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Re: Psychic enemies As has been said many times, there are many ways to approach playing this game.
The open-endedness and freedom to choose how to play it are part of what makes it great.

I recall on the old forum, Sami replying to threads on this & similar topics along the lines
(and I'm not quoting so please forgive me) that the game is intended primarily to be a survival
game, not a combat simulator. Even so, it does very well as a combat simulator. While it can
and is played by some to have the character single-handedly wipe out the Njerpezit tribe
(or other tribe if unscrupulous), this was not the design intent of the game.

I think this is why Sami chooses to focus on game development that does not attempt to make
the game into yet another "hero kills everyone" game... there are plenty of those out there.

Let's be realistic, folks... nobody, let alone a 16 year old can single-handedly kill an entire armed
village using pre-gunpowder weaponry in real-life. Why should they be able to do it in this game?
Yes, there are some exploits that can allow this to happen, and if anything needs changing, it is
removal of these exploits.

Let me climb down from my soapbox and apologize to PoisonPen, because I just realized I'm
helping to further veer this topic off it's original post's course.

December 05, 2017, 03:42:49 AM
Special Steam Sale & Special Greetings A special sale for a bunch of finnish games on Steam has started. This is to celebrate the centenary of Finland's independence and will last until 8th of December.

This 100th year of Finland's independence culminates on 6th of December, for that is our official independence day. During this anniversary period we are also celebrating the extraordinary Indie-dependence days for it's been 25 years of playable UnReal World releases. In other words, the game has been out there for 1/4 of its development nation's official existence. We celebrate with the sales, new video greetings and finally the release of 3.50 beta version on 6th.

You can find your way on our Steam page here, and lifetimers also will find the new video greetings at the forums lifetime membership section.

Otherwise we want to stay thanks, cheers, and respect to you all!

From left to right; Erkka (co-designer), and Sami (creator) shake hands for it's the special Indie-dependence day. 1/4 centenary of playable UnReal World releases, and full centenary of Finland's independence.

December 05, 2017, 07:10:19 PM
Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority Let's have a poll, just for the sake of poll.
December 18, 2017, 09:28:04 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority I went with the second from the top because I would like to see an overhaul of AI behavior before marriage, for example that NPCs can do almost everything you can with commands. Like giving orders to make food, build something, go hunting or fishing. And the need for them to eat every single day like the player, etc, etc.  ;D ;D
December 18, 2017, 10:21:40 PM
Inari of Seal-Tribe - Video Let's Play Hey guys and assorted UnReal Worlders. I'm back for my yearly foray into the unreal world and this time I bring you Inari of Seal-Tribe; my season 2 youtube playthrough. Better sound quality, better production quality and (hopefully) better gameplay.

This time with a few mods: Honey and Mead mod from the very fine Privateer, Jaredonians Character models for a little bit of good looking character cheer, the UrW Self Sufficiency mod from Caethan.

Hope to see you guys along for the ride and feel free to offer any suggestions on how you would like to see the story developing.

December 24, 2017, 08:45:56 AM
[Fixed - persists in 3.50b2] 3.50b2 ram milk + bull milk I got this ram from the not all who wander are lost start:

Code: [Select]
(143270):i7ga:[#]{00CF0343}      | CONTAINER OPTIONS: Fill with water, or milk into
(147870):i7ga:[?]{00CF0343}      | To fill that wooden bowl you need water or an animal to milk.
(000000):i7ga:[T]{00CF0343}      | The ram bleats.
(000000):i7ga:[A]{00CF0343}      | Alright. Thank you for the milk, ram.

It is an intersex ram.

eta: I bought a bull and it also produces milk.

December 25, 2017, 07:40:43 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority I should also add that I'm not fond of the idea of children. I haven't had any character lasting an amount of years that he could raise adult children, and doubt that many players have.
And I don't think that the excuse that now characters will last longer because the incentive of children has any validity.

December 25, 2017, 10:43:56 PM
Re: Inari of Seal-Tribe - Video Let's Play Episode 2 out and running free in the wild. Getting the basics done up although everything is temporary. I'm planning on a more migratory character this time around.

December 26, 2017, 02:47:59 AM
3.50 (beta 2) released for everyone All the best to everyone for 2018!
We'll hereby start the year with release of 3.50 beta version for everyone.
You can grab it at homepage downloads section.
For those interested in venturing into the far north on Steam, notice that the x-mas there still continues, and you can find your way there from the above download page as well.

January 01, 2018, 08:32:18 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority @mosshobo yes! I want all of those things.

I am one of the players who remembers how marriage was implemented back in the day, before it was removed, and one thing i didnt like about it was the vending machine approach to getting a wife: if you put a lot of gifts in + put the right magic words in then eventually you get a wife. i would like it if sometimes an NPC approached me and tried to make me their spouse or sometimes I approached an NPC and no amount of gifts would work because they just weren't interested in me or sometimes it seemed to work for a while and then they changed their mind or found somebody else to be interested in or went off to marry a njerpez or whatever.

I want to sometimes ask my wife to do something and she says no or she says "I am in the middle of doing this other thing, can it wait?" or sometimes she asks me to do something. I want to take her with me to a village and have her point out some items she wants to buy or to say she wants to go on a trip to visit her family in Reemi do i want to come and then even if I don't then she says ok i'll be back in a month cya.

January 03, 2018, 12:31:51 PM