i made an account so i could thank you... shame the other guy had a meltdown, but honestly seems like he was looking for an excuse to pass off the responsibility. I don't blame him.
Can't really blame Brygun to have that meltdown, really.. If you follow
this Steam discussion as well as
this one, you'd understand why he had that meltdown in the first place..

Back to the topic at hand:
Thanks for updating this mod to be compatible with 3.84,
@TheyCallMeSibs !!!
You're not just a legend, you're EPIC as well !!!

Will try the next time I could sneak some 'me' time out of the kids' prying eyes..

PS, mind if I spread this good news to the Steam community as well? Will link to your original post above so they'd know who should take the credit for this mod's return.