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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Skerry, or rock in water, in rapids or sea tile is safe for storing almost anything. Ravens can still nibble foodstuffs.
Regular rivers and lakes do freeze.. then anyone/thing could walk right to your stash.

But having duplicates (tools, weapons, armor&clothes) at various alternative locations is good option.

September 27, 2021, 09:53:03 PM
Re: How far do you travel at start? Sometimes not at all. I start my toons in Spring and need to get some firewood, shelter et cetera for the possibly lethally frigid nights.
I like to set a camp by lake or river, get basic survival things done; shelter, LLTs nearby, waterhole, firewood. Fish, and/or hunt for food and hides. Often fish, hide work or make crafts end of the day. Things that don’t need daylight.

With few days/week food supply, start looking for villages, and homestead locations. At this point, the traveling might take the character across the map. Can’t wait too long for this trekking though, lakes and rivers will thaw and that gets annoying, fast.

October 11, 2021, 05:28:55 PM
Re: Acquiring Yarn in the North Village stocks are generated on first visit, so finding an unvisited village could prove fruitful in acquiring yarn.
October 19, 2021, 03:25:58 PM
Re: How to get early game food supply since fishing nerf
So does spoiled meat/fish work as a bait, or does it have to be fresh?
Uncooked / non-cured spoiled meat, fish, and fat all work as bait. Spoiled roasted/boiled/cured meat, fish or fat won’t work as bait.

October 20, 2021, 02:09:10 AM
Re: How to get early game food supply since fishing nerf
Make sure to sell off any clothing that you don't absolutely need, especially Fine/Masterwork quality ones since AFAIK their only benefit is a higher bartering value.

Armor, at least warmth values are affected by quality. (Or used to at least in 3.51 or so. I haven’t really bothered with minutiae in a while)

October 20, 2021, 02:14:26 AM
Re: Is trading for food the easy way out?
Ahh yeah not needing bait sounds like the dream!! I'll have to look into it, I've bought a decent rod and hook and some nets, but have yet to make the move to a rapids tile.

My experience fishing amounted to something I named "The Javelin Trap" in which I slowly starved to death while catching just enough fish to keep active fishing, not ideal haha. That was early days and I've since learnt the benefit of trapping so perhaps that would switch things up.

With couple/few nets you should be able to add good amount of fish to your diet. Few hints/suggestions:
If you set a net during “morning”, wait until “late morning” the next day before checking it. BUT not later than “late morning” of the 2nd day.
Sacrificing one of the smaller fish, like a bream, every day when you’re net fishing: you might find yourself looking to smoke or dry some of them, as you can’t eat that much roasted fish! Or maybe trade/donate to nearby villages.

October 28, 2021, 04:31:39 PM
Re: Is trading for food the easy way out? Forgot to answer the main question.

Trading for food in early game is viable option. Crafting or wood cutting are tasks that produce goods (unless rough) for food bartering. Angling for few hours, a day, might yield a pike. Twisting birchbark to a rope, will produce goods to barter for food.

October 28, 2021, 04:36:19 PM
Re: my starving dog just killed a bear single handed Iron Age pups were hardier?  ???

75 bow / x-bow skill should be workable. Do you recall how much encumbrance AND Fatigue you had?

When I head out with bow, I try to keep the encumbrance below 10, usually around 7.
And I find it’s better to keep the fatigue 1-2 at most, so it only takes few rest turns to 0 it.

November 24, 2021, 06:56:26 AM
Re: How to check if item limit is reached?
What to do to save your items?

Put few tiles away.
Put traps around items so there is no way to come closer? But they can disassamble traps.

Skerry in rapids, set an oversized (bear) trap on it.
Animals seem to avoid heavier than their own “class” traps (except pit traps). And only creatures getting on skerries would be birds or seals.
Other option is to build 3x3 log cabin* with all walls, no door. You’ll need to disassemble and rebuild a wall section to access stored goods.

*you could search for a cave with 1tile access and block that with log wall, if combined with elevation change on both sides, you could climb into the wall, from both sides. Glitchy, but no NPC nor critter should get to your goods. Or if one would spawn inside the cave, they couldn’t leave.

January 06, 2022, 08:27:33 AM
Re: Deadly poisoned
Hi everyone.

My current character has done her first "black ear mushroom soup".

Black ear mushroom is deadly poison unless boiled it separately.

She's boiled it in a pot, with only water. Cooked it, and after that ate it.

Now she's injured. The "wound" is marked as critical dark-red.

1 - What did I do wrong? Why is she so ill if it was boiled as descripted?

2 - Should I try to get to a Sage? Should I track down some medicine?

Thank you¡

To blanch and cook the black ears: you need to boil them first. Then use the boiled black ear mushrooms in another recipe, like mushroom soup or meat stew.
Eating the “boiled black ear mushrooms” is still deadly. 

January 19, 2022, 04:09:15 PM