the reindeer herd on an open mire, I shot an arrow at one in the centre, on the basis it might hit another if it missed the target. It missed everything and the herd scattered, all but one ran into the trees but the other went west further into the open mire.

I walked behind it, keeping myself between the herd and my dinner. There was a lot of water around but it had frozen enough to walk on, the reindeer avoided the ice which meant it was moving a lot more than me. After about 150m it seemed to get the idea it should be with the herd and started to try circling around me, an arrow that inevitably missed made it turn to circle the other way. About 5 minutes later I was down to one curved arrow but the reindeer was to tired to move so I moved to about 10m and single shot killed it. 120 cuts of meat and a fine fur and I got most of my arrows back.

As for fishing needing bait, it always seemed illogical that you could fish without bait. Your idea that fish guts (and perhaps cut up small fish) should be harvestable as bait is perfectly reasonable, I always did that irl. It also brings up the other missing resource, all the organs from butchered animals a great food source that deteriorates quickly but could also be used a bait for fishing or in traps.

I have been using Libera Pay for 4 years, never got a cent from them, perhaps as Ineedcords said, people are reluctant to use a newish, unknown method even if it is NOT a faceless multinational blood sucker.

I would have added my link here but the forum does not run scripts.
Code: [Select]
<script src=""></script>
<noscript><a href=""><img alt="Donate using Liberapay" src=""></a></noscript>

Suggestions / Ability to select starting position
« on: July 23, 2021, 10:07:15 AM »
Following the discussion at about Nights scrpt to allow better chice of starting position as a option, is it possible to add some similar code to the vanilla game? The script requires Microsoft .Net to work which limits it usefulness on other systems and even some none technical windows users have problems, if it was in urw as an option, in some form, then it would be cross platform and better integrated.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70b Beta] [3.63] URWSSSelector v1.0.3
« on: July 23, 2021, 09:56:16 AM »
Because this script does not work with linux I would like to see it added to the vanilla game in some form.

After trying to start an island challenge game, actually on any island, I gave up after 426 rerolls and started a normal game, everything random as usual and I course I was dumped on an island - typical of my luck.

Added to sugestion thread

Suggestions / Re: vitamins
« on: July 21, 2021, 09:49:17 AM »
In my mind something like this proposal is essential for a survival game.

My idea for implementing is somewhat different. Every food item should have a value for protein, carbohydrates and vitamins/minerals representing the % of daily requirement they provide. Over eating protein and carbs build up a fat deposit that can be used when there is a shortage, excess vits/mins are flushed out of the body and not stored you need some most days but only a relatively small amount is needed. Extra food sources may be required like collecting offal from carcass' and fruit or nut collection from some trees, pine tree seeds are really good sources and taste good to.

Lack of enough food, as now, leads to starvation penalties and lack of vits/mins leads to sickness (injury) penalties.

Suggestions / Re: More uses for yarn in 3.70
« on: July 01, 2021, 06:00:07 PM »
I like young leaves as soup, older leaves removed before retting are soaked a few weeks in water which I use as fertilizer on plants like tomatoes. This does not help in game but is what I was taught by my grandfather 60 years ago.

Mod Releases / Re: Player Questing by privateer v2.4
« on: June 26, 2021, 09:46:43 AM »
Yes it seems to work OK, if anything pops up later I will report back.

Having a personal .nfo file will complicate any updates to Questing, EE or even the vanilla game but that is the price to pay and it not complicated.

Mod Releases / Re: Player Questing by privateer v2.4
« on: June 25, 2021, 11:32:47 AM »
A quick question that may save me some grief.

I have the enhanced encyclopedia mod which has a very heavily modded Game.nfo file that I would like to keep, is it possible to add the changes made  in Player questing to my .nfo file? That is move everything after line 2854 and add the index entries at the top of the file, it seems like it should work.

Mod Releases / Re: [Spreadsheet] Adventuring Log Template
« on: June 15, 2021, 04:32:03 PM »
Looks like this will really useful for people like me who always forget where things are. I will probably add a todo list as well because I often forget that I planned to do X or Y some time soon, especially if I am away from the character for a few days.

Possible lumber exploit.

I am not sure if this has been noted earlier, or it could be a game engine limitation. I have a fairly low skilled character with only a stone axe so vanilla board making is not an option. Using diy_BAC_Lumber.txt I can split vanilla logs in half then quarters then radial boards, each step takes about 10 hours but works as expected.

Yesterday I wanted to get a short quarter log to start making a bow and I intended to use one of the quarter logs I had to get 2 short quarter logs, using the Make / Lumber menu I selected the wrong option by mistake and created 2 half logs out of 1 quarter log. This was an exploit I could easily undo as I am now in the habit of making manual backups more often, but while experimenting I also found that short quarter logs can be made into full length radial boards. It may be that the naming of intermediate parts may have to be more precise or that players may have to trust themselves not to exploit engine errors.

I was trying to do the challenge and stole some meat from a village, they asked me to pay a ridiculous amount so I said I could not afford it, take back your property. It did not seem to affect their reputation of me. I later found if I took some meat and ate it then they were happy to take back the eaten meat with no consequences. I visited them a dozen times for a quick meal over the next month. One time I did not realise that I still had a small uneaten portion of the meat with me when I left and nobody asked me to pay, then 2 Km away I got three arrows in my leg, hip and arm which left me with a 6Km crawl home with no food. I never got to find out about my reputation as I died (again) soon after.

Modding / Re: Any use/craft for a spoiled tree trunk?
« on: May 30, 2021, 10:03:58 AM »
The root cause is that items loaded onto a sled are coded as being food, actually roach. Being food it will spoil after some time but removing it from the sled may return it to being a trunk or log. It might be an idea to inform Brygun in the BAC mod thread so he can update the mod for everyone by adding all the spoilage times.

Not bugs / Re: [Solved - not a bug] milkweed harvesting problem
« on: May 21, 2021, 03:24:13 PM »
Yes I confirmed it was not the programme d/l as with the old config settings I still got the problem, deleting all the config files cleared the error and recreated new files as needed, adding BAC mod did not cause problems so I am now going through the old files checking which mod may have caused it.

Not bugs / Re: milkweed harvesting problem
« on: May 21, 2021, 11:14:05 AM »
OK built a new system, new os and installed urw. Tried a new character but just as with the first 20 I had I could not find milkweed to harvest. Loaded the test file that has my character next to milkweed and everything works as expected, so not a bug but something wrong with my game install. Not sure how that can happen as Linux installs do a CRC check before installing so a corrupt d/l should never get installed.
Looks like I have some work to do backing up and reinstalling, sorry for all the noise.

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