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Re: Ask about character's fatigue Walking in snow builds up fatigue (as Privateer indicates), in particular very deep snow without crust. On bare ground I think you only build up fatigue while running or hauling heavy items.
January 16, 2022, 11:22:28 AM
Re: Deadly poisoned I'd definitely try medicine. I believe some plants are described as useful to get rid of toxins from the body, which definitely would help, and there may be other effects that might be useful too. A sage would also be useful.
If you've gotten herbal blends as a reward from a sage I'd try that as well. At worst it does nothing, while at best it helps.

Which kind of boiling? There Boil / Herbal beverages, which I think is what should be used, and there's Vegetable Recipes/Mushroom soup which definitely shouldn't work even if the only additional ingredient is water (it looks like flour/seasoning is optional).

After everything that can be done has been done, I'd top it up with a sauna bath (or a few).

January 19, 2022, 09:53:30 AM
Re: Deadly poisoned
Hi everyone.

My current character has done her first "black ear mushroom soup".

Black ear mushroom is deadly poison unless boiled it separately.

She's boiled it in a pot, with only water. Cooked it, and after that ate it.

Now she's injured. The "wound" is marked as critical dark-red.

1 - What did I do wrong? Why is she so ill if it was boiled as descripted?

2 - Should I try to get to a Sage? Should I track down some medicine?

Thank you¡

To blanch and cook the black ears: you need to boil them first. Then use the boiled black ear mushrooms in another recipe, like mushroom soup or meat stew.
Eating the “boiled black ear mushrooms” is still deadly. 

January 19, 2022, 04:09:15 PM
Re: Deadly poisoned This happened to me and I found good advice on the Wiki:

"In the case of deadly poisoning, asking a sage for healing is the only chance of survival. In such a situation, it is advised to beg the sage for healing multiple times, and to be awake 8 a.m. when the game's morning check happens. Even then, the odds of survival are only 1 in 3. One may try to improve these odds by praying to one's deity of choice.

Actually, it's possible to have much better survival odds than 1 in 3 - in fact, survival is almost guaranteed if treated correctly. If you get deadly poisoning, find a sage or shaman as soon as possible, and ask him three times to heal you (if the icon for deadly poisoning in the injury menu has not turned green after this, then ask again). Then, gather herbs that say in the description that they remove toxins from the body (Black Currants work as well). Until you recover, eat ONLY herbs with this effect. DO NOT eat anything else, as doing so will fill your hunger bar with foods that will not help, leaving less room for herbs that will heal you. If you do all this, you are almost guaranteed to be cured within a couple days as long as you do not have any significant injuries (deadly poisoning may raise your injury rating above 50% before it goes away)."

I would add that some herbs such as bear pipe increase appetite, allowing you to eat even more herbs that reduce toxins. 

Best advice is to neither eat, carry nor store any mushrooms unless you are 100% certain they are edible...  for what you get from them it's just not worth the risk of an accident!

January 22, 2022, 03:44:28 PM
Re: Deadly poisoned
1 - What did I do wrong? Why is she so ill if it was boiled as descripted?

Sorry to hear that you got poisoned - I hope you will recover soon. I see that you already identified what the issue was with your process which is great.

In addition, you might want to read #16 in the Tips, Tricks, FAQs thread to see if it is a useful tip for you in your future mushroom soup endeavours (to prevent getting poisoned a second time after boiling):

Good luck!

January 30, 2022, 12:46:48 PM
Re: can't boil herbs?  I think there are 3 possibilities in 'Meadsweet'
Leaves - can be boiled / used as ingredient
Flowers - can be boiled / used as ingredient
Meadsweet - can't be boiled / used as ingredient. The whole plant itself, can be planted I think.

Sorry if I'm wrong

February 01, 2022, 03:26:36 AM
Re: can't boil herbs? I knew it was something silly.  Thank you!
I had no idea I was supposed to thresh it in the agriculture menu.  Tried (a)pplying my knife to it about 10 different ways. :)
Thanks again!

February 01, 2022, 04:02:31 AM
Ancient Savo private beta available for UrW players Hello!

Hello! As some of you might already know, here at Enormous Elk we have a small side-project in the works. It is a family-scale survival game, with point-and-click gameplay, designed to be mod-friendly. Since the start of this year a private beta version has been available to some long-term UnReal World supporters. I just released beta version 6, and decided that it is time to widen the private beta audience.

If you are interested in testing the game and / or supporting the development, take a look here:

This is still a private beta version, so please don't post the url anywhere for a wider audience. But if you happen to know a friend who might be interested, it is okay to share the link in a private message.

The game development has been a little bit slower than I was hoping for. This has been for two reasons; my plans growing more ambitious, and me having to spend time at my main work to pay the monthly bills. OK OK, so the game graphics and UI are still far from finished. But they will be the next main focus of the development.

At the moment the game is verified to run on windows and linux, mac testing has been unreliable (and, again, slowed down because I don't have a mac to test with myself). But a mac version will happen. If everything goes well, Android and hopefully iPhone versions will follow later on down the line.

The good old 2D tile-graphics:

But there is also an option for a 3D map: (And it is possible to switch mid-game)

April 01, 2022, 06:02:58 PM
Re: Combat Tips Tom, is it possible that the response was meant to include “to me too” in the end.

Several of us on the forum are secondary/tertiary English speakers.

I personally like to give benefit of a doubt, but repeat or obviously abrasive posters tend to get snarky responses or outright ignored.

As moderator, we don’t ban folks for that; just keep calm and carry on.

April 28, 2022, 05:51:58 PM
Re: Regarding squirrel's hides Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you're asking (and so guess it might be difficult for others as well).

My main interpretation is that it's about donation, in which case the official page is here Since it would involve money, I'd recommend just looking at the link and then locate the page yourself from UrW's top page to avoid a potential scam risk. There's a "How and why to Support UrW development button both on the top page and on the linked page that should lead you to the details.

June 05, 2022, 09:51:02 AM