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Re: Foxes in my yard Put one light lever trap with two fox traps on the sides - so you catch the bird, the fox comes to kill it and steal it and hopefully gets stuck in one the fox traps ;)

Good money out of fox fur!

February 12, 2018, 02:28:38 PM
Southern region - where art thou? I was trying to find a place to live within the "Southern region".. but I'm not sure it actually exists.

According to the "flora_" files, the southern region is not as poor of herbs as the north, but it's less rich than eastern/western.

I thought - nothing's "southernest" than Reemi! But they still grow nettle, sorrel etc. So they are just "western".

Was southern a thing of the past, now removed? Or does it only cover the coast and islands to the south, and thus pretty no villages of any culture fall within its border? Or maybe islanders do?

February 12, 2018, 04:39:34 PM
Re: Catching a glutton - advice? Got him yesterday:

It did not care about fish. I had fresh fish in all traps and also on the ground, but it just ignored it until it spoiled. Then just out of the blue, it got into the big deadfall trap and ate the old spoiled meat inside (leaving the spoiled roach be).

Got a nice glutton skin to warm my feet on the bed, now.

February 13, 2018, 12:49:23 PM
COOK_WEIGHT_DIV rounds down odd-valued nutrition tested on 3.5b2

In most cases (eg, bear and elk meat) the nutrition numbers (be them fat, carbs or proteins) are multiplied by COOK_WEIGHT_DIV just as the weight is divided by it.

However, when the weight is very small and the nutrition value is odd, sometimes you get the right nutrition value and sometimes you don't.

An example is probably best to explain this.

Let's use two recipes (thanks @caethan):

Code: [Select]
.Grey sludge. *COOKERY* /1/

.Dried sludge. *COOKERY* /1/
{Grey sludge}  [remove] [roast]

If we create this grey sludge and inspect the OBJ file, the nutrition is as we defined and weight is 0.2 lbs.

When we make the Dried sludge, we get weight 0.1, fat 10, carbs 14 and proteins 6. So all good for now, the nutrition is multiplied by 2, and the weight is divided by 2 as normal.

If we set the Grey sludge's weight to 0.15, ie:

Code: [Select]
and then we make dried sludge, we get weight 0.075, fat 8, carbs 14 and proteins 6. What happened to fat?! Everything else is multiplied by two, but it looks like fat was decreased to 4 and then multiplied by 2.

What happens if we set initial sludge weight to 0.1?

Code: [Select]
We dry, and get: weight 0.05, fat 8, carbs 12 and proteins 4. So now all three nutritional values seem to have been rounded down.

There is something wrong for sure :)

February 15, 2018, 08:17:24 AM
Re: Farming in iron age Finland
Or create a completely empty world where you’re the only person alive and do a full self-sufficiency game  :) hermit style

This sounds awesome :D

February 16, 2018, 04:54:36 PM
Re: Farming in iron age Finland Spoke too soon.. the "commonness" and "frequency" are not set at all for the cultivated plants. I can only maybe tweak the number of plants per square (eg, you can as many as 25 barley and rye plants in one spot).
February 16, 2018, 08:07:30 PM
Re: Choose the starting Culture based on skills
On the other hand, I have no idea why anyone would want to play as Koivula.

I can give a very belated explanation to this, since I'm playing one now and have played another before, with much enjoyment.

After you learn most of what you need to know about URW, the very strong cultures start to lose their appeal. You start in winter and get all setup before the coldest part arrives, and you do not look forward to Spring.

I can't even look at Kaumos. Last Owl I rolled had speed, agility, dexterity and eyesight maxed out (just a few roll tries) - a bloody sniper.  Sarto are huge and can be rolled very well. Reemis too, and end up with the highest trapping score (so you drown in animal furs and meat even faster).

Of course I could gimp a roll, or keep important skills low. But as long as I can max out a character, I will, I can't do otherwise.

So my solution has been to play subpar cultures. Rolling many many times to get something decent. Feeling the difficulty of playing with overall lower skills and stats.

In addition, the Koivula have generally few and relatively poor villages, which adds some difficulty (I try to play close to "home" culture).

February 18, 2018, 09:50:00 AM
Re: Height/Weight separate from attributes. @Acolyte I agree, it would be great for many less rolls :)
February 20, 2018, 09:11:40 AM
[Fixed - persists in 3.50b2] Some clothes weigh too much I think there are a few pieces of cloth that escaped review, at the previous version.

Cloak: weights 6, 6.5 and 14 lbs for nettle/wool/fur respectively. However, it covers pretty much like a tunic (only difference: cloak covers knees where tunic covers upper arms). The tunic weights 2.8 for nettle/linen and 5 for wool, so the cloak should be reduced a bit. Incidentally, fur cloak weights too much compared to wool. Maybe a bit less? Or wool should be raised, since it should be quite a bit heavier than cloth.

Overcoat: wool weights 5.5, fur weights 15. Even worse than cloak. A bit too much difference?

Leggings: woollen 3.5, leather 2.9, fur 3.5. In other pieces of cloth, seems like leather should weight more than wool and less than fur. So here 2.9 is strange.

Undergarment: covers as much as a tunic, and less than an undershirt. However, it weights 4 for linen and 7 for wool, much more than tunic (2.8 and 5) and still more than undershirt (3 and 5), which is supposedly bigger. Incidentally, tunic and undershirt have the same weight for wool, while undershirt is bigger. I'd probably notch woollen tunic down by a bit, eg 4.7 or something.

February 22, 2018, 12:12:26 PM
Re: Temperatures across the map should be different If would be nice if there was an actual "south" though. Eg:

South: the most plants, some crops also freely growing as grasses
East/West: less plants, less crops (unless in strongly agricultural places, eg sartola and koivula)
North: very few plants, no agriculture in villages

Right now if you just move a little south from any north tribe village, you'll get the full thing, there's no progression.

Also, it's true that it's colder in the north, but you still can't dry earlier and for longer. The drying start/stop periods are fixed.

March 08, 2018, 10:06:39 AM