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Re: A new short film by Enormous Elk
Please, show that kantele some mercy! 

No musical instruments were harmed in the making of this film.

We took special care arranging all the scenes so that they could be filmed without risking the kantele getting damaged. In the final cut it looks more dangerous, but that is just the illusion of the motion picture doing its trick  :)

January 17, 2018, 09:36:35 AM
Re: Attack bonus
I can't find any information about this one, what exactly is attack bonus

In the game, press F1 to open the built-in encyclopedia, press space to type a keyword, then type "weapon class". That should give you an overview of what attack and defence bonus is.

So, in a melee combat situation, what matters most is the ratio of "the attack bonus of attacking weapon" vs "the defence bonus of blocking weapon". Or, in case of counterstrike, it is the ratio of attack vs attack. For exampe, if your opponent attacks you with a sword, and you try a counterattack, you are in worse position for the sword can reach farther away than your knife - you have to get closer to your opponent to deliver a strike. But if you are fighting knife vs. knife, the attack bonuses are equal so the don't have that much effect.

Or, consider the situation you are sneaking from behind to stab an unaware NPC. If you want to stab with a knife you have to get a bit closer compared to thrusting a spear - so your spear attack is probably more likely to succeed before your opponent notices you. The attack bonus simulates that.

January 19, 2018, 11:04:51 AM
Re: Skins I believe Acolyte's talking about 0.3 lbs waterskin needing 4 lbs of leather to make. Here's how it is in vanilla diy_glossary.txt:

Code: [Select]
.Skin. [effort:1] [phys:hands]  *COMMON* /120/ %40%
{Leather} #4# [remove]
{Tying equipment} [remove]

It is probably a bug. I can't imagine where the remaining 3.7 lbs of leather goes...

January 21, 2018, 03:36:04 PM
Rid of the crash related creature and item losses We're clearing bugs away from the path of a stable tag, which is shining in the horizon and to be attached to 3.50beta version soon enough.  Lately I've tried to find ways to improve crash security to overcome creature and item losses when travelling with companions and watercrafts. Not a frequent issue, but a real annoyance if it might happen to you.
And now I think a reliable and fast way to get rid of this legacy issue has been found, and will be put to effect in the next patch.

There's now extra data save added upon each map load to provide crash security and to minimize certain creature and item loss potential. Previously it was quite often the case that the pets and companions you were travelling with would disappear upon a crash. The same sort of crash related disappearence might also happen to the items you were transporting with a watercraft - including the watercraft. This sort of losses should be history now. Crashes may naturally lose some progress in the game world, but all the creatures and items should stay intact and be available upon returning to post-crash UnReal World.

This is a future feature, not yet functional in 3.50 beta version.

January 23, 2018, 06:37:14 PM
Re: Which one is the best flour? I'm the one who just went and updated the flour page on the wiki.  I did some testing with an object inspector to look at nutrition and such.  Grinding flour from grains, seeds, or roots keeps the same nutrition values as the original, as well as the same weight.  The carb, fat, and protein values given are percentages of the weight that is each nutrient (i.e., grams of nutrient per 100g weight). 

Barley gives the most nutritious flour, at ~1370 calories per pound.  Rye, clayweed, and lake reed flours are all above 1,000 calories per pound, while hemp (seed), marsh calla, and bogbean flours are all just below 1,000 calories per pound.  You can make flour from nettle, turnip, sorrel, and yarrow seeds, but it's much much less nutritious than the other kinds of flour. 

If you want to figure out what to plant for the most calories, then you need to account for the number of plants that can grow in each tile and the total number of calories produced by each plant.  Note too that you've got it backwards:  rye produces three fistfuls of grains, and barley produces two, not the other way around.  On a per-plant basis:

  • Rye produces 412 calories per plant (~1/3 pound of grains)
  • Broad beans produce 378 calories per plant (~3/4 pound of beans)
  • Barley produces 302 calories per plant (~1/5 pound of grains)
  • Hemp produces 218 calories per plant (~1/5 pound of seeds, ~1/7 pound of leaves)
  • Clayweed produces 143 calories per plant (~1/7 pound of seeds, ~1/13 pound of leaves)
  • Turnips produce 97 calories per plant (~2/3 pound root, negligible size seeds)
  • Peas produce 57 calories per plant (~1/7 pound of peas)
  • Nettle produces 23 calories per plant (~1/10 pound of leaves, negligible size seeds)
  • Sorrel and yarrow produce negligible calories per plant

But for planting, this ordering gets shifted again because you can plant many more turnips and grains in a single tile than beans:

  • Rye produces at most 10,288 calories per tile
  • Barley 7,560
  • Hemp 2,529
  • Turnip 1,944
  • Broad bean 1,892
  • Clayweed 711
  • Pea 284
  • Nettle 227
  • Sorrel and yarrow negligible

So:  grow barley if you want the best flour (most nutritious breads, porridges, and stews).  Grow rye if you want the most total calories of flour. 

February 07, 2018, 06:09:06 PM
Re: Ice skates Apparently!

Here's a discussion of some folks making skates from cow bones and trying them out:

February 07, 2018, 06:55:54 PM
Re: Old mods Njerpez cookery is back in action, just posted an updated 1.01 version in the mod release section:

It's a minor update including a small bugfix for Linux and a salo improvement that PALU came up with in the old NjerpezCookery thread. Enjoy guys!   8)

February 12, 2018, 08:57:14 AM
Re: Catching a glutton - advice? Got him yesterday:

It did not care about fish. I had fresh fish in all traps and also on the ground, but it just ignored it until it spoiled. Then just out of the blue, it got into the big deadfall trap and ate the old spoiled meat inside (leaving the spoiled roach be).

Got a nice glutton skin to warm my feet on the bed, now.

February 13, 2018, 12:49:23 PM
Re: Unfair death due to extremely rapid ice melting Erkka did some tweakings and I'll hereby report this being fixed now. Luckily it's rare condition, but a nasty one.

Fixed - persists in 3.50beta2

March 03, 2018, 05:00:42 PM
Re: Some clothes weigh too much Yes, it seems for example those fur overcoat and cloak weights are slightly too heavy. These pieces came in with armour glossary updates and weights never reasoned properly.
Some other pieces could be tweaked too, some clear errors can be spotted. I'll be taking time to go through the armour clossary weights.

March 04, 2018, 08:29:21 PM