Attached 3.70 addresses.
3.70 cheat table works on 3.71, so no updating needed.
[3.61] Steam version affected by: Feb 2, 2020 hotpatch. Add +0x1000 onto the end of the address to make compatible.
urw.exe+A345F90 - CharacterName(2) Notes: Max length of 12.
urw.exe+A346010 - CharacterDirectory Notes: Location of current characters directory
urw.exe+A2ECA18 - CharacterName Notes: Max length of 12.
urw.exe+A2ECA26 - TribeName Notes: Max length of 17.
urw.exe+A2ECA25 - TribeID Values: 0-9 Notes: Identifies which tribe your character is from.
urw.exe+A2ED4C8 - CharacterWeight
urw.exe+A2ED4CC - CharacterHeight
urw.exe+A2ED4D0 - Physique (unusued)
urw.exe+A2ED4D4 - Phobia (unused)
urw.exe+A2ED4D9 - Gender Values: 1-2
urw.exe+A2ECF4D - Character Portrait Example: "east1.png"
urw.exe+A2ED4DA - Strength Values: 0-255
urw.exe+A2ED4DB - Agility Values: 0-255
urw.exe+A2ED4DE - Dexterity
urw.exe+A2ED4DF - Speed
urw.exe+A2ED4E1 - Endurance
urw.exe+A2ED4E2 - Smell/Taste
urw.exe+A2ED4E5 - Eyesight
urw.exe+A2ED4E6 - Touch
urw.exe+A2ED4E7 - Will
urw.exe+A2ED4EA - Intelligence
urw.exe+A2ED4EB - Hearing
urw.exe+A2EE044 - Tempature Notes: float
urw.exe+A2EE018 - Hunger
urw.exe+A2ED404 - Thirst
urw.exe+A2ED408 - Energy
urw.exe+A2ED4AC - Nutrition
urw.exe+A2ED4B8 - Fatigue Notes: float
urw.exe+A2ED4C0 - Carry Weight Notes: Freeze to 0 to carry anything, increase characer weight to pickup heavier items
InjuryArrays Notes: Each address is an array of 20 values representing injury details.
urw.exe+A2ED410 - WoundSeverity Values: 0-3 (None, Minor, Moderate, Severe)
urw.exe+A2ED424 - WoundSide Values: 0-3 (Left, Left, Right, None)
urw.exe+A2ED438 - WoundState Values: 0-1 (None, Bleeding) Notes: Effects the rate of bloodloss.
urw.exe+A2ED44C - WoundLocation Values: 0-18 (None, Eye, Face/Skull, Neck, Shoulder, Upper Arm, Elbow, Forearm, Hand, Thorax, Abdomen, Hip, Groin, Thigh, Knee, Calf, Foot, Tail, Wing)
urw.exe+A2ED460 - WoundType Values: 0-12 (None, Bruise/Fracture/Crush, Cut, Puncture, Burn, Frost, Tear/Bite, Unused, Unused, Unused, Influenza, Plague)
urw.exe+A2ED474 - WoundAmount Values 0-100 Notes: When all wounds add up to >= 100, your character dies.
urw.exe+01B0BA0 - Start Location X Values:0 - 3071 (Map X Max)
urw.exe+01B0BA4 - Start Location Y Values:0 - 2047 (Map Y Max)
urw.exe+A2937CC - X Location Values: 0 - 3071 (Current X Location)
urw.exe+A2EE070 - Y Location Values: 0 - 2047 (Current Y Location)
urw.exe+A346588 - Direction Values: 0-7 Notes: Represents what direction you're facing
urw.exe+01B2114 - Skill Points
urw.exe+A2ECCC2 - Skill Array Notes: 27 bytes, each one represents a skill's level. Max value of 255.
urw.exe+A2ECE20 - Skill Exp Array(?) Values: 0-99 Array Length: 27 Notes: Looks like experience, increases darker bar under your skill
urw.exe+A2ECC90 - Skill Star Array(?) Values: 12-17 Array Length: 27 Notes: Affects *'s at end of skill, possible XP multiplier
urw.exe+14C5132 - IsTargeting Values: 0-1
urw.exe+2F4F4DC - TargetY Notes: Value is 0 unless targetting.
urw.exe+294DEA4 - TargetX Notes: Value is 0 unless targetting.
urw.exe+5D1848C - MouseX Notes: X location of the mouse. Relative to rendering
urw.exe+5F1C3DC - MouseY Notes: X location of the mouse. Relative to rendering
urw.exe+5F27F5F - MapType Values: 1-2 (overworld, local)
urw.exe+6182BD0 - MapRenderSizeHeight Values: 460, 564, 730, 920
urw.exe+6182BCC - MapRenderSizeWidth Values: 450, 552, 714, 900
urw.exe+6183228 - CanSeeMap Values: 0-1 (0 in inventory)
urw.exe+A2935C4 - TimeSpent Notes: Represents the amount of time spent on the current/last action in minutes.
urw.exe+A2B2D58 - MapEntityArray (Not base address) Notes: represents a list of objects rendered on map tiles, contains object XY and ID. More documentation required.
urw.exe+5D189BC - NPCStruct Notes: represents NPC data, 1384 bytes in length, includes spirte, portrait, name, NPC type, etc.
urw.exe+54E8D50 - KnownItemsArray
Notes: represents the known items struct, each item has 172 bytes of data (0xAC) representing various traits about the item. StructAddress + (172 * KnownItemID) = KnownItemInfo
urw.exe+A2ED000 - Item ID Array Values: 50000 - (50000 + KnownItemCount) Array Length: InventoryItemCount
Notes: Represents the index/ID of an item your character has in their inventory, using this ID you can retrieve the items data from the item struct (StructAddress + (0xAC * ItemIndex)) More details on this later.
urw.exe+A2ED190 - Item Quantity Array Values: 0 - 4294967295 Array Length: InventoryItemCount
Notes: Controls the quantity of a specific item. Aligns with Item ID Array.
urw.exe+A2ED4B4 - Hour Values: 0-24
urw.exe+A2ED4B5 - Minute Values: 0-60
urw.exe+A2ED4DC - Day Values: 1-30
urw.exe+A2ED4E8 - Month Values: 1-12
urw.exe+A2ED4E9 - Year Values: 16-? Notes: (progresses with time, seems to start at 16. Possible indication of character age?)
urw.exe+A347428 - World Temperature Values: -32 - 32
urw.exe+01B0BB8 - RegionName(1) Example: "Heathland at Kovametsa "Hard forest""
urw.exe+3550E70 - RegionName(2) Example: Heathland at Kovametsa "Hard forest"
urw.exe+5F15BD8 - Installation Folder(1) Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\UnRealWorld
urw.exe+A3465A8 - Installation Folder(2) ^
urw.exe+A2EDC08 - Last completed tutorial/game course goal Notes: Set lower to reset previous goals
urw.exe+A2EBF4D - Character Portrait Example: "east1.png"
World Time:
urw.exe+A2EC4B4 - Hour Values: 0-24
urw.exe+A2EC4B5 - Minute Values: 0-60
urw.exe+A2EC4DC - Day Values 1-30
urw.exe+A2EC4E8 - Month Values 1-12
urw.exe+A2EC4E9 - Year Values 16-? Notes: (progresses with time, seems to start at 16. Possible indication of character age?)
urw.exe+A2EBCC2 - Skill Level Array Values: 0-255 Array Length: 27
urw.exe+A2EBE20 - Skill Exp Array(?) Values: 0-99 Array Length: 27 Notes: Looks like experience, increases darker bar under your skill
urw.exe+A2EBC90 - Skill Star Array(?) Values: 12-17 Array Length: 27 Notes: Affects *'s at end of skill, possible XP multiplier
urw.exe+A2EC000 - Item ID Array Values: 50000 - (50000 + KnownItemCount) Array Length: InventoryItemCount Notes: Represents the index/ID of an item your character has in their inventory, using this ID you can retrieve the items data from the item struct (StructAddress + (0xAC * ItemIndex)) More details on this later.
urw.exe+A2EC190 - Item Quantity Array Values: 0 - 4294967295 Array Length: InventoryItemCount Notes: Controls the quantity of a specific item. Aligns with Item ID Array.