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Messages - Dungeon Smash

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Suggestions / Re: Rules of engagement for adventurers in the wild
« on: May 06, 2019, 11:52:58 PM »
I really like this idea but I don't think NPCs should automatically attack when somebody enters "Personal Space", and should instead simply ask intentions, or give a shout to the effect of "Halt!  Come no closer!" and then engage in combat if the warning is not heeded. perhaps there could be another case to prevent constant bloodbaths.  Like perhaps "Cautious" state, similar to animals "Alert" state, where NPC will wield their weapons and will watch the PC continually until a certain distance is established, friendly relations begin, or combat begins.

General Discussion / Re: No f*cking way i would play.
« on: April 28, 2019, 04:32:57 PM »
This led me to thinking... what type of shield are Unreal World shields, exactly?  I always assumed they represented "Viking" shields, and the in-game graphic seems to support this.  However, 6 lbs is quite light for a Viking-era shield..

The thin, unfaced reproduction shields shown in the photographs on this page weigh about 5kg (11lbs), while the thicker, leather covered shields weigh more than 7kg (15lbs) when dry.
These shields are about 3 feet in diameter and 0.25 - 0.5 inches in thickness.  With the shields shown here, you can imagine how someone could almost completely protect themselves from arrows by crouching down low behind the shield.

However, the UnReal World shield appears to be different, based on the weight.  It must be smaller in diameter, or thinner, or both. It could actually be more similar to the buckler that the OP described.  I wonder if Sami or Erkka could give us their thoughts... if it is meant to be a Viking-style shield, perhaps the weight should be increased?

Suggestions / Re: Agricultural suggestions
« on: April 26, 2019, 06:06:23 AM »
I actually looked at the planned features section of the URW website, and it turns out most of my suggestions are already in plans for development  :o :-[ ::) :-X  That's what I get for not checking first!  Sami & Erkka are obviously on top of their game.  I will wait to see what they have in store, but still - here you have one voice from a fan, saying that I am eager for these features! :P

Modding / New furniture item: "Chest" for storing things
« on: April 26, 2019, 02:04:14 AM »
Sometimes the cabin tends to get a bit cluttered, especially in long games.  It's perfectly possible to stash large piles on a single tile, but it looks messy to simply dump everything on the floor.

It would be nice to be able to build a furniture item called "Chest".  I would imagine it would function similar to a cellar, but without the added benefit of keeping food fresh.

It would particularly be nice for clothing items, since those seem to tend to pile up the most.

Very cool!!

Suggestions / Agricultural suggestions
« on: April 21, 2019, 01:01:14 AM »
I've just recently started playing around with large-scale agriculture for the first time in this game. 

It would be neat if things like rainfall and sunshine actually affected how much the crops grow, and how fast.  Right now, it seems to be determined right when the seeds are planted, using your Agriculture skill.  However, in real life, crops are heavily impacted by weather. It would be cool if you didn't necessarily know how much barley or peas you were going to get right off the bat, and instead you had to wait to see how the weather helped or hindered your crop.  Perhaps your Agriculture skill could help ameliorate the negative effects of bad weather, allowing your crops to survive flooding or flourish despite insufficient sunlight.   I know this is a very complicated idea, but I think the person who modeled the ice forming & melting simulations for this game could probably handle it ;)

This year in the game, I also had another interesting thing happen: we had a late frost in spring, preventing me from planting crops for over a week.  Some crops were already in the ground, but they survived the frost fine.  I think it would be interesting if late frosts could destroy your crops - moderated again, of course, by agriculture skill.  It would be frustrating, but that's the life of the farmer!

Awesome!! Love the cheese.

Just wanted to say, I really appreciate how clearly and logically organized this mod is.  Other mods I have used, the mods themselves work great but the code is a mess.  Yours is much better - it makes it so much easier to modify and add my own preferences!  Thank you.

Gameplay questions / Re: Short Questions/Quick Answers
« on: April 20, 2019, 06:21:15 PM »
I'm fairly certain that rain does impact fire starting, it always seems to take more tries in the rain.

I have a question: Does repeatedly walking over growing plants harm them or impede their growth?  For some reason I've always assumed that it does, although I have no evidence.

Mod Releases / Re: Njerpez Cookery Mod v1.01
« on: April 20, 2019, 03:29:22 AM »
Encountered one minor issue with this mod - due to new modding architecture, my Fine wooden tub of water did not work for the Kvass Drink recipe.   Changing it to {*wooden tub*} resolves the issue.

sssSSSssSsnakes  8)

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: April 14, 2019, 04:36:32 PM »
LOL @ the reindeer raking your balls.... ouch!! Hahaha

Gameplay questions / Re: How to keep an animal alive in a trap?
« on: April 11, 2019, 07:47:49 PM »
Some traps also do less damage to the animal.  Pawboard traps, for example, pretty much only hold the fox in place.  Spiked pit traps do far more damage than basic pit traps, etc.

I always use kicks to the head to kill downed animals.  You can use 0 key to kick.  It's convenient because you don't have to drop your weapons, and you don't have to carry around an extra club.  The only downside is that it can take quite a while to kill large animals like elk or bear, which can be dangerous in the case of the bear.  Otherwise it kills small animals in 1-2 kicks, and never seems to damage the hide at all.

Gameplay questions / Re: Broad Knife vrs Hunting Knife
« on: April 08, 2019, 08:38:39 PM »
I believe the only advantage of the Hunting Knife is for fighting.  Broad knife is preferable for all processing/crafting tasks.  I'd have to go back and look, at one point someone compiled all the damage statistics for weapons.  However, that was years ago and it may have changed.  But I do remember that Hunting Knife had a higher stab damage.

try changing the recipe to {*Spindle and Distaff}, also it may need to be placed on the ground to work.

Congratulations, Aphrael!  "You've taken your first step into a wider world", as Obi-Wan said.  Once you've mastered the basic modding infrastructure there's no limit to the customizing you can do :)

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