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Re: tweaks to the flora modding (trees) Those tweaks would be awesome if implemented, will help a lot. Maybe some day I can finally create Araucarias (Araucaria araucana) and Boldos (Peumus boldus)  for a sudamerican indigenous mod  ;D   
December 24, 2020, 06:52:29 PM
Re: modding trees - tree painters needed
As colour palette goes, I used the original tree tiles and created palettes from it so it shouldn't be too far away from the original drawings anyway. Upon checkings the photos we might wanna use just tiny bit darker colours as in the photos the green looks quite dark in kotipihlaja results. It may as well be the pose and lighting but it wouldn't hurt to darken the colours just a little. We can make the tree very wide or narrow the main trunk and add trunks of similar width. It is a very lovely tree too how I did not see it before the red berries look awesome :o

Sounds good. I have to trust you on colours since I literally can't tell if those autumn rowans' leaves are green or red.  :-\ I see the berries as red though (because they are red enough). If you have the enthusiasm, we can still add flowering / berry carrying versions since the flora graphics do work with different stages of development/ripeness even if I can't add the berries together with the other harvestables. I don't think it's possible but I'm going to try anyway (berries+flowers/leaves).

Nonetheless it would make a very nice scenery change once trees start to blossom in various months. Immersion bonus quarkwarzimillion.  ;D

'Scientific name + blossom' search seems to show good flower/berry pictures of all the trees.

December 24, 2020, 07:24:22 PM
Re: modding trees - tree painters needed
(First here's a flora template I made so I don't have to open the readme.txt so often.)

While it would be nice for all you normal-sighed people (bitterness intended) to be able to enjoy the famous 'ruska' or
'autumn colors' in Urw too, I can't name a stage in above template where it would work appropriately / according to season.   ;)

I wouldn't work too hard for the flowers/berries yet. I have to test it some more. At least the linden doesn't seem to stop flowering at all. Would be weird to find (also visually) flowering lindens rest of the year.

EDIT: Notice my professor post above.

December 24, 2020, 08:44:30 PM
Re: Different types of wood
Don't really know if it's already suggested but different woods like spruce wood or birch wood should be in the game I think. I realized it when I was building a bow. I thought well, I can't really make a strong bow out of pine. Obviously it doesn't need to be that detailed but I would like to see a difference between different trees in the game like a kuksa out of birch wood or something like that.

Yes, this is the direction we’re heading, but it’s a big, big transition and doesn’t come overnight. The level of detail needs to be indeed considered to serve the gameplay experience.

Buoidda already replied about the pine as bow wood, and I second. The strongest bows to be found in the world would be two-wood laminates made of compression pine and birch. Just an idea about the level of detail which would suit the game.

December 28, 2020, 08:52:43 PM
Happy New Year Sometimes I'm a bit off and not too precise about the exact timing, but better late than newer - so ...

Happy New year to all of you!

There's not that much snow this year compared to the past average, but it's winter nevertheless.
And a new year ahead of us.

Take care!

January 02, 2021, 05:30:59 PM
Ancient Savo : A new Enormous Elk game in the making Would you like to participate in the making of a new game by Enormous Elk?

The game is called Ancient Savo, and it is a peaceful simulation of a 1200 CE Finnish family who moves to live alone in the woods. Do slash and burn agriculture to grow crops. Hunt and fish. Try to survive hunger, cold, accidents and the scarcity or resources. And in case you accumulate some extra, go visit the annual market to barter for more and better tools. The timescale of the gameplay is weeks - you can see years rolling by, your children growing up, and forest re-taking abandoned fields. Instead of controlling a character you hover on a more abstract 'designer level', a bit like the old SimCity.

Estimated release: Autumn 2021, for PC, Mac and mobile devices

We run a small home-made crowdfunding campaign for January. Become a follower for free - join project Discord channel to read frequent development news. Or donate any sum to become a backer. Backers can participate in the discussion, and have an access to the early development-phase releases. The first development release is scheduled already for this January. (If or when you donate, remember to send Erkka a message at Discord, so that we can connect a donation with your Discord user account!)

During the development phase we will have quick and simple graphics, but graphics and UI will be improved once the simulation and game mechanics are up and running.

For more info see the campaign page

January 06, 2021, 04:35:25 PM
Re: Pouring two identical containers together.
Another thing I'd like to see fixed. Why can't I barter my old knife/axe/whatever when trading for a better one?

I agree with this fully... Maybe I want to give him a replacement for the one that I'm taking from? ;D And it is -1 from their stock too, why don't they just accept it.
If you were to sell a good knife to someone, would you accept a worse one as part of the payment?

The NPC selling the item has a spare one that's not needed, so getting another unneeded one as a "replacement" isn't useful. NPCs aren't traders, but individuals who may have spare items that can be bartered away in exchange for things they have use for.

January 15, 2021, 10:52:31 AM
Fireplace Inside A Kota

Just realized today that if you deconstruct the kota frame, you can build an "Inside A Building" space in the empty space. Then, a fireplace on top of that.

Added benefit of removing the distracting visual of the frame.

Thought I'd share!

January 23, 2021, 08:00:30 PM
Re: Has persistence hunting been made more difficult? Yeah, I totally get the need to have progression. But I guess there would be alternate ways to implement progression, like making a decent javelin / bow with makeshift tools would take a very long time. A javelin made from a fresh slender trunk will warp and bend as it dries out making it worse over time compared to one made from a staff that was dried for 6 months first. A quickly made bowstring can snap when in use, so for best reliability you want good quality which takes longer and needs specialised tools to twine. Dunno, just thinking here.

Maybe I should make an alternate mod to BAC that allows you to make good quality primitive weaponry by spending longer on it.

February 03, 2021, 01:25:33 PM
Re: Period appropriate tools and crafts Here is my *masterwork broad knife*
Made by Heimo Roselli, model is “grandpa’s knife”

February 04, 2021, 12:48:45 AM