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Messages - Brygun

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Welcome back to the community.

As games go Unreal World is one to revisit. It is so far the most useful survival game in teaching to think closer to real life than any I've tried. There are no zombies, space aliens or added to give a reason to play type things. Just living in the Unreal world, survival or exploration, is a victory.

Was pine salve implemented? I saw it mentioned, but I can not find witch menu it is under or a Boff that needs to be renamed.

I don't think it ended up in BAC.

By salve it could mean a few things from sticky substance to seal leaks or a medical treatment. I recall another modder talking about pine salve.

For sticky stuff for sealing BAC is using "caulking" under the Carpentry menu. Which itself needs "pitch glue".

Hmmm... and the boats use a thinned down "pitch glue" to represent a weather sealing paint.

"pitch glue" of two types is present in the Barkware menu, as it tends to be made from bark.

From what I recall don't think "pine salve" ended up in BAC.

(Brygun, BAC mod manager)


1) Medieval drill issue confirmed and fixed to see intended block of wood

1A) The wood stake and block are now at the top of the recipe as that made it possible to test that section in my character's current situation.

1B) I >assume< the other recipe elements are operating correctly. Not sure if my character has or could reasonably make the billets needed along that recipe.

1C) I did note the recipe is so long the text view overlapped other text. Not a critical issue. Note for Saami to consider but I doubt the energy to fix matches the minor inconvenience. Other modders note the affect of long recipes.

2) Dried berries, the berries are no long optional  :-X

Pat on the back to myself for choosing an openly named easy to read file structure making debugging even months after working on a section really easy. Commenting your code is also useful. Hooray for useful bits from a University education.

I can't seem to find the "wooden block" needed for this recipe. I have tried a block of wood and a small wooden block.

.Medieval drill.

{Wooden block} (1) '+for flywheel'

Also, when I dry berries... the berries are optional. Not sure if that was intended/RP.

love the mod and thank you for your work.

Thanks for the love.

Checking the recipe it was intended to be the piece of wood you get from chopping a log into blocks. That being a largish hunk of rough wood that is shaped during this recipe's creation.

Ill see if I have a character in a situation to test it. I was under the impression it worked as IIRC someone reported having made the advanced boat this tool was called for.


timbercraft default command sequence:

alt-m > Chop felled tree into blocks

should create the intended component


Berries still be checked on.

Checking in and now investigating recent issues

Glad to see more modding for Unreal going on.

*waves the hand of blessing*


Are you building this in the 3 available first menu slots left in the BAC or would someone need to merge code between them?

Thanks for answering Migrant.

I also endeavor (fancy word for try) to keep changing the link in the first post of the first page of this thread to show the current.

I do include the link whenever I say that magic "Update" word. The various update posts effectively make a set of earlier version backups just in case something gets out of sorts with a new update.



Dungeon Smash in the original cooking thread find a compatibility wording issue recommending change to  {*wooden tub*}

This has been done in this version of BAC

Your welcome.

Thanks also to all the contributing modders.

While I started with ~20 recipes from me Brygun's Added Items the integration with others made the data structure, the organization, necessary. BAC then organized, reassigned, filtered and lots of recipe edits to get what we have today. It also made it easy to add in a bunch more of my own recipes sometimes expanding on others. The wood carving was like that. After integrating the existing wood carving mod I looked through the graphic tiles and picked out ones that looked like they could be carved, like the village playset.

Keeping code easy to read is part of computer programmer training. Code is read by more than you and the machine. Other team members, the client and people years down the road need to figure it out. Plus one day you may be called in to do maintenance or update on code someone wrote years ago... like that time 1999 became 2000.



Untested additions to cookery. Due to a hardware issue Unreal world isn't currently installed on my on-hand equipment.

>>Feedback both for if it works or is broken is requested of the cooking additions<<

Additions include the zhihao1's Finnish cheese mod and Iago.Hatch roasted fish cuts.

Both modders added/updated in the readme credits

For zhihao1's cheese they are placed under "Utility recipes" of cookery section. I was concerned that adding his original menu_def would take up one of the rare limited letter slots which might already be in use by those adding mods ontop of BAC.

almost forgot the cheese graphics

The problem is game doesn't count my advanced spindle and distaff as "spindle and distaff".

Dungeon Smash provided a solution and the OP Buua hasn't replied further. Tends to imply solved.

I think this is a case of the "advanced spindle and distaff" coming from another mod. Or have I forgotten it being part of this large mod? If its outside of BAC then DS has given a solution for local integration.

AS I am currently guessing the "advanced" is external to BAC that BAC doesn't need to apply DS's fix

Great work putting together all those mods! :D

One suggestion on the Privateer's Clean Fish recipe:


First thought is that the fish cut creation gives small pieces that can be used in several ways, like being raw meat for a trap (assuming it works that way in the trap code)

Cut up fish can be used in various cooking or other recipes though cooking is the most common by far.

The motto "if it aint broke don't fix it" comes to me as well. Privateer's original does work.

I think Iago's additional recipe could be done as an addition to the BAC cooking.

Note to self,

Finnish cheese gave okay to include. Consider for next BAC update. Link to that mod here

Im checking back in for any critical fixes.

Reading through things and the suggestions.

Not sure I want to try mucking with a script file. First impression is the building swap is only used rarely so keeping it to simple manual edits is safer. Script work certainly can open some doors to larger mod collections.

I've also successfully created clothing from a sub-cooking menu.

When your underwear comes already baked  :o

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