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More usefulness for curing
Ok ok I know I've been spamming suggestions, but I still have to speak on the other part of hide-ousness: curing The first part was about tanning terminology: I don't cure skins in this game. Curing makes skins stuck in place and tanning is far quicker overall anyway. And you still have to clean the skin which isn't required for drying IRL. Fleshing is easier on dry skin anyway. (The membranes break off more easily on dry skin.) Doesn't really work when travelling, either. Really curing should be the thing to do when travelling and little time. The skins will continue drying hanging from the rucksack anyway, once they've initially become a bit dry. I'd like to see curing as the default procedure for storage just like IRL. Tanning is a lot of work. Not every skinned hide will be tanned, only those that need to be. Also I don't think the fur trappers of old IRL tanned the hides themselves. The woodsman would definitely bring cured hides home first, maybe tan them then. Tanning is primarily concern of the craftsperson who gets their skins from hunters/herders, because only they know what qualities (how thoroughly tanned (hard), for instance) they want from the tanning for the work they are planning to use it for. Of course on commercial scale is different - I don't know how foreign traders would have wanted their furs. Also, not every hide in use is tanned. Nowadays snowmobile-sled-hides aren't and old-days kota covers most likely neither. The skin is relatively cheap to replace in kota cover if its only dried (cured). A valuable-in-working-time tanned hide wouldn't have been wasted for something so trivial. So, getting finally to my suggestion: 1) Curing should be immediately available for fresh skins 2) shorten curing times to max overnight or allow picking up of skins with curing still continuing 3) accept cured hides for kota covers and "sleeping in furs" 3) complicate tanning to make it more realistic and to encourage curing to be used more 4) make cured skins available in villages and for trade - preferably much more commonly than tanned hides. I understand this would affect game balance significantly and prices would need to be adjusted accordingly, with tanning lifting the cost especially of big hides - not so much of the valuable small furs. EDIT: reordered priorities and added '1' from the terminology thread linked above October 24, 2020, 06:16:17 PM |
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Re: Lacking penalty information on setting traps
Thanks @trowftd, this is exactly what I asked for. Didn't think of searching the news.txt. October 26, 2020, 09:36:02 PM |
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Re: Is it a bug if I walked to free, uninjured hare and kicked it?
Spot and stalk works for game you can spot at distance. Hares in undergrowth are nigh invisible. IRL: If not for my dog, I’d walked by the bunny within 15’ (5m) just on Sunday morning. But, she sniffed up the bunny, it bolted up, I let loose the top barrel and the bunny didn’t make it more than a foot (30cm). Anyway, we were out for quails, and the bunny was unintentional target of opportunity. OTOH, when bow hunting large game, you can spot/glass them at decent distance. Then the challenge is to stay hidden and under wind the entire approach. Unreal World terrain is rarely undulating enough as real world terrains are. And while there’s plenty or spruces and birches in-game to block the view, we don’t have any real cover from shrubs. And there’s no indication of wind direction. Most wild animals have exceptional sense of smell, but it doesn’t help for threats down-wind. Also, in-game view is too constricted, even at max zoom out. Popping head above a hill crest, I can see for several hundred, even thousand+ yards/meters, yet in-game the view is just some tens of yard/meters at most. (Yes, yet another Suggestion at some point. Just don’t want to bug devs too much) October 27, 2020, 05:39:13 AM |
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Re: [3.63] "NUMPAD 0" registering as "0"
Seen this in 3.52, actually having backup'ed the exe I just tried holding down NUMPAD 3 and the game asked me to select a target as if I hit NUMPAD 1.
October 29, 2020, 04:27:32 PM |
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Seasonal sales and Kekri customs
Harvest festival sales are on at Steam and -- and in the Far North we do celbrate Kekri. So let the new adventurers be respected with the discount, and the ancestral spirits with our special Kekri costumes and customs... During this festivity period you can grab the game for decent discount on Steam, or from It's Kekri, not halloween, in the Far North. Kekri is an ancient Finnish harvest festival celebrated in the fall when the annual agricultural activities were all accomplished and the harvest collected. Kekri meant the end of the crop year, which was a big turning point. It was the time when the souls and spirits of the dead wandered around and visited the living. The ancestors were respected and welcomed. Sauna was heated up for them, and meal prepared too. The living celebrated accordingly, and so do we. Kekri Goat Kekri time included tradition of Kekripukki (Kekri goat) figure. People would dress up as horned creatures, wearing furs or coats upside down, and went around in their disguises and were offered food and drink. So, what does a decent developer of tradition rich game do to follow the tradition? Yes. He dresses up as Kekripukki. We wish you happy and haunting Kekri time, or Halloween - if that suits you better. Celebrate and participate! October 30, 2020, 11:53:03 AM |
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Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences
Ok we all know Unreal predators (even lynxes) are dangerous. But that's cool and all, I'm not here because of that. My point is: Unreal elks aren't. They really are wimpy compared to the real ones. My current char had so much trouble chasing an elk he dropped all weapons but a small knife in order to ski faster. In the end, he knifed and kicked an adult elk to death (with near or zero skill in those). Sure he got a crush in the eye and fractured ribs and some bruises. Now watch this video I took when an adult bull elk was spooked by our approaching car and tried to jump over a reindeer fence. Spoiler: Bull elk stuck on reindeer fence show Would you have gone there with a knife? He tore up the fence and walked slowly away like a boss. Here's the fence afterwards: Spoiler: Obliterated fence show What happened was just bad luck on its behalf. Normally they jump gracefully over no problem. That's actually a requirement of the modern reindeer fence. So finally coming up to my suggestion: 1) I'd like to see elks, especially bull ones, buffed up considerably. It should be madness to go against them practically bare-handed. The reward is anyways a huge amount of meat. More strength, stamina and speed. 2) Elk AI: Naturally they should almost always just flee, but when cornered they shouldn't just run circles to exhaustion but stop to rest and threaten the pursuer with a snort and kicking the ground. Fight or flight, not flight until breathless (see no. 4) 3) Enable elk to jump over fences or even break them when fleeing. 4) Elks are great swimmers irl, ought to be grandmasters in Urw. Spoiler: Basic URW elk hunting tactic show It'd be cool to come to a new version of urw and try to exploit this old tactic only to realize the elk just swims away. Of course there should be some reluctance to animals wading and swimming, but it'd be a cool addition. Applies to reindeers too. Let's actually speak of ungulates. EDIT: I found this bug report: 5) Urw ungulates (hoofed herbivores) are pretty good to get out of a hole in ice? I've noticed that ungulates fall through ice easily and get out just as easily. Imagine an elk in a hole in the ice. No way it's gonna get on the ice again unless wading. This would also be a bit of balancing to previous things that make elk hunting much more difficult. Also reluctance to enter thin ice would need to be somewhat increased, maybe only when escaping. 6) EDIT: Attack: Trampling. (Allow aggressive elks/big reindeer/beoars to enter a tile with a character, making them 'fallen'.) Hehe. And there it goes... 7) EDIT: Only pits should work for ungulates. This was always odd anyway... It's not in their nature to go into tight spots. I think all ungulates should pass all snares, lever and deadfall traps without harm or trigger. IRL, IRL...Why do I think this is so important game-wise? - I think this is a major game balancing issue, increasing time span to get secure with food. - Currently is easy to exploit big herbivore ai to get one's belly full for a long time. I'd like to see elks as a prize, not a potato. - Making ungulates harder would make small game hunting/fishing for food more useful/needed. Bring on the discussion! What do you think? November 10, 2020, 08:24:01 PM |
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Lots of angling improvements on their way
Fishing with a fishing rod is going to have if not a complete overhaul, a lots of improvements at least. I've been tweaking the angling code for a good while already, and the work just seems to continue and continue, but when it's all done we're going to have something like this featured: - fishing rods will be craftable by player character, with slender trunks, cordage and hook. - wooden and bone hooks will be craftable by player character. (If I get really carried away there might be some special hook types for special occasions.) - baiting will be featured. Worm digging is under consideration but we can also start with scraps of food and using small fish to catch bigger fish. - wear and tear of fishing rod parts will be featured eg. hooks snapping off eventually, when they've been nibbled enough. (Gotta add possibility to add new hooks as well.) These are future additions. Not yet functional in current version 3.63. November 17, 2020, 05:40:14 PM |
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Re: Lots of angling improvements on their way
Great! Of course fishing is "op", but it is in real life also... no wonder the biggest cities of the world have grown at the coastlines, while fish is feeding 30% of the world's population. But most importantly, players must have a reason to build characters on fishing-lifestyle. At the moment, fishing is efficient and rewarding, but not as interesting as a hunting lifestyle. And i would love to see this game walking further on the path of rewarding not only strength, speed and physical supremacy, but also patience and carefully planning. If you kill an elk or even a bear, suddenly hunting becomes "op", increasingly so if you manage to dry the meat and dont have to worry about food for a long, long time. And honestly, after a while hunting becomes quite easy, even with crude equipment. If you know how to bait, how to choose the hunting grounds, how to move and get your prey fatigued. Sorry, back to topic: One thing i'd love to see would be fish traps in shallow water(preferably in fords), as these evidently had been one of the main food aquiring methods of early mankind. They should be easy to make, but with low and not guaranteed catch sizes, especially if you chose a poor location... another feature i could imagine would be attracting fish by throwing food into the water. Perhaps even influence the outcome by different foods. And speaking of fishes: I havent seen a single living one yet... Even if its just a cosmetic change, implementing some live marine animals which you can observe occasionaly would add a great depth to the game atmosphere. Imagine some wales or silver swarms of herring passing by in the distance... November 30, 2020, 02:02:46 PM |
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Re: Field dress/quarter big game
Necromancy! I'm so waiting for this. Field dressing, Most interested in getting: - that 30% weight reduction (elk bowels weigh a shit-ton, quite literally) - blood to container (4-8 litres from a reindeer) - intestine - technically: new, optional(?) procedure before skinning (I mean one could also just start skinning, get the field dressing done automatically and not take blood or intestine) Possible additions (one hundredth the importance of above): - heart (maybe bigger than usual sacrifice "value"?) - liver Quartering big game: BIGGIE. Love that. After some English googling, butchers' vocabulary can be overwhelming. I suggest simply dividing current meat yield into 5 equal parts: - 4 quarters (4 parts) - extra cuts of meat (1 part) - backstrap sinew/tendon (removed after skinning with help of knife and pulling with rope; before cutting the backstrap and ruining it too short) - this would solve unobvious problems discussed here: - technically: 'b'utcher 5 times: each time u get a quarter, last time the rest Other possibilities (one hundredth the importance of above): - 2 forequarters (2 parts) - 2 hindquarters (2 parts) - head - back - flank (or rib slab) - neck Each of these could then be cut into the familiar cuts of meat. Each quarter would yield 1 bone after cutting, and ofc the head, a skull. Great immersion value here. Imagine watching your dog gnawing the frozen elk quarter for days. Quartering and Packing Game: December 01, 2020, 07:20:26 PM |
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Configurable system of measurement with more precision
The game currently uses imperial units - pound, feet etc. Or more precisely mostly imperial units as there are few confusing metric system units (meters, kilometers) in the mix. We'll be sorting it all up now and will allow system of measurement to be chosen from two configuration options - metric or imperial. In addition you can also configure the precision of units displayed eg. how many decimals fractions to use. Two decimal fractions will probably be the maximum, for the sake of sanity and readability. We'll probably also add some smaller units eg. grams and ounces, which aren't currently seen at all. So all in all it's gonna be less rounding with numbers and more precise measurements displayed - if you prefer precision. I'd also like to add option for quite vague unit display which emphasize more on common sense, roleplaying and old finnish units - but might be that it's gonna be a future addition somewhere along the way. After the global unit display in the game is reworked it will be quite easy to add new systems of measurements anyway. These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.63. December 05, 2020, 12:57:26 PM |
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