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The Exile Challenge Hi everybody,

Just to share with you a challenge idea I've been following that I've found quiet entertaining and, well, challenging: The Exile Challenge!

A easier, funnier, but still hard, version of The Challenge ( ). You have committed sacrilege, and, after beating you up, the people decided against killing you; instead, you are condemned to 6 months of exile in the wilderness with nothing on your person, not even clothes. During your exile, you are taboo: you can't interact with any villager in the Unreal World.

In this Exile Challenge, unlike the original "Challenge", you can zoom out and also use the World map.   

- Roll random char
- Winter
- Random start location
- Scenario: hurt, helpless, afraid
- First movement: Discard all items, including clothes. You are naked and have literally nothing.

- Survive the whole winter half of the year

- No interaction of any kind with villagers (including wanderers in the world map). No trade, no quests, no talking, no fighting, nothing
- No entering any settlement, for any reason whatsoever
- Can trade with merchants
- Can fight robbers, njerpezit

So far, I'm having a surprisingly good time with this. The beginning was easier than in the original Challenge, of course, but with time the "taboo" of being an exile sets you up for an interesting midgame. You have no access to good gear for a long time, which limits your efficacy at hunting, making it more rewarding. Also, you are always exposed to the weather so caves and good planning ahead are essential (no ducking into a village when it is -1000!). When you finally have enough furs to trade, you still have to find merchants, and there are also the other less peaceful "trade" options, njerps. You are essentially alone in the wild, with no civilization to fall back to, except the merchants and, if you beat them, your enemies.

In my current run, I rolled some Proletarian Kiesse, completely average guy (60 in spear and bow, except 80 in Timbercraft, which is surprisingly useful!). Initial injury was well over 50, making him useless for active hunting or fishing. So the first 2 weeks were spent crafting a stone knife, a javelin, eating berries, curing wounds and trying not to die of cold. Always on the edge!

Finally, when my proletarian everyman was more or less cured, it was time to fish and try to catch something that could actually walk. Not that easy! With hunger increasing (the Kiesse aren't the greatest fishdudes) I finally located a herd of reindeer AND an elk, all of them right next to each other! So my proletarian spent two tense days chasing, poking and chasing again both elk and reindeer, and the usual not-dying-of-cold thing. Finally, it was the elk whom succumbed, after two lucky javelin shots.

Happiness! Basic clothing, bow and couple arrows, some meat. Setting up camp in a cave, I began to roam the mires, and a sudden drop in temperature almost killed me twice. At last I located another reindeer herd and, after a day of insistent harassment, bagged one. More clothes, meat. Cool! (not freezing).

That's the story so far. Now looking for more prey, and with proper insulation the Proletarian should be able to last longer in the field without having to build a fire. The plan: get more furs, make leather out of one to have leather rope (stone axe) and a skin (that saves a lot of time breaking ice for water). With enough furs, looking for merchants will be next (iron handaxes and knives are actually beautiful things, if you only have stone!). Hunt more, dry food, be careful with the cold, perhaps find a njerp to have some brief conversation...

It's gonna be a blast, being an Exile!



July 26, 2022, 01:15:51 AM
Re: Technical question
What's the keyboard keys combination to
Pick up a tool/weapon and wield it, altogheter?

I used to do it, but I can't recall now. Tried in-game f1-help pannel but couldn't either.

It's rarely used option, but it's there, so your memory serves you right...

From news.txt:

Code: [Select]
- added: key commands to wield picked up items automatically - [CTRL]+[,] and [CTRL]+[;]

        Press [CTRL] together with pick up commands [,] or [;] to automatically wield picked up items.
        Notice that when picking up multiple items this way the first selected items on the list will
        be wielded.

November 07, 2022, 05:19:19 PM
Version 3.72 (beta) for Linux released Version 3.72 (beta) for Linux is now available at Steam, Itch.Io and for lifetimers. OS X version is still pending to be finished and built, but shouldn't take all too long anymore.

You'll find the full changelog later in this post, but let's highlight some new features first.

Random character names

Upon character creation you can now randomize culturally relevant names for them at will. Here a Kuikka-tribe female is being created with a random name of her culture.

Harvest and pick agriculture option

The good old harvest option only cut down the crops, but now there's an option cut and pick the crops to character's inventory at one go.

Watercraft marker icons on zoomed-out wilderness map

When leaving punt or raft on the zoomed-in map the corresponding marker icon is now shown on the zoomed-out wilderness map.

Version 3.72 (beta) changelog

- added: random character name option

Upon creating characters and choosing their name you can now randomize a culturally relevant names for them. Pressing tab or asterisk (*) will bring up random names which you can then confirm with enter, or modify at will.

- changed: name/sex/culture character creation selections order -> culture/sex/name

As the random character name option needs to know the culture and sex to pick up a relevant names these selections now come before choosing the name.

- changed: "quick and easy" character creation mode now randomly chooses also the culture and sex

Previously there was no randomization in that regard, but Kaumolais male was always chosen. Otherwise this character creation mode mode remains the same assigning rest of the options automatically and starting nearby a village.

- added: "Harvest and pick" agriculture option

The good old harvest option only cut down the crops, but this newly added option also automatically picks up the harvested plants to character's inventory. For clarification the existing "Harvest" option is now renamed as "Harvest down" in the Agriculture menu.

- added: domestic animals in the villages will withdraw from player character's way

Moving towards a domestic animal will now make it to withdraw from your way. This is to prevent the character from getting jammed eg. in small buildings with village dogs.

- modding: increased maximum number of character portraits in each category up to 250.

- added: watercraft marker icons on zoomed-out wilderness map

When leaving punt or raft on the zoomed-in map the corresponding marker icon is now shown on the zoomed-out wilderness map.

- enhanced: message about the markers at wilderness location

Instead of given information about each marker with their own message now a summary of all the markers is given in one sentence. For example: "There is a shelter, set traps and a punt at this location."

- added: confirmation to start a fire on some occasions

You will be asked a confirmation to start a fire in the following conditions:
1. There are valuable items to be burned down where you are about to build a fire.
2. You are building a fire indoors at other than fireplace location.
These confirmations will prevent the unfortunate cases of accidentally setting your house or valuable belongings on fire.

- adjusted: party members fire making safety checks

From now on your companions won't ever start a fire at a location with items on the ground. Previously they might accidentally set a pile of items on fire.

- enhanced: rendering of the portraits

Character portraits are now rendered directly to the screen using the available resolution. This makes the portraits appear more crisp and clear. This enhancement affects to various game screen where portraits are being used; quest info display, list of ancestors, character profile, chat screen, etc.

- SDL update: updated to newest SDL 2.24.0

Updated SDL release includes a good deal of bugfixes which may have hampered some systems. - fixed: sacrificing food in a container mistakenly removed the container too

- fixed: auto-cut yarn weights calculated wrong

This bug manifested itself eg. in smoking and drying cookery recipes. After retrieving the auto-cut yarn you found it heavier than expected.

- fixed: extracting fibre from retted but not dried nettles was possible

- fixed: carried weight statistics not updating immediately after cancelled crafting

- fixed: character's height in metric units displayed wrong

This was a conversion issue within character profile screen.

- fixed/adjusted: squirrels won't climb to safety in saplings

Previously they were mistakenly considered being high up in a tree even if it was a mere sapling.

That's all, dear adventurers.

November 12, 2022, 08:05:16 PM
Re: Eating raw meat Thanks all for your thoughts.  I did mention that eating raw meat would simulate eating the organs, hence the extra nutrition.

Maybe a simpler way to implement it would be to bring organs into the game?

November 28, 2022, 01:58:11 PM
Re: That's how you think the weather will be like The swimming messages trigger my inner grammar nazi  :D

Ye Gods, it gets worse:

"As roaming ahead something suddenly captures your attention"


December 14, 2022, 07:45:23 PM
Re: Creation of Mass From Nothing
In the same area, yarn is much heavier than the fibres that go into making it! :)

Gravity causes that.  It's the spinning, you see?

I'll get my coat.

December 15, 2022, 08:59:38 PM
Armor protection modding A modding option to set the armor protection / warmth values of an armour item, much like we can currently set the attack values of weapons, would be very much appreciated.
December 30, 2022, 03:39:11 PM
Bows need to be unstrung Considering that bowstrings can be detached anyway, wouldn't it make sense to go even further with this game mechanic?
IRL you have to unstrung a bow in order for it to remain in working condition. For many video games permanently strung bows make sense as a way of simplifying things, but I believe that there is a place for this mechanic in UrW considering the game's aim for authenticity and realism.

February 06, 2023, 02:48:42 PM
Re: [3.72] Community Bod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing and More!
The recipe calls for 1 pound of herbs which I see as 500g not 900. This might be slightly excessive. The way I see this being prepared, as I do irl, is the whole body cavity is stuffed full with herbs which steams through the fish as it cooks, it is not as with other recipes a sprinkling of flavour.

It would be ideal if the amount of herbs used related to the weight of the fish, but the modding is so limited that you would need a seperate menu entry for each type of fish
Perhaps the best way to do it, and I might, is to have (e.g.) 2-3 herb lines, with only one required and the other two optional. The player could then elect to put in (e.g.) 0.25, 0.5, or 0.75 pounds of herbs.

(also just confirming I'm still working on this! My recently sick (not dangerously so) kids have slowed things down is all.

February 17, 2023, 01:13:50 PM
Animal droppings - an indicator and a fertilizer The past days have been about poop code and poop tiles... as the many different animal droppings, i.e. feces, will appear into the unreal world.

So, what's coming up is that certain animals will start to leave visible droppings that can be found in the terrain.
We're adding droppings for the commonly noticeable and relevant animals; hare, fox, lynx, wolf, reindeer, elk, bear, and so on.
The droppings of different species look a bit different, and upon looking at them you will be told which animal's droppings it is - and also if it's a fresh one.
Some domestic animal droppings are being considered as well, but we'll have to experiment a bit more to see how/if to implement it.

What is to featured as well, and would be in favour with domestic animal droppings, is that the droppings can be also used as fertilizer on your fields.
It will be possible, but not necessary, as the slash-and-burn cultivation already includes fertilization with the ash from the burned wood.
However, we could see fertilizing with the animal droppings increasing the yields slightly.

Here's some screenshots with different kind of droppings indicating the animal presence at these areas.

These are future additions - not yet functional in the current version 3.72.2

February 21, 2023, 06:39:58 PM