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Re: A "get lost!" button? You can throw a glove in his face, which would probably make him angry enough to fight you...
August 03, 2020, 09:45:09 AM
Re: 5 reasons why Unreal World is one of the most original and rewarding games ever, Well never seen this message before. I guess it was my time to get baited :D
August 04, 2020, 03:28:07 PM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? I can't believe that nowadays you have to prove the correctness of your fantasy world.
August 24, 2020, 10:53:57 AM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? Normally, I'd just shrug and move on, but this is just a bit too much. Two men have been doing their damn best for good quarter of a century to develop a great product. That product is a work of fiction and loosely based on historical Finland. Moreover, for those who are slow on the get-go, the world its set in, called UnReal for a reason. So if devs want to make a culture with social graces of certain forum users - they absolutely can. If some historical event gave them inspiration to create that culture, but for some reason someone doesnt like it, or disagrees with what dev did in their own game - tough titty. BTW, Novgorod AND Moskovits were always aggravating everyone around them. At least till Moskovits conquered Novgorod and performed local genocide by killing most of the males novgorodians and mostly only raping females, after that it was only Moskovits. So its a small wonder they were so inspirational for creating this fictional culture. Oh and if you want to learn real history about Moskovia, use Byzantian, Ottoman, Greek or Vatican sources, that version of history modern Moskovia teaches would be funny, if it wouldnt be so damn sad.

P.S. Sorry Erkka, I'll go shut up now.

August 30, 2020, 03:35:40 AM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? Just to clarify - I never, ever claimed that only Muskovites exclusively were commuting atrocities. Thats just nonsense. Wars are never pretty. We were discussing the nature of fictional Njerpez and user1805 got all hot and bothered by the fact that Novgorod was primary inspiration for their creation.

Ilyich79, you can get as defensive and snappy as you'd like, but its a verifiable fact that your country has been tailoring history en mass even before imperial times. I do not mean this as an attack, but it IS a fact. As far as I recall, this became a trend since Ivan III started calling himself tsar.

August 31, 2020, 05:52:14 PM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? I'm sorry Erkka, if I was of any inconvenience. I'll try to explain my feelings.

BTW, Novgorod AND Moskovits were always aggravating everyone around them. At least till Moskovits conquered Novgorod and performed local genocide by killing most of the males novgorodians and mostly only raping females, after that it was only Moskovits. So its a small wonder they were so inspirational for creating this fictional culture.
Red color by me. First of the redded lines is wildly historical innacurate, but let's assume that it is. So the game fraction of mindless killers is based on Novgorodians, as you, Erkka said yorself. Okay. (I myself have absolutely no problem with that, by the way) Then where from the Muscovites came to Dark Art's posts? Where the logic in this? If Novgorodians were such a bloodthirsty people, may be it was good thing when Moscow conquered Novgorod? But no, according to Dark Art, he just unites them with Novgorodians and proclaims them also (and more) inspirational for such a fraction. It seems to me that for comrade Dark Art all the Russians are like spiders in the box, eating one another until the strongest will survive and then the strongest will feel free to raid and kill his neighbours. Which all of them are very peaceful - because I think, it is clear without explanation, that you can aggravate only peaceful nations - if it is not peaceful that would be defence, not aggravation.

please feel free to use the sources from your friends. Oh wait....
So from this we see, that Russia (Dark Art means Moscow Russia, I guess) had no friends (it is not a historical truth also, but meh, okay). Like a bully in a class where all the other students are ... white and fluffy?

BTW, the nickname qaṣṣāb, that surviving Kazan's population gave the invaders, still used in countries bordering today's Moskovia. Do spend some time and ponder why is that.
I know that in the Middle Ages many of the European nations were very warlike. Many of them warred between each other, as I said before, during times of feudal strife or in the territorial conflicts. Many of them performed raids for plunder and slaves, like, for example (just an example!) Golden Horde. AFAIK Moscow Russia never performed slavery raids, in fact, there never was slavery in Moscow Russia (there was peasant serfdom, but it is another matter entirely). Novgorod and Tver were razed (not once) during feudal strifes between Russian knyazes. Khazan and Astrakhan were conquered (much later then the Iron Age, BTW) as a part of Moscow expansion to the south and also to protect southern russian borders from ... surprise-surprise, plunder and slavery raids by Khans.

So I pondered and the only explanation that came to mind, is that Dark Art somehow distingiushes Muscovites from all the European nations as the most inspirational for creating Njerpezit fraction - from this thought (okay, I can admit that it is in part a surmise) came all my words.

P.S. Especially for comrade Dark Art I will say also that I base my knowledge not only on schoolbooks, but on vast book and internet reading, not only in Russian language.

Just to clarify - I never, ever claimed that only Muskovites exclusively were commuting atrocities. Thats just nonsense. Wars are never pretty. We were discussing the nature of fictional Njerpez and user1805 got all hot and bothered by the fact that Novgorod was primary inspiration for their creation.

Ilyich79, you can get as defensive and snappy as you'd like, but its a verifiable fact that your country has been tailoring history en mass even before imperial times. I do not mean this as an attack, but it IS a fact. As far as I recall, this became a trend since Ivan III started calling himself tsar.
I hear you and if I was somewhat rude, I would like to apologize. And to some extent I agree that some of Russian annals written in tsarist time are not a very reliable sources. Nevertheless, I mean every word written above. And in the modern Russian historiology we do not fully rely on mentioned sources.

August 31, 2020, 05:53:55 PM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ?
I think that if we examine history, the best we do is to try learn from the history, so that we and the future generations wouldn't need to repeat the mistakes of the past. ... Personally I wish that things like these would stay in the history and happen no more.
My thoughts exactly.

I have Russian friends and I've visited the country and I love many aspects of the Russian culture, especially the arts, music and literature.
Well thank you, Erkka, and if I may be so bold, I would like to compliment Finland and Finnish culture and people too, your love of nature, diligence, strive for independence. I read Kalevala myths as a kid (it was translated into Russian in Soviet era and the book was present in my school's library). Your country is very beautiful and I certainly wish to visit it someday before i get too old :).

September 01, 2020, 01:02:53 PM
Re: 5 reasons why Unreal World is one of the most original and rewarding games ever, Maxwell is definitely a spambot as he just copied the first reason and probably put it into translate or something and posted a link under it.
September 09, 2020, 12:12:10 PM
Re: Third party programs?
already found in the game. As I understand it, the places I have not been yet are crafted by Schrödinger, and nobody knows what the result will be until you walk into the village so see it.

Just for the record, I've seen many lynx in-game, but never a cat...

September 11, 2020, 05:55:35 AM
Re: Small predators like ermine, pine-marten and polecat much more common Yes and no.  ???
In my years in the woods, I've encountered multitude of foxes, badgers, hares, (whitetail; which was introduced at Laukko Manor in 1934*) deer, roedeer, reindeer; which doesn't really count as semi-domesticated, and quite a few polecats.
I've not seen a glutton, nor bear (live in Finnish wilderness). I've seen two lynxes, less than handful of pine-martens.
Disclaimer: I've not been around since iron-age  :P

* my paternal great-grandmother was one of the milkmaids at Laukko Manor and my grandmother, then a teenager, hand fed the newly arrived animals. Until they decided to bail the jail.

October 21, 2020, 08:40:51 PM