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Re: Branches appearing in inventory after fishing Yeah this has been reported here:

August 10, 2022, 03:39:43 PM
Re: ModernNorseman's Portrait Mod 1.0 (AI Portraits) *applause*
November 27, 2022, 12:16:12 AM
Re: It's a longish post... Tio, me parece que has comido demasiadas setas de noaidi  :o

You are right though, the Unreal World is all about making peace with the forests and the lakes  :)

November 27, 2022, 12:34:21 AM
Re: Academic interest towards UnReal World - in Finnish and in French A man in his 40s; who can look back on something he said in his 20s without cringing, is a blessed man indeed  :)
November 28, 2022, 02:38:22 AM
Re: Eating raw meat Thanks all for your thoughts.  I did mention that eating raw meat would simulate eating the organs, hence the extra nutrition.

Maybe a simpler way to implement it would be to bring organs into the game?

November 28, 2022, 01:58:11 PM
Bert's slightly interesting and marginally relevant documentaries A documentary following a bloke called Jon, who is a Sami reindeer herder.  He's not exactly a traditionalist; he uses a snowmobile and other modern stuff, but the reindeer and the harsh but beautiful landscape never change.  An interesting look at modern Sami life.  Jon, the Sami:

A hardcore chain-smoking alcoholic intellectual Frenchman casts himself into exile.  Alone, 180 days on lake Baikal:

December 10, 2022, 04:13:54 AM
Re: Need another hand with Wooden biulding I have built multi-room building before and apart from some of the joins looking a little odd, it was no problem.  This was before the changes were made for smoking and heated rooms though; so I can't confirm it will be fully functional, but my guess is that it would still work.
December 12, 2022, 10:00:15 PM
Re: "Liking" posts in the Modding Forum I was referring to the hard-working modders.

Just joshing, love your work.  I see now it's a sub-forum thang, it's the same in the Bug reports forum.  Is there a reason why?

December 13, 2022, 02:03:08 AM
Re: That's how you think the weather will be like I use it quite often.
I use it when I want to let a couple of minutes pass.
It has never been useful. 

December 13, 2022, 05:53:20 PM
Re: That's how you think the weather will be like The swimming messages trigger my inner grammar nazi  :D

Ye Gods, it gets worse:

"As roaming ahead something suddenly captures your attention"


December 14, 2022, 07:45:23 PM