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Re: Island challenge stories Yeah, I saw that part. I've now gotten exactly one bird and one pike for my struggles, and Winter has set in properly. I hope I survive the starvation to the first seal :C
January 02, 2021, 06:02:53 PM
[yield:num] improvements Hiya,
Digging through the news led me to realize that we now have a way to create several items from slender trunks, like 3 blunt arrows or staves.
I've run into some issues with how this is implemented, though, and would recommend:
Communicate this feature to the player, for example by adding +'Slender Trunk, yields 3 arrows' to the applicable entries and adding a mention to the F1 menu.
This is obviously just a hacky solution, and adding this into other messages would be preferable.

Additionally, I found it a little confusing that I would discard an entire 2/3rds of a slender trunk if I was making one blunt arrow instead of 3. Thinking back to how you handle making armors or using cordage, there's already a system in place for using only parts of a base item. Did you consider extending this to lumber through the use of the yield tag? If the player decides to make only one item of a yield:3 recipe, you could remove 1/3 of the used base material, like removing a certain amount of lbs from a fur.

Theoretically, this could be extended to things like splitting boards or chopping blocks, where the player could choose to only create one block first, use it for firewood, then later use that tree for further blocks.
The only realism issues I see here is that a tree with several blocks removed could still yield usable boards. Then again, I can create fur items out of many tiny fur scraps...

August 04, 2024, 04:42:16 PM
Re: Discontinued Just as a heads up: Now that we've found some mod files, I'm updating it to 3.84. I'll make a new thread when it's done :)

August 09, 2024, 01:33:47 PM
BAC 3.84 Hiya,

Here's my updated version of BAC for 3.84.
- Tool smithing overhaul, with hafting integration.
- Tool wear on mod recipes.
- Menu Tetris
- Updates to vanilla recipes
- Balance tweaks to a few recipes.

- Removed test items
- Credited mod guide
- Rebalanced primitive yarn

- Added missing BIY files

- Added missing building guts (fireplace, benches etc).

Find something wrong, not working or have input? Poke me on discord or leave it here :)

August 14, 2024, 06:06:35 PM
Re: BAC 3.84
i made an account so i could thank you... shame the other guy had a meltdown, but honestly seems like he was looking for an excuse to pass off the responsibility. I don't blame him.

Can't really blame Brygun to have that meltdown, really.. If you follow this Steam discussion as well as this one, you'd understand why he had that meltdown in the first place..  :-[

Back to the topic at hand:
Thanks for updating this mod to be compatible with 3.84, @TheyCallMeSibs !!!
You're not just a legend, you're EPIC as well !!!  ;D

Will try the next time I could sneak some 'me' time out of the kids' prying eyes..  ;)

PS, mind if I spread this good news to the Steam community as well? Will link to your original post above so they'd know who should take the credit for this mod's return. :)

Good idea! All done :)

And I'm just glad we recovered the mod files. When there's people communicating on the internet, there will always be conflict.
No need to drag Bryg through the mud just because of a hot temper.

August 16, 2024, 10:20:52 AM
Re: Discontinued I think it's time to give this a rest.

Tempers flared, Bryg is gone, the mod is not lost and can be maintained by the community.
We should be thankful for the years of maintenance and not dwell on the sour end. :)

August 16, 2024, 03:03:38 PM
Re: Can not make shovel haft BAC overwrites the entirety of vanilla, including the new hafts. It's fixed now :)
August 16, 2024, 08:19:59 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods No worries about being direct :)
Yeah, of course it would be nice to have access to the files to mod all these things.
But we both know that writing a full-access API or even exposing the game files of a game with 30 years of dev history and a port or two takes incredible amounts of work. And if I'm honest, I'm not sure the average player would prefer the Devs to spend a year or so refactoring and exposing everything instead of their normal updates.

On another note, I'd be very disappointed if I could dig through the files and figure out how the spirits work, for example. Some things are nice to keep mysterious.

August 17, 2024, 11:47:55 PM
Re: BAC 3.84 I've modified the version to remove a leftover test item or two, credit the mod guide properly and rebalance the primitive yarn. Updated the main post with the v1.1 :)
August 22, 2024, 10:57:37 PM
Re: Old carpentry crafting Arrows are still in the make menu - shift + m, arrows.
With spears, do you mean javelins? They are in Make, Weapons.

If with spears you mean the old BAC spears, we now use the vanilla hafting menu. Make a spearhead through Make, Smithing and Make, Toolmaking, then use Make, Hafting to haft it.

BAC adds a lot, but I made sure it all fit within the menus. At least, it should. ;)

August 27, 2024, 02:26:07 PM