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The first snow and back from holidays Hey, it's been a good two months without a word here at dev. news section, so it's about time to break the silence,  although you may have spotted my slowly increasing presence at the forums bugs section already.
We had the first snow few days ago, so the summer season is evidently ceasing.
See, I went on summer holidays quite late this year, in august, and thought "it's likely autumn, or early winter, before I get back to development chambers again."
Looks like that the time is at hand now.
Hunting bugs has always been a good way to get oriented back into coding, and I guess focus on that will continue for a good while. But yeah, the endless to-do lists also awaiting for us. So let's continue from here, and see where we get by the end of the year.

October 23, 2020, 09:16:19 AM
Re: tanning terminology + rinsed should not spoil I like the suggestion.

But the terminology is odd*, as pelt, skin, hide are used in full synonym manner most of the time. I.e. Collins dictionary, UK English, refers to ‘pelt’ as both ‘skin of a fur-bearing animal’, also as ‘hide of an animal, stripped of hair and ready for tanning’. Collins’, US English, agrees with your usage.  :D
Other dictionaries contradict this and also themselves.

*not in the suggestion, but in general.

October 23, 2020, 06:12:39 PM
Re: Bow Balance question
ACTUAL change: looking into the wiki, i realise that accuracy is not listed anymore.

You might want to check this topic.

October 24, 2020, 04:47:38 PM
Re: More usefulness for curing I agree, yet again :)
Especially with the picking up the still curing skin. I made suggestion for salt curing food to be able to be picked up and let it continue curing in the rucksack/inventory.

I don’t know the exact mechanic behind the unpaid/taken* tokens, but similar tagging with “curing” could be a way to implement both food and skin curing. Only allow further use of the curing product once the curing timer has finished.

* I know how they work on user end

October 24, 2020, 06:39:11 PM
Re: Building a fireplace outside of a house
Paul, did you try to deconstruct Kota interior, then build wooden structure roof&floor?
Surprisingly it worked!

I've just tried different layouts and figured out that it's enough to build a kota framework and two kota insides with a one-tile gap between them, and after that you can build a floor and ceiling at this gap.

It seems we've found the fastest way to get a fireplace outside.

October 24, 2020, 06:49:32 PM
Re: Traps stay empty. Calling for the vets - help! @Buoidda, thanks, this sounds really interesting and hardcore! Gonna try it later.
October 24, 2020, 08:38:05 PM
Re: Punitive island winter challenge @Buoidda, I'm in! Gonna give it a try shortly.

How about starting a separate thread in the Stories section for challengers' journals?

October 25, 2020, 09:24:58 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Noticed a goshawk that tried to kill a black grouse lately. It's the first time I saw a predator actually hunt.
October 25, 2020, 03:40:37 PM
Re: Punitive island winter challenge No zooming would make it extremely hard. You start on a small island that might not have a mountain, and that would mean you can only scout by swimming (after training swimming sufficiently to actually be able to get anywhere).
No fun at all...

October 25, 2020, 11:04:20 PM
Re: Punitive island winter challenge  I have this roll, on an island, hurt start, no gear, Though I did start in summer so there wouldn't be any ice bridges.
I did make a zip of the start, before taking a step, but to big to attach.

October 26, 2020, 01:39:26 AM