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Re: "The Challenge" Beginning of Dead Month

Day 1 67% injured, unable to stand.

Destroyed my items, decided to head west and veer south around trees. I set myself to stealth mode to train my stealth up while travelling. I am in a spruce mire, so i gather some rocks and some cloudberries, one of the only berries that are worth gathering at this time of year for thirst (you can stay abundant on them if you gather enough). lingonberries normally wouldn't be worth it because they take a long time to gather and don't provide much liquid in exchange, but because i'm gathering fatigue by crawling around, I do gather them when my fatigue is over 10% because i need to waste time anyway to defatigue myself. I also gather one of each kind of unknown mushroom so that I can practice identifying them. Whenever I get cool, I look for a tree trunk and light it, then stay by it until I'm warm again, gathering branches, making a stone knife, making torches. I pay attention to the terrain, when I reach a lichenous pine forest, i abandon the southwest direction to go in a circle around the edge of the lichenous pine forest and am rewarded by finding a hill, which i also go around the edge of, but no mountains this time. This won't always pay off but it will more often than not. I resume the southwest heading. When evening hits, I keep going, looking for a fallen tree trunk, then light it on fire and eat some lingonberries so my stomach will be full and I can sleep the full night long instead of waking up from hunger every few hours.

Day 2 62% injured, unable to stand.

I continue southwest. My method of carefully exploring near lichenous pine forests pays off and I reach a mountain. I peek on the peak and discover I'm near north eastern Sartola. Since I can't use the F6 map I don't know in which direction I'm near it but I'm going to keep heading southwest. However, I can see another mountain two tiles north of me, so I'm going to zoom back in and check out that first, because I'd really like to find some water and I can't see any from here, even though it's late morning, so this is as good as the visibility is going to get. I don't see any water from the other mountain either, so back south to the first and then continuing southwest. Found another mountain. If I go northwest one tile and then straight north I1ll hit a small lake. I'll stay there tonight and then come back. There's another mountain to the west of me, but I want to heal my wounds a bit. I find a log near the lake and push it onto the ice to break it, then pull it back. I heal my wounds, light the fire, get some sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night in the rain so i do a little rock fishing. No fish.

Day 3 57% injured, unable to stand.

I head back to the mountain, look up but I can't see anything new so time to head due west to the next mountain. From the next mountain i can see another lake one tile northwest and a bunch of tiles north so i'm going to head to that for the night. each tile is 64 little squares wide so i just count how many times i go left and if i hit 128 (2 tiles) then i start going right again instead.

Day 4 53% injured, unable to stand.

I didn't make it to the lake before i fell asleep so i continue towards the lake. It wasn't very far away. Went back to the mountain, still can't see any new mountains, still north east of sartola, so I go back to my southwest pattern. I'm cold and exhausted and it's evening so light a log and go to sleep but unfortunately wake up at midnight vigorous, so I light a torch and continue on. By the small hours, I'm bitterly cold so I light another tree trunk. This is the problem with travelling at night.  I wait by the fire until I'm tired and then sleep the rest of the night.

Day 5 48% injured, finally I can stand. 12% starvation

Now that I can stay this is going to go better. I'll have to waste less time recovering because walking isn't tiring like crawling. I'm not too worried about the starvation, after 4 fulls days I'm 12% starved so that's about 3% starvation per day. I can survive another month and it won't take me that long to find a village. I do have to hurry because it's only going to get colder but for now I can light a fire whenever i get cold and still have lots of time for walking. Next month I won't be able to walk 20 steps without going from hot to numbingly cold. This means no more berry gathering. I have about 7lb of berries and I'm only going to eat them if I go multiple days without finding water and am in danger of dying of thirst, or if they start to go stale. I happened upon another mountain. There's another mountain southwest of here, 6 tiles west, more tiles than that to the south so I'm going to head for that. From this mountain there's another mountain to the west, just one tile south. And from here the are some mountains to the south. North west of those mountains is a small lake where i'll camp tonight.

Day 6 45% injured, 15% starved

Heading back to the mountain, now that it's morning I can see another mountain to the south, 6 tiles to the east, so heading that way now. And from there, there's one directly southeast a few tiles away. Still "near northern sartola" I'm really curious if i'm heading in the right direction or not but bouncing between mountains is the safest way to go. The next mountain is 8 tiles west and 14 tiles south which is going to be harder not to lose my count and i might overshoot it or something but if I don't make it there'll always be another mountain. I made it there safely and now there's one just one tile south and a long way to the west and it's near a lake! I'm spending the night at the lake and then continuing on tomorrow.

Day 7 41% injured, 16% starved

No fish at the lake, healed my injuries, heading back to the mountains. There are a few mountains in a row. From here, if I had northwest until I hit the water and then west until I hit the hill and then go northwest one more tile I should hit another mountain but if I don't hit the water where I expect to then I just need to follow along the coast and I'll still hit the mountain. And now it says I'm in north eastern Sartola. I don't see any roads yet but it's only a matter of time.  If I go to the southeast edge of these hills and then go straight south, then follow the lake counterclockwise until just before I reach the hill and then go straight south again, I'll reach the next mountain. I must have miscalculated because I never found this lake but sooner or later I'll find something. I found a thicket! I checked all four sides in case there was a road or other village-like tile near it but there wasn't. it was a long shot, groves are often near villages but thickets are random. I have come to a lake. I'm pretty sure it's not the one I was aiming for. I'm going to explroe around it. I drop 3 spruce twigs near the shore so that i don't go around in circles if I go all the way around. I spend the night at the shore

Day 8 38% injured, 19% starved

I'll continue this another day.

August 23, 2020, 09:28:29 PM
Re: "The Challenge" Day 26 0% injured, 8% starved

In the past few days I've made 16 fences and 1 light lever trap, which caught a raven in my trap so I'm going to make some more arrows and then hang out in the village making more wooden stakes because it takes forever in the cold with having to light fires all the time.

Day 33 0% injured, 33% starved

My trap fence now has 1 light lever trap, 1 bear trap, and 1 small deadfall trap with 8 fences between each. I'm going to visit another village now. I wound up buying another leather rope but I can't really afford anything else.

Day 40 0% injured, 47% starved

My trap fence now also has a large deadfall trap. I'm going back to a village now and goint to make some 48 wooden stakes  and then my fence will be done. I am starting to get concerned about the starvation, next goal is a fishing rod. Got the branches quest, maybe I'll finally get a broad knife at this village. Success! It took ten squirrel hides worth a reward (it was the same village I got my last quest from), 16 rough arrows, and 1 arrow, but it was worth it.

Day 42 0% injured, 52% starved

I spent a couple days visiting some other villages in hopes of finding a fishing rod. Then when I got back to my trap fence, I found an elk in my bear trap! I'm saved!

Day 47 0% injured, 39% starved

I made an overcoat and leggings out of the elk fur and have dried most of the meat and roasted the rest.  I'm exploring a new village now, still hoping for a fishing rod. I made notes of what items the village has for later but nothing I can buy now. Now that I'm a bit better equipped with furs, I'm going to take a trip down south because there will definitely be fishing rods in islander villages and sometimes islander territory extends onto the mainland. Also, the ice is thick enough now that it's safe to cross it.

Day 51 0% injured, 20% starved

I had to visit 2 villages in islander territory but I did find a fishing rod. The islander adventurer only wanted one rough arrow for it so that's pretty good. I'm out of food again but I'm going to be just fine. I think I'll start trying to build a house very slowly, still with my stone axe, but doing quests religiously every 14 days so that I can try to get some rewards and a better axe. Also, I'll check my trap fence everyday and reset them until I get a skill up. You can get 3 skill ups per skill per day but I'm not in that much of a hurry.

Day 63 0% injured, 31% starved

I got another quest 8 days ago and got a reward at the village that has the masterwork handaxe. With the arrows I've made, I have almost enough to buy it but not quite. I've mostly been working on training up trapping, but I just happened on a fatigued badger so i followed him till he was breathless and killed him. My dried elk will be ready in about a week, too. I made some badger mittens out of the badger, and also a fur hood out of the rest of the badger and a little bit of my overcoat. As you can see from my starvation, I'm not spending all that much time fishing -- only when I'm cold and waiting by the fire. Otherwise I'm training trapping up and moving logs from my trapping area to where my home will be -- this is less efficient than just chopping them down at my new home but I find it relaxing.

Day 68 15% injured, 27% starved

Had a few really cold days and I got a bit frostbit so i've just been sitting by a fire and fishing until this cold snap ends, couldn't venture away from my fire long enough to do much else. Just got a squirrel today. I think I1ll make it (and a little bit more of my overcoat) into a cap. Tomorrow I'll check the village again for another quest and by the time I got home i'll have some dried elk cuts ready.

Day 69 15% injured, 28% starved

Wounded adventurer quest! He says it's in a lichenous pine forest with a heathland south of that so real easy. The reward is a treasure in a cave (yay no digging) in Fallencliff in southeast Sartola. Great. I could have just kept his woodsman's axe which would have been really useful to me right now but I'm betting that the treasure in the cave better.

Day 70 15% injured, 28% starved

There's an escaping small bear in this cave but I'm really determined to get the reward so i'm just going to try to avoid it. 1 masterwork trident, 2 masterwork angos, masterwork leather shoes, masterwork fur footwear, 2 masterwork leather boots, 4 superior winter elk furs, 1 bronze flower-ornamented comb. I safely avoided the bear. On my way home, I take a break to sit by a fire and craft a cloak. Normally this would be a waste of a superior fur because they are very valuable for trading and the best cloak you can make is just decent, but I want to be able to light fewer fires. I'm also going to repair my other clothes that I had previously cannibalised a bit to make more clothes sooner than I had new furs for.

Day 71 14% injured, 25% starved

Traded my elk fur cap, 5 rough arrows and 11 arrows (and my 7 squirrel hides reward) for a masterwork handaxe. life is going to be good from now on.

Day 79 15% injured, 0% starved

checking my traps i find a badger, and while processing it, a bull elk, and while processing that, an eagle owl.

day 84 13% injured, 0% starved

Finished processing all of those animals, went to a village, got the forest spirits quest, so I guess my next goal is to find some silver but it's not a very high priority goal; i want to build a small sauna.

day 91 10% injured, 0% starved

It's the start of Pearl month now, February. I have built two walls and a door so far of my sauna. I'll put this aside now and play some more another day.

August 27, 2020, 08:28:34 PM
Re: 5 reasons why Unreal World is one of the most original and rewarding games ever,
Please try The Wild Darkness by PoPeyed inc, it similar but have not social feature as URW have. Enormous Elk may become partner for each other to develop perfect RPG game.

This game won't play on my potato  ;)

September 02, 2020, 10:29:00 PM
Configurable system of measurement with more precision The game currently uses imperial units - pound, feet etc. Or more precisely mostly imperial units as there are few confusing metric system units (meters, kilometers) in the mix. We'll be sorting it all up now and will allow system of measurement to be chosen from two configuration options - metric or imperial. In addition you can also configure the precision of units displayed eg. how many decimals fractions to use. Two decimal fractions will probably be the maximum, for the sake of sanity and readability.
We'll probably also add some smaller units eg. grams and ounces, which aren't currently seen at all. So all in all it's gonna be less rounding with numbers and more precise measurements displayed - if you prefer precision. I'd also like to add option for quite vague unit display which emphasize more on common sense, roleplaying and old finnish units - but might be that it's gonna be a future addition somewhere along the way. After the global unit display in the game is reworked it will be quite easy to add new systems of measurements anyway.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.63.

December 05, 2020, 12:57:26 PM
Black Smiths and Armor Sizes I'd like to see metal armor divided into small, medium, and large. Every character would be separated into each category based off their weight and height. Wearing armor other than your size will give a penalty. You would need to visit a blacksmith and pay to have a piece of armor adjusted to a different size. Blacksmiths could also be commissioned to make specific pieces of armor (or metal weapons) for a little more than if you just traded for that same piece normally, and would take a few days to complete (longer for bigger/more complicated pieces). They could also repair your damaged metal armor, too.
April 30, 2021, 09:02:25 PM
Show statistics without needing to die... Hi,

As the title says, only when you die you can finally see some basic stats about your char: distance traveled, days adventuring, etc. Why not implement a "Statistics" screen, to see your current stats? It can have the following info:

- Start date of adventuring
- Days adventuring
- Distance traveled
- # of animals hunted (per species). Don't display zero kills, to have it cleaner, or fish!
- # of animals trapped (per species)
- # of Njerpezs killed
- # of buildings and/or total area of buidings
- # of traps (per kind)
- Total length of fences
- # of quests completed
- Total value of inventory
- # of cultures met
- gain per skill since beginning (ex: +10 bow, +15 hideworking, etc.)
- Whatever other interesting things you desire  8)

Shouldn't be too complex. Thoughts?


May 08, 2021, 06:37:43 PM
Please add an option for a sound notification upon skill increase Hi,

I think it would be very good for myself and all the "character trainers" out there to get a sound notification upon skill increase.
This would be particularly useful for training sessions such as when throwing 25 shields all day long; just a simple "beep" would go a long way and would prevent constant visual checking of the Character Skills page.

As this great game tries to be as much moddable as possible, if this suggestion gets implemented with a separate and clear audio filename such as 'skill_increased.wav' or similar, people can mod their game as per their choice (i.e. customize the skill increased audio notification as they like).

Thank you

Edit: I did search for 'audio' and 'sound' keywords prior to posting - I couldn't find this suggested/requested before.

Edit2: I just came across another suggestion from 2018 which is "Log message for skill training"
Just wanted to say, I think, it would be a good idea to add a log notification as well as sound notification.
Sound is good for instant consumption but log is something one can go back and look at/search for of course; I think it is good to arm the player with more information. Those who are not interested will easily ignore it anyway.

June 13, 2021, 05:52:34 PM
Fishing bait - Worms, guts, and groundbait Great game, brutally rewarding.

I would imagine this is planned but if not,  digging for worms or reaching into trees for grubs etc. for bait would be much appreciated. Similarly using guts from butchery would be another realistic suggestion to improve the hunter-gatherer symbiosis.

Another potentially interesting addition would be the option to throw groundbait into fishing water. Pushing offcuts or specifically crafted bait into the water would increase likelihood of catching specific fish for a certain time, likely limited by type of groundbait and type of water.

Again, a great game, excited to see where it goes.

October 25, 2021, 05:13:40 AM
Filling skins from containers I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but it'd be nice to be able to fill a water skin from a container without picking up the container first, just like when filling from a lake. You probably wouldn't pick up a large wooden tub to fill a skin irl but rather dunk the skin in.
February 02, 2022, 08:15:18 AM
Agriculture—Harvest key-jockey relief Premise:
Harvesting and picking up stacks (more than 1 item) is excessive with keyboard jockeying. Alt-A+h, direction, *space, semicolon, direction, enter.  Just to get 2 nettles.

*add an extra enter, escape and/or y in case there’s anything else on the tile; animal, companion, rock, branch: all add extra complications.

Add option to enable .ini setting to auto pickup harvested items.

Add Agriculture—Gather that does Harvest and pickup both

Change Harvest to also pickup the plants. And then IF some reason wanted, e.g. thresh on the spot, manually drop the plants.

Personally I think Gather would be best, doesn’t take anything away from those who like to thresh on the spot and eases jockeying for those that like to do threshing at homestead before going to sleep. Seconded by .ini setting.

Also related, when gathering lakereeds, punt nor raft can move to the tile with the harvested plants: it’d be appreciated the plants would be automatically placed on the watercraft, as long as the carrying capacity can any exceeded. In case of capacity would be exceeded, then throw a prompt that “the load for punt/raft is too much to carry”

May 24, 2022, 05:20:47 AM