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Re: Punts on Dogs (or other pack animals) Dog carrying a punt makes about as much sense as player character somehow stowing the same (presumably 2-3 meter long) watercraft into his bag of holding and then running through thick spruce forest while wielding a bow and arrow. Or a bull carrying a 5 meter wooden log.

The game's stowage system is rudimentary, but until (if ever) we get a detailed one featuring frames, cordage, leather straps, bags etc. I don't see reason to touch it. In more detailed system, I suppose the punt could be tied to some kind of light wooden frame secured on the animal/player and is being dragged behind the animal/character.

December 23, 2021, 11:51:35 PM
Re: Winter Fur
Yes, clothes made from winter fur is warmer. You'll notice it more with bigger animals like bear or elk. I don't remember if the effect is visible for squirrel fur, but it might be. You can examine clothes in your inventory individually to see how warm they are.

Doesn't seem to actually be a thing, almost got existed since it would have meant less "hunt the rare piece of fine/masterwork clothing from Driik/Reemi shops" for optimal winter wear (especially for the smaller characters).

Tested by creating a pair of new Owl tribe characters in 3.80, one in autumn and one in winter and then hunting and skinning an elk. Fine elk winter fur (hunted in Dirt month) made into clothing with decent yarn bought from shop resulted in elk fur clothing with warmth of 5. Decent elk fur (hunted in Harvest month) made into clothing with decent store bought yarn resulted in elk fur clothing with warmth of 5. I verified both were actually 5 (rather than 4 as yellow means both 4 and 5 on the armour coverage screen) by seeing that both produced 8 (dark green) when overlapping with linen clothing.

So you'll still need to get those fine+ generic fur mittens, footwear and hood from shop for your winter clothing. For the rest, furs are at best temporary solution even if fine, since they are weight inefficient for warmth when compared to even regular quality wool/linen/nettle clothing.

June 18, 2023, 11:25:09 AM
Add more "manufacturer" NPCs In the category of super obvious suggestions: now that there is presumably some kind framework for the orders systems, it would be nice to see other relevant NPCs.

For example bowyers who make bows and arrows (possibly player would need to supply the arrowheads?), rough/decent clothing from female npc from villages (possibly with rather long manufacturing times as they have other things to do than make you clothes), rare dedicated seamstress NPC who make fine and masterwork clothing in at least Driik and Reemi villages. Maybe (already present) craftsman NPCs should be able to supply you with more general items like paddles, punts, yarn, snares, nets etc.? The readily available stock in villages could then be revised to be more basic accordingly (though I think they should always have some stuff there, a desperate player might want to steal an axe, for example).

It's worth noting that there would be some thematic issues with ordering fur clothing, since furs are mechanically player's prime loot and currency, but fur clothing isn't priced accordingly. For example fine reindeer fur goes for 250 value (25 value/pound) while fine fur shirt is 200 (28,58 value/pound). Maybe (forest) reindeer furs should have the price cut down to half to bring them in line with elk fur for value/pound, though I feel the added value from the expert manufacture is still rather small. The fur clothes could be also made more expensive, but fine furs (warmth 6, but very heavy) are already bit iffy for warmth when compared to rough nettle and linen clothing (warmth 2, but much lighter), so they aren't terribly useful for players except for the items for extremities.

June 19, 2023, 10:32:05 AM
Birds should be less intimidating This is something that has been bothering me for a long time. Please make it so that we can zoom out to the world map even if there is some random grouse hovering in the air nearby. Birds in the air tend to be chill about the player's presence so that they can stick nearby and you need to run away from the bird before you can zoom out. None of the birds are ever aggressive to the player either. The only potential exploit cases I can think of is that the player might zoom out to prevent a bird of prey from killing another bird or prevent it from stealing a meat cut you left lying around on the ground, which are of doubtful utility.

Similarly I'm not sure dogs should be so hung about birds of pray (i.e. bark in alarm) as they are insignificant animals to the player. It's unnecessary info clutter.

June 20, 2023, 08:45:45 PM
Re: Winter Fur
Is it? The wiki says generic fur and bear fur are the same except bear fur is better vs Tear. Is there a game file I can check or are people just comparing manually with layers in-game?

Some people have probably snooped the game code at various time but I don't know how to do so. You can see armour values in-game either on the armour coverage screen or by individually examining pieces of clothing in your inventory.

Those colour coded pictures at the start of are extremely old. They were wrong a decade ago when they were on the old Wiki, if someone has Wiki account would be good idea to move them to the bottom of the article (which has similarly ancient stuff) or just remove them. The correct armour values are given in a text based table bit further down the article, and there is also legend for the colour codes used on the armour coverage screen above that. Only aspect missing from the Wiki are the bonuses clothing/armour get from quality. E.g. rough clothing (fur/cloth/wool) has -1 warmth, fine cloth clothing and leather get no boost, but there is a boost at masterwork, furs and wool get their bonus at fine already (easily missed on wool since it goes from 4 to 5 warmth, which are both colour coded yellow) and IIRC are no further buffed by masterwork. IIRC, mail is only buffed at masterwork, not sure about iron (helm, coudes) since it's pierce/edge resistance is out of scale.

June 27, 2023, 01:23:50 PM
Re: Shields vs projectiles vs dodging

Presuming that defensive bonus of 6 that the wiki gives for shield is 30% and dodge action has no bonus of any sort, then masterwork shield would come down to about to same defensiveness as dodge in your character's case. Though I note that Harnmaster's block action more readily produces tactical advantage for the defender, not sure if that's the same in URW but if yes then the shield might actually be superior.

July 18, 2023, 07:42:16 PM
Re: No reach? Knives are pretty bad due to their low attack bonus, which essentially measures reach for time being.
November 26, 2023, 08:13:12 PM
Re: Human combat system is really off---enemy are fighting like zombies Strong edge (or tear, yes I mean you Mr. Wolf) attack to neck is usually 1 hit instant death for PC and NPCs if there is no significant armour there (I don't think I have seen many mail cowls on Njerps). There is this massege about almost tearing the body part off. Happens also with broadhead arrows (including to animals as large as reindeer and at least smaller bears), and it can happen even to otherwise unharmed and fresh mobs. Point attacks are in my experience less instantly lethal, which is why I tend to choose axes over spears (and often bring broadheads if I know I'm going to fight Njerps or robbers and need to make my shots count).

I have never, ever missed with attack on unconscious mob (yellow text on attack screen), and I suspect such attacks automatically roll extra damage dice as well. You sure the mob was actually unconscious?

In general the main trick to URW combat is exhaustion management. Your opponents run all the time in combat situations, while you can choose not to. If they are not running they are attacking every turn (while you can choose not to, in which case you most likely move backwards so that your opponent has to run bit more). Exhausted mobs will have penalty to their attacks, they drop down easy and when they become unconscious they are unlikely to recover in reasonable time. You can essentially consider it equivalent of damage that just heals quicker, in that sense even moving backwards (and not even making a counterstrike) is a damaging attack on your enemies, and it has 100% hit chance.

November 27, 2023, 01:29:39 PM
Add cooking with wooden bowls There has been traditional usage of wooden containers for cooking in Finland, and this could theoretically go back to URW's times. I.e. särä:

In practice it would involve wooden bowl or similar new speciality item that would be patched a bit with quick dough and then placed in fireplace (which represents traditional Finnish chimneyless ovenstove) with burned out fire and cooked for hours, akin to meat stew and porridge recipes. The container should suffer wear in the process and be good for only few usages.

As pot is rather large investment early on, this would allow some basic cooking to be done by starting characters.

November 28, 2023, 12:23:17 PM
Re: Best Ways to Acquire Masterwork Fur Armor? Actually scratch that, masterwork fur does get +1 to edge and +1 tear (over fine, which itself is +1 warmth and +1 blunt), which makes it situationally more useful armour material over bear fur which instead a better pierce resistance. I'd say bear furs are still generally better as blunt attack is relatively rare and edge resistance is easier to stack than pierce.
December 01, 2023, 11:35:41 AM