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Messages - Matti-patti

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Gameplay questions / Re: Possibility of Superior Furs
« on: February 13, 2025, 02:53:21 PM »
I’m not 100%, but near certain that tanning doesn’t run encumbrance check. If you’re tanning elk, bear skin with a bag, birchbark basket or multiple bowl: game doesn’t prompt “with the load you’re carrying your task is more difficult “ paraphrased, I’m not  able to check the exact wording. Same as trapping. On the other hand timbercraft and fishing do prompt about the penalties, injuries, encumbrance, fatigue.

It does still affect the fatigue you get, so especially with larger furs it's still good idea to drop everything except the fur at least when finishing rinsed furs.

Suggestions / Re: Reducing amount of blunt hits enough to kill prey
« on: February 11, 2025, 05:42:10 PM »
Hi everyone,

I started using blunt hits to preserve quality of hides and noticed it taking somewhat many blows to kill.

An elk I've just hunted down had survived sixteen hits to the head with a woodsman's axe (which weighs six lbs) before died. I don't have an experience of killing someone this way (as well as any other), yet seems a bit unrealistic to me.

Spoiler: show

It might not be that excessive. You are essentially hammering away to cause irreversible amount of brain damage that the animal can't ever recover from. Easier to do by cutting right into the brain matter with the edge part than simply causing cranial hemorrhage through thick skull.

Realistically what a hunter would probably do is to cut the carotid artery with his knife (edge attack on the neck) once the animal is unconscious rather than keep hammering the skull. That this harms the skin currently can be considered to be unrealistic.

General Discussion / Re: Salt from the coast...
« on: February 10, 2025, 03:07:08 PM »
You can occasionally find salt in Sartola (just bought a bag there) and maybe Reemi but don't quote me on the latter (couldn't find any in quick verification attempt).

Gameplay questions / Re: Layered Mittens - Intentional?
« on: February 10, 2025, 02:32:52 PM »
Why wouldn't it be? If we are talking about long term exposure in temperatures below -20 degrees it's even desirable real life, and that's when the game starts complaining about freezing hands if you go with just fur mittens.

Mechanically speaking how overlapping is done currently is that you can not wear same clothing twice, but if just the material is different you can wear both of them. E.g. you can wear nettle and linen tunic, but not two nettle tunics. But in this case we are not even talking about same kind of clothing, but mittens vs. long mittens (kinda like tunic vs. shirt) so it's not even edge case.

Not bugs / [Not a bug] Steam beta branch missing
« on: November 01, 2024, 06:36:14 PM »
At least it didn't use to require any special code to access it. Did this change or is there a hiccup somewhere?

Development News / Re: Version 3.85 beta released
« on: October 31, 2024, 02:49:48 PM »
I'm a bit puzzled by the removal of the water skin. While it's true there's a lot of water in the world, it's rather inconvenient to get at during the winter. A water skin kept close to the body should keep it liquid, so you don't have to spend a lot of time making a hole in ice each time you need water.
It would be fine if there was a corresponding closed container, such as a wooden flask, but now you'd have to resort to using an open container, which works in the game, but not in the real world. You'd have to move extremely carefully to retain the water inside a bowl in the backpack...

Yep, I thought this change might be a bit hard to digest, but gameplay wise it doesn't hurt that much. But true indeed, immersion wise it does hurt a bit, as the current available containers are open ones. During the era closed wooden containers (eg. "kimpileili" (fin)) were used for carrying liquids, and those would be a proper substitute for a waterskin.
I was actually considering possibilities to introduce them already in this version, but the crafting technique is so sophisticated that it was too costly to start implementing now.
Hmm. Maybe we could first feature these as a village crafts.

Having them as village crafts would be good enough in my opinion, player crafting can come later. I always buy my waterskins (from village hunters) as is, since crafting them is rarely practical (either you need ton of bird skin or need to de-hair valuavle fur which you could have used to just buy the skin).

Bug reports / Re: Stackable Items not stacking
« on: September 12, 2024, 12:10:52 PM »
The only time I have noticed furs not stacking without quality or weight difference is that player tanned furs don't stack with generated (from villagers etc.) furs. Been that way for ages. The only weight difference I have noticed in furs is stags and elks producing different sized elk furs.

The handaxe stacking thing is due to there being separate versions of handaxe in game.

Seems fixed on my end. The game properly switches audio device and doesn't crash on exit afterwards.

At least in the current edition of Harnmaster normal blow has 26% of hitting chest or abdomen but only 9% chance of hitting hip or groin. The URW system is a bit different, but I doubt it's too different. In addition abdomen is a weak spot more vulnerable to mortal wounds than most body parts (which, based on personal experience, seems true in URW as well). Plus hip and groin are likely to have good protection anyway since both torso and leg pieces tend to double down on it (cuirass being a rare exception).

For warmth I do know that your hands and feet are the first thing to freeze given equal warmth coverage. Since that's realistic (blood being diverted from extremities to vital functions) I'd expect the rest of the system to not be too far out of line. I suppose testing how far you can get while neglecting to stack clothing to areas like knees, elbows and shoulders would be interesting. E.g. woollen dress, linen dress, nettle cloak and furs for the extremities, I do suspect it will have worse result than switching one of the dresses for an undershirt would as the game does seem to take some issue with entirely unclothed body parts.

Guides and tutorials / Re: Carrying Penatly and fatigue tested
« on: January 31, 2024, 09:58:37 PM »
Have you explored how carrying penalty affects other activities, particularly combat, beyond running, and have you noticed similar effects on fatigue?

They have similar effect. I haven't tested it systematically so not sure of the exact ratios (but likely they are exactly same as for running), but there are very notable differences in fatigue build-up from heavy duty work at 0% (tool on the ground) and say 2%.

More generally, it's worth noting that the fatigue build-up is NOT based flat on the percentage of encumbrance penalty, it's more fine grained than that. For instance, a character might have same rate of fatigue build-up at 0% and 1%, but if they pick some more stuff (while still remaining within 1%) they can start becoming tired more quickly.

Development News / Re: Haft them axes, haft them spears
« on: January 12, 2024, 08:02:24 PM »
Ability to get them re-hafted at suitably skilled blacksmith's without quality loss chance would be nice.

Off-topic / Re: 10 Medieval Arrow Types
« on: January 12, 2024, 01:26:08 PM »
He actually got the idea for those bouncing ones from Sami's Youtube channel:

Tod is a bit wrong on their provenance though, they are from Uralic Ugric peoples and not from Lapland.

Suggestions / Allow pre-loading of crossbows without nocking
« on: January 09, 2024, 11:34:16 AM »
Currently it's only possible to load crossbow in advance by wielding it and then wielding an arrow in the other hand. Problem with this is that it makes crossbows practically unusable with skis. In addition if you change the nocked arrow to one of different type you need to reload the crossbow for some reason. I'd propose that it should be possible to load a wielded crossbow in advance by using the apply action. The load action should be the default selected action in the apply menu (over the bowstring one) to save bit of keystrokes. After this the crossbow persists in loaded state until unwielded or shot with. If you load the crossbow by wielding an arrow at the same time as we currently do, the crossbow should also maintain the loaded state even if the arrow is unwielded or changed to a different one.

General Discussion / Re: Question on Prices?
« on: January 02, 2024, 11:59:07 PM »
The wiki values on price seem generally accurate and current to me, based on personal experience. All these pages seem fine to use to determine cost:

The last page uses squirrel hide as unit so you need to multiply it by 8 to make it comparable to the first two. The page on fur also gives prices in arrows which cost same as squirrel hides.

Oh, and note that player made clothing has reduced price, they are not suitable as trade goods.

Suggestions / Give the "arrow-tip" treatment to javelins
« on: December 16, 2023, 09:17:05 PM »
In other words, allow us to manufacture bone javelin-heads, buy iron javelin-heads and ability to manufacture javelins using them. Then we can choose to use simple sharpened point as now, or make a more proper javelin with the new heads. With this I believe javelin making should also be moved under the carpentry skill, allowing player to manufacture fine and masterwork javelins with proper tips. Possibly staff making should too, to make it harder to get the proper materials for good quality javelin.

I don't think the stat line of the weapon needs to change, as the point attack is already excessive for sharp wooden stick.

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