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Re: Can't trap cellars anymore? I can confirm that it was possible to trap cellars in the past, although I rarely did it as the losses weren't noticeable. I haven't bothered trying in 3.80 (beta) either, but assume the report is correct.
April 28, 2023, 09:37:03 AM
Re: Injured Adventurer It seems on of your problems is that you don't (yet) recognize what heath looks like. If you look at your first image, I believe the tile about 7 tiles to the east is heath (trees on a yellowish ground cover).

In the same image you have a lake, and to the west of the lake you have a couple of hills with three tiles of heath surrounding them.

April 28, 2023, 09:48:43 AM
Re: Roof Water Catcher This os a feature of BAC, I have never used it for a woden builings, as Palu says there is usually enough water close by almost all building sites, but for cave dwelling the add n is invaluable, caves are often some distance from water and a day spent installing a rain catch system is a lot of time saved later when you neeed water for cooking and hideworking.
April 28, 2023, 10:28:33 AM
Re: Having trouble with trapping. As I understand it throwing does not use any skill, if you throw rocks they seem to use ckub skill, arrows and spears seem to use bow or spear skill, but other items are a bit vague.
April 28, 2023, 05:24:30 PM
Re: Nettle Harvesting
is there a way I can get BOTH the parts needed to make fibre, and the leaves?
Yes. You harvest it (from the agriculture menu) instead of picking (with g). Then you thresh it. The result is all available parts of that plant: Seeds, leaves and straw to make fibre.

Be sure the ones you are trying to harvest are actually mature Nettle, as you can also harvest young nettle that can only be used to make fibre but not threshed.

April 29, 2023, 10:42:48 AM
Re: Has persistence hunting been made more difficult? I hardly ever run.  Hunt in open terrain, pine mire and open mire.  Don't zoom in to stalk the prey, usually the best shot you will get is if you bump them on the overland map.  Have javelins or a bow and arrow readied at all times.  If you miss your first shot, you may be better waiting a while for the animal to calm down, then hunt it on the overland map again.

When an animal is fatigued, you've got this.  They will flee again with a last burst of energy, but follow them and you'll find them breathless and ready for the kill.  Be single-minded, be persistent.

If your walking speed is below 6 km/h, it maybe best to stick to trapping, fishing or farming.  Not every man is capable of running down an elk.  Play to your strengths!

April 30, 2023, 02:14:16 AM
Re: Roof Water Catcher Greetings,

That Brygun here.

While there are a lot of water resources around you might want them on hand.

In terms of game mechanics all the water systems, including the roof water catcher, work on doing crafting to transform a tile into an outdoor water tile.

In life and in game you could haul buckets or tubs you make from those nearby resources. The game doesn't increase energy needed going up hill which would be a big factor. Also the game assumes the water is always safe. No bacteria, parasites and so on.

How much water you need depends on your activities and whether you are keeping animals. Then again the game doesn't model those cows needing huge amounts of water every day like they do in real life.

In real life their are several reasons for a water collector
= make it handy (save energy moving)
= control what it interacts with (avoid sickness)
= quantity (crafting or animals)
= its free (don't have to pay a water bill)
= Its a reliable backup (e.g. water mains shut off for street work)

As for BAC roof water catcher it is based on making water deflectors, such as modern eavestroughs, to have the rain water flow down into a large container.

Growing up one of our neighbors had one of these. They cut down on their water bill by using that water to wash their cars and water the garden. When heat restrictions prevented people running garden hoses they just filled a bucket to transfer from barrel to their garden. Also their large dog loved it. He would stand to put upper paws on top of the barrel to drink.

The cave one is more useful as cliffs being in mountains tend to be farther inland. Its a similar idea to divert the water into a catch basin.

The grandfather of all of these is IIRC from Rain who coded one based on digging a well. So lots of shoveling time. Then materials to stop it from caving in, a bucket and rope.

In this game freezing weather can be an issue more so if you are hurt or injured. Its still handy to put a pot of water inside your cabin or beside your shelter if you end up being bad off. Plus really most people would use one for regular chores.

Heck the game doesn't have us washing our clothes.

April 30, 2023, 03:13:55 AM
Re: Has persistence hunting been made more difficult? If you want a great hunter, have a read of the guide:

May 01, 2023, 06:58:25 PM
Re: Item Qualities on Transport Items I think it only matter for trade values.  I still like to make them at least decent quality when I can though, for RP and OCD purposes!
May 01, 2023, 07:00:20 PM
Re: Item Qualities on Transport Items I usually have inferior skis and my skill improves fast. I guess using bad skis makes you a better skier  ;)
May 02, 2023, 03:46:11 AM