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Fischen ist eine signifikante Quelle des Lebensunterhalts und wird von allen Völkern in UnReal World ausgeübt.


Der zu fangende Fisch wird von der Angelausrüstung und dem Fanggebiet bestimmt, da die verschiedenen Fischarten in flachen oder tiefen Gewässern, Seen oder Flüssen leben. Barsche (perch), Brassen (bream) und Hechte (pike) sind die häufigsten in Seen lebenden Fische. Lachse Salmon kommen nur in Flüssen und vor allem in Stromschnellen während der Laichzeit vor. Es gibt auch Lavarette lavaret, Forellen trout, Zander pike-perch und so weiter. Das ganze Jahr über kann geangelt werden, aber im Winter müssen Sie mit [q] uaff oder Angelkenntnissen ein Loch in das Eis bohren. Sie können mit einem geeigneten Werkzeug wie einer Angelrute aktiv fischen. Einige Waffen wie Dreizacke, Speere oder Keulen eignen sich auch zum Fischen. Die Idee dabei ist, die Fische, die in der Nähe des Ufers schwimmen, zu speeren oder mit einer Keule zu erschlagen. Diese Fangmethode ist nur bei relativ großen Fischen erfolgreich, und am häufigsten handelt es sich bei dem Fang um einen Hecht. Es gibt auch passive Fangmethoden. Derzeit ist es möglich, Netze zu verwenden.

Grundlegendes zum Fischen


Fishing is one of the easier ways to get food for newer players. There are two kinds of fishing. Active and Passive. Fishing can net (pun intended) you a large amount of food, but in the winter months becomes a little harder as you'll need to cut holes in ice in order to fish. These holes also re-freeze, so generally it is advised to only use fishing as something to grant you extra food. That is not to say that one cannot survive on just fish, but it is harder to do so.

Local fish resources may become exhausted after some time (with truly massive amounts of fish caught?). You will notice that both active and passive fishing yield almost nothing. It seems that resources are replenished at the beginning of each month.

Instead of spending 20+ minutes making a hole through ice, an easy way to break through thick ice is to have enough animals standing on one tile, this always happens when you enter the terrain map. The animals/pets/companions will always stand on the tile east of you upon entering the terrain map, this is really convenient when you need to fish and especially when you need to retrieve your nets that are on frozen tile/s.

In some cases you will need to wait a few turns for animal/s to crack and finally break through the ice.

Type and quantity of animals needed to fall/break through thick ice:

1 Big Bull

2 Bulls

Active Fishing / Aktives Fischen

Active fishing means that you actually stand by the lake/river shore, with a Club/Spears/Fishing Rod, waiting for a passing fish. The best tool to use for this is the fishing rod, followed by spears (javelins count) then the club. A complete session of fishing lasts about 3 hours if you don't catch anything. Less if you manage to catch something.

Notice that when using active fishing, you need to be standing on a tile that's part of the water-area e.g. it says "Rapids" above the local terrain map. If you try to fish in a tile that does not count as water-area, the game will tell you that "You should find a better spot! From this very location you can't expect to catch any fish."

Active Fishing Advice

One thing to remember is that active fishing with javelins is a slow way to starve to death. You just can't get ahead with this method even if you use rapid water tiles. Either buy/rob/steal a fishing rod and/or net, or get food another way. However, with a high enough fishing skill, javelin fishing can help your character along until a better source of food can be found.

Passive Fishing / Passives Fischen

Passive fishing uses nets, which you must trade for (or receive through the "I want to be a fisherman" starting scenario).

Passive Fishing advice

To set a net, use a punt or raft to get out into deeper water (occasionally, you may be able to walk out far enough into the water) and then deploy the net with the fishing skill. There is no need to spread multiple nets over different tiles, you can put all your nets in the same spot with no ill effects. Now leave it undisturbed for at least one day - there won't be any fish inside before, and checking will reset the timer - but shorter than two days; if you leave it too long you will only get a message about all the fish being dead.

The game will make a note in your log of the time when you set or check your nets. A good way to use nets efficiently is to check them one time period later than when you set them the day before (i.e. if you set them in the afternoon of the 23rd, check them in the late afternoon of the 24th). When you've reached evening or the night, just take a net-fishing break for one day and start over in the morning or small hours. This will let fish four days out of five easily, and more if you're careful about not missing a beat. It's best to check and reset as soon as possible, since you don't seem to get more fish for being close to the time limit, and this way there is less risk of missing the deadline and loosing a catch.

With high fishing skill (and the Fisher's Request ritual) you can expect to net 4-5 lb of fish per net per catch, sometimes much more, when you net half a dozen lavarets or burbots. If you store the raw fish in a cellar, you can wait for two catches to stack, and string up 3 lb lavarets or burbots by the 19 to smoke or dry every other day or so, very efficient 57 lb per string. Batches of bigger fish are more difficult to accumulate, but then you only need half a dozen to get a better deal per string than with meat.

URW Game Encyclopedia description

The official URW in-game encyclopedia (accessed by the F1 key) describes fishing thusly:

Fishing is a significant source of livelihood and commonly practised by all the cultures of the UnReal World.

There are two kinds of fishing methods, active and passive. Active fishing means using a fishing rod or certain weapons to catch a fish. Passive fishing is practised with nets.

The idea of fishing with weapons is to stand by the shore waiting for a passing fish and try to spear or club it. This fishing method is fruitful only with relatively big fish, and most often the catch is a pike. It's possible to try fishing with any spear or club this way, but tridents are specifically designed for it.

Nets can be used only in deep water. They are set and left in place for a day or two, and then retrieved - hopefully with some fish caught in. To get out into deeper water for setting and retrieving nets a punt or raft is often needed.

The fish to be caught depends on the fishing method, equipment and the fishing site. Different kind of fish live in shallow or deep waters, lakes or rivers. Perches, roaches, breams and pikes are the most common fish living in lakes. Salmons are found only in rivers, and especially in rapids during their spawning season. There are also lavarets, trouts, pike-perches and so on.

Fishing is started either by using the fishing skill and choosing the preferred method, or by applying fishing rod or net from the inventory. During the wintertime when the lakes are frozen you need to a make hole in the ice first. That is also done by using your fishing skill.

Related content

Further articles on fishing.


  • Fish - The species of fish available to catch in the game.
  • Fishing (Skill) - The player character's skill that determines the potential success at fishing.



See also