Topic: BAC 3.84  (Read 14368 times)


« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2024, 03:09:07 PM »
I've been on vacation, but I'll get to fixing it up soon :)


« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2024, 09:36:29 PM »
Not sure why and I vaguely remember something very similar occurring before and cant really remember what I did to fix the crashing.  Does anyone else remember how to get this installed on a Mac system?

 I remember a Mod issue that used to crash Mac OS, If I recall it had to do with something like; file name over 8 x 3 in the truetile image name.. Or a missing image file in truetile. I also remember something having to do with the background color of srites, but I don't think the last caused crashes.

Sorry for late response, but maybe someone will still be looking at the root cause. There were two problems.

1. Copying contents of the file on Mac didn't replace contents of truetile folder as expected and this caused crash. Solution to this problem is to apply contents of this folder manually. Original post is here
2. Image files for objects (in truetile folder) had wrong background on Mac and it had something to do with alpha color and neutral background specified by corner pixel. It didn't cause crash as far as I remember. Original post is here


« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2024, 08:35:31 AM »
I've been on vacation, but I'll get to fixing it up soon :)

Hey just wanted to say thanks for keeping this going and thanks to Brygun for making this infthe first place.

I noticed that I cannot repair nets anymore with this mod. I can still make them though. I tried to find a way around it or a way to quote out the new menu options under fishing to get it to show but I couldn't figure it out. Hopefully you can take a look at it.



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« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2024, 03:52:00 AM »
I've been on vacation, but I'll get to fixing it up soon :)

Hey just wanted to say thanks for keeping this going and thanks to Brygun for making this infthe first place.

I noticed that I cannot repair nets anymore with this mod. I can still make them though. I tried to find a way around it or a way to quote out the new menu options under fishing to get it to show but I couldn't figure it out. Hopefully you can take a look at it.


I don't have BAC installed at the moment, but you can add this in Fishing submenu:
Code: [Select]

.Mend a net. "Net" [effort:1] [phys:hands,stance] *NETMAKING* /8h/ %10% |0|
{[NEARBY_TILE:*wall]} +'Wall to hang the net on'
{Net} [ask_num] [remove] [name:Net]
{Yarn} =75= [no_min_len] [remove]
{Netting needle}

The ask_num is in the recipe so the game prompts you which one to mend. And not auto-select a net that's in great shape still.


« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2024, 09:18:03 PM »
I've been on vacation, but I'll get to fixing it up soon :)

Hey just wanted to say thanks for keeping this going and thanks to Brygun for making this infthe first place.

I noticed that I cannot repair nets anymore with this mod. I can still make them though. I tried to find a way around it or a way to quote out the new menu options under fishing to get it to show but I couldn't figure it out. Hopefully you can take a look at it.


It was indeed an overcrowding issue. Fixed in 3.85! Thanks for the suggestion too, Finn, but we use vanilla nets now which should work with vanilla mending.

