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Skill Training Guide
One of the things I've been working on more lately is more consistent skill training, so I thought I'd write up a bit about how to train up skills and how difficult they are. The general rule is that you can gain at most three percentage points every day, and the day rolls over at about 8:00 AM. Skills with more stars next to them will be easier to train up, depending on your stats and the stats that help with that skill. Craft & Lore skills Agriculture - Train up through planting seeds. Affects the yields of grown plants. Difficult to deliberately skill train. Building - Train up through building things. Affects the speed of building. Difficult to deliberately skill train. Cookery - Train through cooking more difficult recipes. Roasting meat won't do much, more complex recipes are more likely to train. Somewhat useful; will affect the trade value of cooked food. Herblore - Keep unknown plants, mushrooms, and berries in your inventory and use herblore on them every hour or so. Trains pretty rapidly with a few items to train with. Useful for identifying edible and medicinal plants. Fishing - Train through fishing with a tool, pole, or nets. Difficult to deliberately skill train, but net fishing is probably most effective. Hideworking - Training with small game is most effective, since they tan faster and each hide gives you the same number of possible skill ups regardless of side. Very useful for getting higher quality clothing and cords. Timbercraft - Training with board making is most effective. Not hugely useful, but affects the speed of timberwork and quality of boards. Physician - Train by treating minor injuries. Climbing trees is a reasonable way to get minor but not threatening injuries. Frostbites from running naked in the winter work OK too. Can now treat animals and companions as well, which might be a less dangerous way to train it. Trapping - Can be trained by resetting traps repeatedly. Very useful for those who want to trap; increases the chance of game entering the trap. Tracking - Train by following a game trail and repeatedly using the tracking skill to check the direction of the tracks. Quite useful for active hunting. Weatherlore - I have literally never seen this skill increase, and I use it every morning. Carpentry - Train by making crafted goods like shortbows or paddles. Difficult to train, but quite useful for higher quality items. Physical skills Skiing - Just ski. During the winter I ski around checking trap lines to train this. Quite useful for winter travel. Stealth - Walk around in stealth mode. Seems to train faster when there are animals nearby. Useful for active hunting and combat. Climbing - Climbing fences or small cliffs trains this safely and quickly. Useful at very high skills for climbing trees safely for better views. Swimming - Swim along the shoreline in the summer. Trains fairly quickly. Not commonly used, but can save your life in some situations. Combat skills Difficult to train up safely. Throwing or shooting weapons will train, but often takes hundreds of throws to get a skillup. Dodge, unarmed, and shield are very difficult to train. Any other suggestions? I generally spend time on actively training herblore, skiing, stealth, climbing, club, trapping, and tracking. March 31, 2018, 09:34:29 PM |
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Re: "The Challenge"
I like this challenge but some things become really tedious, picking berries and walking through spruce forests, for example. Would it be within the limits of the challenge to fast travel via the wilderness map if closing your eyes?
August 27, 2018, 02:00:46 PM |
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Re: Nutrition system
Note that turnips, mushrooms, and berries are all on the pretty-low end of nutritious. (145 calories / pound for turnips, 132 for mushrooms, and 73 to 222 for berries). I spent a bit of time collating all the nutrition of foods to figure out what was worth gathering. A summary: Crops Barley and rye are both highly nutritious, at greater than 1000 calories per pound, and hemp seeds are nearly as nutritious. Hemp seeds can be used as seasonings, but barley/rye need to be ground into flour to be eaten, so will take a bit of extra processing. Broad beans and peas are decent, at 490 and 367 calories per pound. Of the two, broad beans just produce a lot more weight per plant, and so I usually grow those for preference. Turnips and hemp leaves are filler - it's worth keeping them on hand (turnips are good trap bait) but very hard to live on them. Of wild plants that can be grown, nettle, yarrow, and sorrel are all low-nutrition (36-186 calories per pound), but clayweed is up with barley, rye, and hemp for being fairly nutritious (1125 calories per pound). Wild Edibles As above, wild mushrooms don't have many calories (132 / lb), but they can be worth gathering since it doesn't take much time for a reasonable weight of mushrooms. Berries are comparatively lightweight (10 bushes for most to gather a pound) and take a long time (5 minutes per bush) so that in many cases you burn more calories gathering the berries than the berries are worth. Cloudberries are the best - they're large, so they're twice as heavy (5 bushes per pound) and have the best nutrition (222 / lb). Other berries I only gather if I want to use them to bait birds into my traps. Lake reed is up there with the grains as a nutritious crop, at 1089 calories / pound. It's also wildly overabundant in the vanilla game (1 lb reed per plant, due to an error with the coding). Well worth gathering a bunch in autumn for the winter. It's also grindable into flour, and can be eaten as a vegetable. Marsh calla and bogbean are decent (939 / pound) but have to be boiled to be made palatable. Other wild plants vary. Some like meadsweet, goldenrod, and heather have almost no nutrition (18 / pound) and are only useful for their medicinal properties. Others vary around the lowish to midrange of plant nutrition (~200 to ~600 calories / pound). Milkweed isn't half bad, and mother and bear pipe are both quite useful both for calories and for their medicinal properties. Fish and Meat Fish vary a fair bit, but are in the middle range of nutritious. The least nutritious fish is the pike-perch, at 290 / lb, and the most nutritious is the salmon, at 585 / lb. The biggest benefit of fish is that they are generally pretty big, and so you'll get a fair bit of food with just one decent size fish - a whole pike is 2433 calories, enough to sustain a man under not too heavy exercise for a day. Meat varies quite a lot as well. The most nutritious meat is bear, at 1057 calories per pound, and several tie for least nutritious at 395 (including squirrel, dog, lynx, and badger). Elk and forest reindeer, the most likely catches, are middling at 503 and 581 / lb. Fat is by far the most nutritious (raw) food available, at 4082 calories per pound. The other benefit of fish and meat is that you can dry or smoke them, which not only preserves them, but concentrates the nutrients as well. It is actually slightly non-physical right now, but dried meat is 1/10th the weight and 10x the nutrition, while smoked meat is 1/8th the weight and 8x the nutrition. You can get all the way up to dried bear meat, which has 9934 calories per pound (twice that of raw fat!) So in summary, plants are among the most nutritious foods in the game (barley & rye flour in particular), but not all plants are equal. Things like turnips, berries, and mushrooms, while easier to gather, are really only worthwhile for stretching out the supply of more nutritious foods. September 06, 2018, 07:23:21 PM |
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Re: [Buoidda's mod] Obtaining blood from animals... ideas?
This does indeed work - if anybody else wants to use Buoidda's mod in the current version, just replace "elk carcass", "reindeer carcass", etc with {* carcass *} tags. It also works for the processes to extract guts, backstraps, etc.
December 19, 2018, 12:49:01 AM |
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Instakill Bull Elk
I'm just sharing with the community. Never thought it was possible to instakill one bull elk lol ![]() First time I one shoot an animal! I was using a javelin! Yes! a javelin! I'm 70% skill with spears and I was like 2-3tiles (don't know how diagonal tiles count). When I saw the Elk going to the woods I tried to sneak past it so I could lure him to the bog, where it is easier to follow it. After a few sneak walks I have found the Elk very close to me! Then I order my companion to attack and threw a jav on it!! Bang! Istakill! ![]() So excited lol imgur with stats (I don't know how much in number are those yellow bars) ![]() April 10, 2019, 09:17:52 PM |
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Goats are hardy breeds, producing fur, meat and milk. They can survive in rougher environments than sheep. They are also cheaper, more self reliant and judging by these reports was introduced in the Stone Age never mind Iron Age Finland! October 27, 2019, 05:13:14 PM |
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Micromanaging Rope lengths problem
Why are entire lengths of ropes wasted when you only need 5 feet of a 30 foot rope for a single arrow? I'd like to use a really long piece of cord for when I'm crafting arrows in large batches. It should be assumed that my character is clever enough to separate the rope into pieces automatically during the craft time. Instead of having to manually cut 5 foot sections of cord for every single arrow I want. This goes for every other recipe with rope lengths. I was confused as well when I tried drying 50 pieces of meat at once with a long rope and saw afterwards that the remaining 15 feet disappeared. October 29, 2019, 08:36:57 PM |
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Traps should be nerfed
I've been playing for years now and the big thing I've noticed is how incredibly easy the game becomes after setting up a single trap-fence. Usually on the border of a open mire and a coniferous forest or coniferous mire. Or by just keeping a trap-fence around my settlement I often have an elk or reindeer diving straight into one of my traps once every two months. I don't know how the mechanic is supposed to work for traps. It feels like having a trap causes the game to spawn an animal which must be forced to path straight to it and die. Having a dozen more traps must cause this chance for a spawn to go up even more. On my current character I have 3 light-lever traps scattered across my settlement and I am assured some kind of bird to step in one once a week or more. There is a massive amount of capercillies spawning all the time. Maybe it helps I live by a lake as well. There is old lore that small lakes and rapids can be a source for wildlife to spawn. I only have 28% Trapping skill and I feel way too lucky with my traps. However the mechanic works, animals shouldn't be running into them so easily. I end up with a lot of furs and meat to survive indefinitely with little effort. November 08, 2019, 02:48:23 AM |
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Field dress/quarter big game
Option to field dress or quarter game. It might make the difference in weight reduction to be able to pick or pack carcasses and transport back to a preferred processing location.
November 09, 2019, 12:37:26 PM |
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[naming: last word] functionality extension
Talking about modding crafting recipes Currently, the [naming: ] tag, together with [name: %s] tag, offers the possibility for greater customisation of recipes and item names. However, only two options are currently available: [naming:last word] - %s will get value of the last word of selected material/item name [naming:original] - %s will get value of original and complete selected material/item name I propose a small extension that could greatly improve customisation and simplify many mod recipes I've seen. In addition to "last word", it should be possible to use integer values: "1" : get the value of the first word "2" : get the value of the second word "n" : get the value of the nth word In a similar fashion, as it happens in python lists: "-1" : get the value of the last word (synonim with "last word") "-2" : get the value of the second last word "-n" : get the value of the nth last word If the number exceeds the word count, it should reduce to the last word in the former, positive case and the first word in the latter, negative case. It should be just a small modification to implement, but the advantages are sizeable. I hope you (Sami) can consider this November 18, 2019, 10:42:52 AM |
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