Topic: [Brygun] Journal of Novrus  (Read 58888 times)


« Reply #45 on: December 02, 2018, 07:45:36 PM »
A boldness came over him. His home was in danger. His house spirit friend, the forest spirit, raven, swan all came to mind. The battle calm was different this time. His face curled in a snarl. A wolf growl came from his throat. The growl taught to him last night.

He skid over searching the spot. Again red foe had gone into hiding. Novrus swept over the area. He checked the pit traps nearby. Nothing there. He skid home to get foods then skid out again. Finally he found human tracks. They milled about the trees quite a lot. Like red foe was searching or perhaps there was more than one. Skilled by tracking elk Novrus found the trail leading out. Within a minute he saw red foe.

This red foe had no metal armor. He had a scimitar in a scabbard balanced on the other side by probably what is a knife. Red foe carried neither bow nor arrow nor skis.

Novrus started catching his breath from the fatigue of skiing. He held the ski pole in his left hand with his spear in his good throwing hand. Red foe was moving about without knowing Novrus had come. When red foe’s back was turned or passing behind trees Novrus slid forward. In the far north winter the sun was already into dim twilight even though it was only late afternoon. Again Novrus slid forward on the skis.

Red foe turned toward him. Novrus in his fur clad and pole using form remained as still as the trees around him. Red foe stepped closer.

At four strides Novrus hurled the spear.

Red foe’s head tilted in surprise. For him a tree had just come alive! If there was more light one could have seen his shocked face. Thud and cracking sounds merged as the spear drove through the sternum into the heart. Red foe hissed in attempting to scream. He fell. The black of red in twilight spread quickly over the snow. He was dead in one hit.

Novrus snarled to urge red foe’s spirit to be gone. He would still do funeral rights but red foe did have to leave!

<Novrus 3rd Nerj by spear>


« Reply #46 on: December 03, 2018, 12:09:36 AM »
Novrus prepared the two trees for the funeral pyre. Spruce branches gathered. The red foe stripped of his gear. Novrus prodded at the dried meat cuts the red foe had. Something about the smell. It was wolf meat!

Just like the wolves that had been there yesterday. Novrus was glad to have slain this red foe.

One portion of meat was given to the spirits. The rest were burned in the pyre. Novrus didn’t want to put those into his body. Not today. Not with the help of wolves yesterday.

At the stead Novrus started a fire. A meal of berry porridge and baked long bread was started. An owl hooting shook Novrus. The ritual of silver was to be done at night. There was still time to do it. It was only late evening. There was an ant nest near one of the pit traps. The closest pit trap fence actually.

Novrus made the trek. He prepared torches and a small fire to light one. He put the silver ring on the ant nest and waited. Past dawn he collapsed to sleep in the snow. No one had come and the silver ring was still there.

He tried to recall what had been said to him. He pondered what he did wrong. Did the ring have to be destroyed as a sacrifice? He was used to sacrificing meat by putting it out for the forest and animals to eat. Perhaps the silver needed to be taken apart to return to its original ore state.

The next night Novrus knelt over the ant hill. With his small knife he shaved off silver to fall down the ant holes. He made more shavings putting them in the openings for the ants to remove at their whim.

 He began his vigil. A strong presence seemed to join him. He did not see a face though he looked to and fro. Of course the Grey Man would be a better hider in the forest than in even Novrus had been against the red foes. So it did not surprise him not to see him though he had wished to.

Perhaps those of Flower Wild could explain this.

He started the journey and spied a badger along the way. He gave chase hoping to out ski the badger. The powerful beast wasn’t hindered by the snow. When he broke off the chase Novrus was too tired to make the trip. He returned to the stead. He was so tired in just slept in the smithy half-building.

Arriving in the darkness it was annoying them to keep waking the villagers. Still the tolerated it hearing he was trying to understand the vision. Dougni though added little. Novrus was still puzzled. There was still some of the silver ring left. Did he have to get rid of it all? The lose of the metal didn’t trouble him. He just wasn’t sure what he was doing.

Dearsu caught up to Novrus. There was a wounded traveler again. Flower Wild being the most souther of the Owl tribes must keep being the first ones survivors stumble upon.

The traveler had been wounded by bear. Bears being one of the few things to trouble a skilled man in the woods. Possibly it was the same bear as before or the forest was growing in angry bears. That might be the red foe’s doing. Novrus agreed to seek the matter out, return a lost axe and if possible bring down the bear. This time it was to the south west. Novrus recalled making a shelter in that area once. The rivers had many branches with several rapids.

Novrus thought it wise to have a companion. Of those he spoke to, and it was almost all the village, Nilla an peasant agreed to come. Novrus loaned him a handaxe. Nilla wasn’t well equipped but could help haul. Mostly Novrus wanted a safe guard from attacks in the night from the bear. Nilla could do that, though don’t tell him. Heandarak was away working in the forest.

A spruce mire with a river to the east was what the survivor recalled. The river branches were around a half dozen. Almost all the west banks were spruce mire. Finding the old shelter made by Novrus was easy, it had trail markers and was next to one of the rapids. They spent hours of daylight searching.

Once again coming upon Novrus’s camp they settled down in the late afternoon. Firewood was waiting yet with there still daylight Novrus split some more. They stocked the fire ring. As Novrus was dressed to sleep outside Nilla could set his sleeping fur in the shelter. Into the evening they chatted while Novrus carved Nilla a wooden bowl. Part of the payment for his services and a useful thing to use in the camp.

When the slept Nilla shook Novrus awake.

“Its the snow. Too much,” said Nilla.

Novrus had trouble moving with all the snow half burying him. The two would spend the rest of the night cramped in the shelter.

In the morning the ate from their packs and enjoyed the cool water from the rapids. Novrus thought about his clay kettle pot. He should remember to travel with it. A little hot beverage can be wonderful on these long treks.

Dawn was still forming when they found the blood-scrape amid the trees. A second by the river. Novrus used to figure out a direction of travel.

Spruce burst apart as the bear smashed Nilla with its paw!

It was upon them!

Novrus moved for a clear throw at the bear.

Already the bear had pounded Nilla in to the ground. Its hind feet jumping off from Nilla to charge at Novrus. The thrown spear went high. Nilla moaned in a daze of pain.

Now it was Novrus against alone against the bear.

<Novrus nilla mangled>


« Reply #47 on: December 03, 2018, 01:08:50 AM »
Snapping bear jaws dove for Novrus’s hip. He swung his free hand for his round shield. Coming off the strap the round shield was too low. The bear’s teeth bit down yanking on furs. Only furs. The layers were being tugged but none of it was Novrus’s flesh.

Switching his shield to his free hand was done as the bear let go. Perhaps it noticed the lack of blood taste. Its forepaw knocked across Novrus’s chest. The tattered red foe cuirass gave its last as the bear claws caught on it. Novrus was partly lifted off the ground as the bear pulled away what it thought was the man’s hide. The bits of cuirass leather were useless, given itself in another unwounded hit.

Novrus crudely shifted the ski stick more out of the need to have a weapon hand than an attack. It bounced side ways off the bear. Rising on its legs the bear toward over Novrus. Both paws rushing forward. Novrus ducked behind the shield and the one paw skidded off.

Novrus was off balance but still standing. The other paw turned back in a fresh attack smacking Novrus in the torso despite.

Behind the bear there was a glint of light off steel. Nilla grabbed spruce branches to pull himself up. Nilla was still able to stand! Nilla’s eyes were as a drowsy man with all the pain. First he had to get armed. Spotting the hand axe Nilla picked it up. That was when the sun had glinted off the hand axe.

Beside the shield appeared the bear’s jaws! This time the jaw landed a painful bite on Novrus’s chest. The many layers reduced the wound otherwise he might now be dead.

Finally Novrus got a weapon in hand. The carving axe paired with the roundshield.

The bear shifted its rump against a tree. It to was now aware it was fighting two. One of those was Novrus who had so far sustained strikes which should have mangled wild game. It turned to snarl at Nilla who in the bears mind should know better than to stay.

Swift with a woodcutter’s powerful arm Novrus chopped into the bear’s exposed side. The blade cutting hard on the hip. The bear roared with pain then into renewed fury. It was as if to say the battle was on.

A swatting paw reached for Novrus. Novrus was on his guard now, as awkward as it was on skis. He got the shield edge punched into the bear’s forearm skidding the strike into empty air.

A quick reply was swung at the bear’s head. It wove the head round for a miss. Yet it made the bear stumble. Nilla was swinging too. As much as Nilla could in his wounded state that is. Sensing the weaker of the two the bear took interest in Nilla.

“Here bear!” shouted Novrus. As the layer clad of the men Novrus had the equivalent of armor to sustain blows. Novrus, Nilla and the bear cleaved for each with no connections.

Snow flew off the spruces where the attacks went. Then again they all kept at the battle.

Novrus’s axe return swing clipped a branch and twisted his arm oddly. The bear snapped at him. The shield in the way lasted a moment as the rare momentum of the bear’s slam took the shield out of his hand. The bear went to bit but it stumbled. The hip wound and a wound from Nilla crippling its walking.

Instincts told Novrus to get his shield. Expecting the crush of a bear on him instead the bear was wrecking havoc on Nilla! Nilla, unseen, cursed in pain. A flash of steel followed showed the Owl villager was still capable of wounding the bear.

“Fight on!” shouted Noruvs.

“I know!” replied Nilla.

Swish of awe, swipe of paw and snap of jaws. Jaws crush onto Novrus’s hip. Novrus falls down. The bear lets go to fight off Nilla. In twisting round the bear’s cleaved hip gives out and it too falls onto the snow. Nilla’s axe swings through the air again.

This fury is horrendous.

Seeing the lame bear Novrus realizes he can kill it with arrow fire from the laminated northern bow.

Novrus shifts backwards to rearm. As he prepares the bear is all over Nilla. Finally the bear’s bite tears away Nilla’s throat.

Roaring with blood coated jaws of victory the bear lumbers with a dragging rump toward Novrus. Novrus’s first arrow flies piercing a foreleg. All the better to cripple it. The bear’s chest and jaws smack on the ground in its stumble. Angry eyes still glare back.

Novrus took a few steps back for safety. The bear repeated attempts to stand. Had Novrus stayed in melee those jaws and claws would be tearing him. Alas, those moments for distance had meant an end for Nilla.

Another misses. Novrus reminds himself to calm down. Pain was biting him but he didn’t think his wounds fatal.

The bear sniffed at the snow as if trying to understand the situation.

An arrow into its fur made the matter clear! The bear roared crumpling again on its troubled legs.

Novrus now reached into his quiver for an arrow bearing goshawk feathers. At its tip a broad head of his own forging in his own smithy. With purpose Novrus drew on the string of the Flower Wild made bow. The Novrus made broad head arrow dashed across the sky. True and straight it dove deep into the bear’s shoulder. A wide flow of blood burbled from the wound. The bear’s head slumped on the snow.

Novrus paused to wait. His hand ready to knock another arrow. Blood still came from the broad head’s plunge. A few seconds more and the bear’s eyes searched the forest.

Novrus waited. It was still possible for it to kill.

The bear roared as if to say stay away. The bleeding had slowed.

Novrus, still standing clear, knocked another broad head. The arrow was evaded as the bear managed somehow to make advance. Belly crawling on the ground it now understood its death was for Novrus to give. Its life would only be if Novrus was gone.

The bear’s lurching movement meant another miss. Novrus circled to free one from a tree. As he moved to get sight of the bear it had almost caught up to him!

Backing up Novrus took no more chances. He began to volley arrows again and again. He started with the practice blunts in some hope of limiting damage to the bear’s hide. With the blunts expended the bear had stopped reacting to strikes. Its chest was still heaving in breath.

Cautiously Novrus drew his knife and closed up. He drew the edge along the bear’s neck then stood back.

Still the bear didn’t release its spirit. Novrus advanced again make more neck cuts to bleed out the bear.

Giving time for the bleeding and passing Novrus gathered what arrows he could, his spear and puzzled what to do about Nilla. Novrus decided to take Nilla’s own hand axe and knife back to the village for his kinfolk. The handaxe from Novrus had been on loan for fighting. The clothes would be left with the burial. The large stash of meat ought to also go to Nilla’s kin. The gift of the wooden bowl was to be burned in the pyre as Nilla’s.

With the bear still not expired Novrus began pounding on its skull. Finally, after all this time, the bear’s spirit left.

Novrus now stopped to examine his wounds. He had gotten off rather lightly. Two sets of scratches and a pair of bruises. Nilla had lost his life.

He still had to find the adventurer’s campsite.

<Novrus ok Nilla dead>


« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2018, 03:09:06 AM »

The funeral pyre was lit. By its light Novrus started butchering the bear.

“You know Nilla. I’m wise to you,” said Novrus, “You just found a way out of carrying all this heavy bear! That’s why wasn’t it!”

Novrus laughed. He hoped Nilla would laugh too. Pairs of tears dripped down Novrus’s cheek as he forced himself to laugh. Last night he had been carving the gift bowl that now burned on a funeral pyre with his friend and neighbor.

That evening Novrus skid into Flower Wild. On his back was the freshly butchered bear. Half of which he would leave here along with Nilla’s knife and handaxe. He tracked down the elder Antti. Antti was already guessing why Novrus had returned alone. Novrus explained.

“The bear is slain. So to is Nilla. He was first upon whom the bear ambushed. We fought. Vicious it was. Nilla had even pulled himself up from the first battering. He didn’t have to do that. He was brave. He wounded the bear many times. At last the bear got him. Then I got the bear. It was so wounded by our blows that it could only belly crawl. Out pacing it I filled it with my own made arrows fired by your made northern bow.

I regret not bringing Nilla back to you. He was a friend. The night before I carved him a bowl as a gift. It is not something I can show you. It was Nilla’s so it went on the funeral pyre. These though I bring back to you. His knife, his axe and his half of the bear meat. He carried many elk cuts with him. I will fetch them soon.

With respect let me leave you to your mourning. I don’t want to lose memory of where I hid the elk to bring you.”

Novrus stopped. It was a long speech.

Antti said, “We shall await your return.”

Novrus pushed off on his skis not wanting to spend the night here. They needed their space. Antti could explain it to the adventurer.

Novrus skied home. He washed the bear hide lest it rot before tanning. He wanted to smoke his share of the bear meat but stopped himself. He still had the bear skull. Leaving the meat in the cold he sought out a lone pine tree in the lichenous spreads near the hill That is where he put the bear’s skull. He didn’t want to show it the inside of his house lest the spirit reform into a bear that used doors!

Novrus set the meat to hang. The fire was re-lit. Chimney stones were shifted to shunt smoke into this half of the stead. He slept on his bunk. A gentle breeze seem to flutter over him. A kind welcome from the house spirit.

Awakening Novrus made off back to the battle site. Nilla’s elk cuts were gathered. A half hour of searching found the adventurer’s camp. He made his way back for the hours into late evening to arrive back at Flower Wild. The air smelled of herbs and bear meat.

The villagers were largely gathered outside around a fire. They were telling tales of Nilla. Seeing Novrus the shaman called him over in welcome.

“I am keeping my promise. Here are the elk cuts Nilla was carrying.”

It was over one hundred pounds of meat. Why had Nilla been carrying it? Novrus shared it out amongst the villagers. The axe was delivered to the recovering adventurer.

They served him mead. They insisted on hearing the full story this time. Novrus obliged them. How they chatted in friendship traveling. How Nilla woke him to avoid being buried in snow. How they had just started to puzzle out the blood scrapes when the bear burst upon Nilla. Novrus spoke of cleaving the bear’s hip with his carving axe and fighting it alone until suddenly Nilla pulled himself up. How they fought together against the bear. Novrus then being knocked down with empty hands. Nilla fought on while Novrus realized the bow was now the way. As the arrow knocked Nilla was slain. Then the bear’s determination to keep fighting. Then finally it came to the funeral pyre where the rites were properly observed. The goods being returned was where the village of Flower Wild came back into the story.

Flower Wild gave him welcome. Elder Antti openly inviting him to stay. Novrus felt no malice or treachery was about. He was glad the only neighbors still accepted him. It was surely in part to how he had labored to return goods to them rather than keeping them for himself or leaving them in the woods. They were also happy a bear that had been slain. It had at least twice attacked people.

On the way home Novrus thought he glanced a red foe in the distance south of the homestead. Searching though found no confirmation.

Returning home he finished tanning the new bear fur with its winter coat. Though evening had not yet set in Novrus strongly desired to sleep. With a bear fur below and thicker winter bear fur above Novrus slept in deep warmth.

Day 2 of the 2nd week before midwinter

Novrus woke in the warmth of the house, warm chimney and two bear furs. It made the outside all the more surprising. Even in all his layers Novrus felt cool as he moved around. If was working hard surely he would warm up.

This is when the thoughts of Nilla and the bear came to mind. Finding his mind replaying the battle Novrus went to the ceremonial circle. Spruce twigs burned to give curls of smoke up to the spirit world. A cut of bear meat in significance to the battle on his mind. Novrus sat cross legged on the snow before the smoky fire and burning meat.

“A survivor asks questions the dead do not,” said a Shaman to his grandfather.

Child Novrus remembered peering in through the shutter when the shaman was talking to grandfather. Grandfather was troubled at times with bad dreams. As a child he didn’t hear all of it. Grandfather had once been at a village a Nerjpez war party had attacked. The women escaped in different directions while the men folk fought. Fought and lost. Grandfather would ask what if had done this or that or gone there or so many other things.

That memory joined the spruce smoke rising up the circle.

Novrus felt shame for the moments of backing up to ready his bow. It was in those Nilla had finally died.

“If I had got with axe strikes rather than readying a bow Nilla would have lived a little longer. Would he have lived the day?” asked Novrus.

“No,” he said.

The answer had been immediate on his lips.

“We would have done small wounds to the bear. Each of its blows on Nilla were harmful. Each on me might have been slight. Nilla would not have lasted much longer and I might have been too wounded to bow.”

Only his voice was in the forest. Yet he felt answers were coming from a far.

“What if I had kept my spear rather than throwing it? Two hands for strong thrusts”

There was silence for a time.

An image of thrusting two handed at the bear came to mind. Nilla down on the ground slowly to rise as he had. Bear taking wounds deeper. Then bear without a shield in the way rendering wounds on Novrus. Novrus and Nilla then fighting side by side and it coming out much as it had.

Perhaps if the spear throw had hit it might have given them an edge. More like rebalance the bear’s advantage over Nilla.

“All paths were dangerous,” said Novrus.

“Nilla had known that. Nilla had come anyway.”

Novrus exhaled a sigh of relief. These thoughts calmed him. He could play out the battle in the mind now looking for improvements in skill, in technique and in tactics. No longer was he seeing shame in the day.

He let himself sit and cry for his lost friend Nilla while the spruce smoke rose.

<Novrus bear reflections>


« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2018, 04:05:03 AM »
With his spirit centered again Novrus thought of the Owl adventurer who had been under equipped to come. He decided to use his tools to make a bow for sorts for him. Probably as payment for traveling together in the future.

A large spruce branch was the core. Novrus let it soak a while in the rain barrel to restore it to wetness of warmer climbs. He shaped it while in the smithy. The resulting short bow was below in pull strength. It did shoot. The string was made from a leather cord from the recent bear adventure. An extra item found among the shelter.

Back at chores and log gathering Novrus adjusted the starter logs and boards to show the possible layout of the main house to come. A hall on the west side with the entrance to the courtyard. The north east corner would be a sleeping area for a family. The south east smaller room would probably become a store room or perhaps fit a well. A well would make them very difficult to besiege.

<Norvus house plans>


« Reply #50 on: December 03, 2018, 05:36:20 PM »
Day 5 of the 2nd week before midwinter

A few days of chores was slowing increasing the logs placed to mark out the main house to built. Food variety remained excellent. A recent grouse got in the homestead traps was made into a soup while a hare was roasted. The bear was hanging for smoke, though Novrus realized he could have hung it outside to dry. There was still smoked elk in the cellar. Long bread cooking was quickly through the barley flour quickly.

Skiing to the hill top as part of routine hunting patrol a red foe was spotted to the north east. Novrus didn’t feel great anger. Still it wasn’t good to let them come by unopposed.

<Novrus Nerj to NE 1>


« Reply #51 on: December 03, 2018, 07:14:36 PM »
Novrus took a breath. He would be closing on another fight with the most dangerous game, man. With calf deep snow the skis and his improved skill would give him an advantage during a long chase. With the skipole in his right hand he held his bow in the left. He wanted to be as ready as possible to shoot arrows. Skiing toward the siting he often could keep the red fore in sight.

Novrus stopped a hundred yards short. His breath was pacing with the day’s exertions.

“A steady hand shots a steady arrow,” grandfather would say.

Novrus leaned his shoulder against a pine. It was a resting standing pose. The bow and ski pole were still in hand. His pack still on his back. Clearing mind he focused on his breathing forcing deep in and outs. Recovering the stability of breath and heart beat would make his aim steady. Ears were alert for sound. He felt his spirit start to lift part way out of his body. An awareness sharing with the forest.

Once calm he slid forward slowly. This wasn’t a foe to charge in on. Skis kissing snow curved around a tree then another.

A wavy spruce gave away a large animal’s movement. Creeping on a hunt Novrus did the smallest push on the skis to look around a trunk. There indeed was the red fore.

 This one looked much more serious. He had a bow. A mid sized hunting bow. It wouldn’t be as powerful as the Flower Wild laminated bow yet might well pierce the hide layers Novrus had for armor. This red foe must be a chief with a metal helmet, metal lamellar curiass and even metal shin guards. Oddly there was no scimitar but an axe, knife and club hung from his belt. A chief on a hunting trip? It might also be a chief looking to avenge, or at least find out, about the missing red foe slain by Novrus.

Though the glimpse between spruce was narrow it was time to begin. The battle surely would be an exchange of arrows. Advantage to the first to strike home.

Strength of both arms to full powering the Flower wild bow. Its many parts ideal for where each sat. A great power was gained. One men do not hold for long. Novrus’s breath paused to aim. Away his fingers from the string. Away the arrow down the way.

The arrow nicked into a spruce along the crowded way.

Red foe in his helm was humming. He hadn’t heard the tree strike.

Second and third arrow passed by red foe’s blissful ignorance.

The fourth arrow flew past where the red foe’s helm was. He looked up in time to see the arrow going past.

What curse the red foe said in his own language was with clear intent as readied his own bow. The archery duel began.

Spruce on each side took the exchanged arrows. Novrus grabbed the red foe’s arrow and put it to his own bowstring.

Thud went an arrow into Novru’s belly. Before he could lose he took the hit.

Dripping blood onto the snow Novrus took a step back while knocking one of his own broad head arrows. Red foe had run up closer perhaps thinking Novrus was in retreat. Instead Novrus let fly the arrow.

Red foe ducked switching from bow to knife leaving the broad head to get lodged in a spruce trunk.

Red foe was on top of Novrus with a fury of knife blows before he could lose an arrow.

A strike to the hip made Novrus fall. While drawing his axe red foe picked up one of the arrows muttering something in their foreign language. Was he mocking his archery for so many misses?

Knife slashed and bleeding began to wear on him. He tried to back away. To start skiing. To where he could stop the bleeding. The red foe took out his bow. What he had said before now made sense.

“Try and run and I will just shot you.”

The dream went black…

[Game reload]

Tthe Nerjpez killed him on the first encounter. Novrus fired ~6 arrows with zero hits, took an arrow to the gut then got knifed a lot. Remember as writing project I’ll be carrying on to develop a longer story. If you disagree you can consider the story over at this point. This is actually the first reload during all these adventures.

I have decided to include the writing for the scene for the reader’s enjoyment and in accordance with this being a writing project.

A short rewind will happen for the next post.

<Novrus restore 1>


« Reply #52 on: December 03, 2018, 09:08:43 PM »

Novrus took a breath. He would be closing on another fight with the most dangerous game, man. With calf deep snow the skis and his improved skill would give him an advantage during a long chase. With the skipole in his right hand he held his bow in the left. He wanted to be as ready as possible to shoot arrows. Skiing toward the siting he often could keep the red fore in sight.

Novrus stopped a hundred yards short. His breath was pacing with the day’s exertions.

“A steady hand shots a steady arrow,” grandfather would say.

Novrus leaned his shoulder against a pine. It was a resting standing pose. The bow and ski pole were still in hand. His pack still on his back. Clearing mind he focused on his breathing forcing deep in and outs. Recovering the stability of breath and heart beat would make his aim steady. Ears were alert for sound. He felt his spirit start to lift part way out of his body. An awareness sharing with the forest.

Once calm he slid forward slowly. This wasn’t a foe to charge in on. Skis kissing snow curved around a tree then another.

Twisting through the spruce a clearing was criss crossed with man steps. This must have been red foe’s shelter. Novrus would track from here.

<Novrus tracking red 4>


« Reply #53 on: December 03, 2018, 09:09:15 PM »

Novrus could see a disturbance of snow to the south west. He moved to the edge of the clearing taking a moment to steady his breathing.

In that moment a red foe walked into view.

This one looked much more serious. He had a bow. A mid sized hunting bow. It wouldn’t be as powerful as the Flower Wild laminated bow yet might well pierce the hide layers Novrus had for armor. This red foe must be a chief with a metal helmet, metal lamellar curiass and even metal shin guards. Oddly there was no scimitar but an axe, knife and club hung from his belt. A chief on a hunting trip? It might also be a chief looking to avenge, or at least find out, about the missing red foe slain by Novrus.

Novrus stowed the ski pole for an arrow. He now waddled for position. The distance was now thirty strides. Mostly clear though a spruce and birch in the center make a full length shot have to go along a narrow. If the red foe charged the last ten strides would be in the open.

Novrus pulled his bow to power. His breath held for the moment to adjust the aim. Loose the arrow flew.

Over spruce branch and under birch the arrow flew. On it went arcing down. Red foe was was studying the snow for tracks. He started to kneel for a closer look. Plunging the arrow dashed into a thigh rather than calf. Red foe howled in surprise more than pain. Red foe turned his shoulder to bring out his bow.

As Novrus knocked an arrow red foe stepped behind the cover of a large spruce.

Redfoe was circling among the spruce. Novrus got nervous. This one was being clever. Red foe could get around to a shorter range. Novrus stepped forward then side stepped to a slightly different position.

Red foe came in his flanking movement now exposed by Novrus’s new position. Novrus let fly with the arrow stinging into red foe’s right knee. It struck touched in just above the metal shin guards. Only a single layer of linen obstructed the arrow’s energy. The arrow head sunk in onto a bit of shaft was within the knee.

Red foe was a great chieftain until he took an arrow to the knee.

Red foe fell in the snow hissing alive in pain. Novrus’s mind debated for a moment what to do next.

Bracing on his left leg red foe swung up his hunting bow putting an arrow in the string. Novrus remembered this was no bear but a man. Novrus stepped back from the man with a bow. The arrow slapped into a spruce near Novrus’s head.

Novrus fired back but the arrow skipped off a spruce branch. Cover was protecting both of them like this.

Red foe was scanning for his enemy. He must have been guessing Novrus would emerge somewhere else if he backed up again. Staying where he was Novrus let fly another arrow. It made it through the narrows between branches. The strike dove into red foe’s face below the line of the helmet upon his brow. Blood bubbled out of the now open cheek and red foe’s nostrils.

Red foe dropped onto the snow. His hunting bow escaped his hand. Bubbling nostril blood rose with each breath. As Novrus knocked an arrow Red foe’s arms moved to push him off the snow. He was still quite dangerous.

Recalling the fierce bear Novrus took a step back. Better to let the wound bleed a while than face a still dangerous foe.

Novrus began to circle for an exposed shot. Red foe was hauling himself half prone along the snow, much like the bear had belly crawled. Red foe knelt up on his good leg to fire an arrow!

The arrow struck a tree.

Novrus noticed the facial bleeding was calm now. The arrow had been pulled out. The smear of blood along red foe’s face carried down his front into the snow. It didn’t bubble anymore so Novrus thought it unlikely red foe would bleed out. Novrus slid backwards again.

Another arrow flew at Novrus. Indeed, red foe was like that bear still desperately fighting to kill in order to keep its own life.

Novrus waddled on skis farther out to circle. The ski pole was still stored across his backpack so he was just waddling not sking. The method now shared both hunting with a bow and endurance hunting. The struggling red foe was glimpsed to be starting to breath harder.

Novrus sent a few arrows off. Though they missed they interrupted red foe’s rest. He couldn’t be allowed much rest. A blunt practice arrow thwacked red foe. No deep puncture of course. Rather it made the point clear.

This chieftain was smart. He crawled his way into a curl of trees. The only approaches were in one narrow arc. Red foe pulled himself against one of the trees. Defiantly scanning for Novrus.

Novrus paused.

“Steady the breath,” Novrus said only in his mind.

Unable to see his attacker red foe dragged himself out of the defensive pocket.

Novrus reloaded the bow, drew and loose. Red foe ducked. Red foe’s fatigue was growing. Novrus sent blunt arrows down range.

“Keep them troubled, keep them moving, keep them tiring, until their eyes retire,” grandfather had said.

A blunt practice arrow struck red foe. Others missed. Red foe head swayed with its helmet. Then the face went down on the snow.

Wary of bears waking Novrus advanced to the next trees. Another blunt flew into red foe. No scream of pain. Just the reflex of the body pulsing in pain.

Waddling forward on the skis Novrus drew his broad knife. Cuts were drawn across red foe’s neck. Blood spurted out. Novrus stood back staring at the man. Time passed briefly before the spirit departed the flesh.

This time Novrus survived. How easily it could have been the other way around.

Novrus circle the area gather what arrows he could find. Funeral rights were prepared. Two tree trunks rolled together. The body laid on top in the notch the trunks made between them. Spruce branches to cover the now naked man. Novrus offered a portion of red foe’s food to the spirits with the rest added to the funeral pyre. Then it was lit.

Only with the smoke guiding the fallen spirit to the other world did Novrus put on the iron armor of the recently departed’s metal armor. A helm nearly broken in two, lamellar torso in good shape and the shin guards that don’t protect the knee.

<Novrus wins this time 1>


« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2018, 10:47:49 PM »
Day 6 of the 2nd week before midwinter.

It was the next morning after when Novrus’s life may have ended. It would have been easy for the chieftain to slay Novrus rather than the other way around.

Novrus sorted the goods with those already in stock. He decided to sew together wool socks to replace the wool wraps currently aiding his feet on the chilling snow. There was a serviceable spare set of clothing with trousers, shirt and more.

Certainly there was weapons to outfit a few. One set was spares for Novrus and some items had come from distant home, like his shortbow. Perhaps the adventurer at Flower Wild should be brought onto a long term arrangement.

Novrus much desired to have a broad axe. Perhaps he could melt down one of the two scimitar for the metal. The long blade of the broad axe would aide in building the new house a great deal. Faster work with with right tool. Better fits with the right tool. Less creaks and drafts. Less complaints from a wife.

Novrus laughed!

Then he thought of his quest.

“Am I not to be the smith of the north?” he said.

The smithy’s large forge was lit with wood scrapes that came in abundance from the building of walls. These were just the starters with coal added. As they heated the leather on the grip was cut away and the wood underneath banged off. Working up the the heat the red foe blade was started upon. Though it all fine steel there wasn’t enough for a proper broad axe. He would work in the head of red foe hand axe as the center of the broad axe. This meant already having an axe head hole to start with. The scimitar, cut in two, would be made into the cutting curves to either side.

Late into the night the bellows pumped, and wheezed at the flawed seams. Hammer blows rang out on steel, iron and stone. The melodic banging echoing through the dry winter air. Exhausted Novrus simply slept in the smithy. There was heat enough there.

Through the next morning into the afternoon the dressing and mounting went on. Novrus hoped to removed the deficiencies of the unusual building approach. There was always a problem of inconsistent air from the bellows. The whittling was likewise a challenge with the flaws in his self made small knife. For all the challenges a broad axe was made. Its head wasn’t perfect yet it was sure to cut wood with all that steel. Its balance and bounce was different too. Serviceable though Novrus hoped later in life to make better.

Woodsman’s axe felled a tree then broad axe trimmed it. Novrus wasn’t quite sure if it was an improvement for this one task. Surely though it would matter over time. He started debating whether he could not simply heat it up and try again.

<Novrus broad axe 1>


« Reply #55 on: December 04, 2018, 01:15:28 AM »
It was a smith’s challenge now: to remake the broad axe to proper quality. Norvus gathered two stones and a rock of certain shapes The handle was burned off. Heat was run to make the whole take on a glow. This heat would drive or scatter the carbon that made the iron steel.

Iron to a smith is soft. It holds a shape surely but not much of an edge. Iron survives impact more. It has a different bounce. One that dissipates energy. That softness of the iron makes it bend or flex rather than break. That is if you looked really closely. Good in some places but not for an edge.

Steel was for the edge. Infused with the right amount of mix. Carbon they would call it. It gave it a shine iron did not. In a bloom of iron there would be dots of shine where that narrow recipe had taken place. For a smith to make larger steels the challenge was to mix in small yet right amounts of fat or wood or smoke. The iron absorbs this if you do it right. In the end you get the hard steel. Hard to bite, hard to take an edge and yet hard that might break.

From the work down all of the first broad axe head had been heated that would purge the carbon leaving it as iron once again.

Now knowing the shape better from the first built Novrus shaped a length of iron. A thin section to be the outer cutting edge. A piece then transformed into iron. A process taking days to get just right.

Then the iron mass was heated to take the shape of the socket and bulk of the blade. This is the part that give flexibility preventing the steel from breaking. It also would support the steel. Iron would make up most of the weight of the axe head. Only the cutting front need be nor should be steel. As it was forged Novrus kept comparing it to the steel edge. He was now  mating them to the proper form than struggling to make one axe and two sword pieces become the shape.

Then came the welding. The iron heated hot the steel heated warm. That is to the temperatures a smith would call hot or warm. To high heat the steel again would be to purge the carbon worked in. It was best to think of this as the iron being heated to weld onto the steel rather than the other way around. Once hot the iron front was given a notch. This would have it weld bind onto both sides of the steel. Then the warm steel inserted. Hot iron was pounded to spread into and over the steel. Along each side just short of the cutting edge. This is how Novrus gave steel teeth to jaws of iron.

Now came a dressing. A mild heat so make the iron and steel turn. To take on the smooth sweeping lines remembered from his youth. Watching men work with a broad axe shared around the village. Art work showed the broad axe sweep.

On the fourth day Novrus pulled out the axe head with the wooden tongs. Every now and then the wooden tongs would need replacing. That at the leather paws, freshly soaked in water, let him grip the steel. Iron tongs were best but iron he did not have to spare, yet.

This time the broad axe head looked proper. It looked like the axes from home. Its lean shape ready to sharpen.

The toll on Norvus was growing. He had worked in a partial daze. His body was feeling a lack of nourishment. He did eat each day. When in the grips of creative passion an artist might well forget the needs of body.

Now he began the form fitting of the shaft. The basic had been cut from a birch tree quarter before the first axe head had started melting. Three of the four quarters had yielded lengths with superb grain. One of those was now being shaped to fit the new broad axe head. Novrus was still struggling with the flaws of his small knife.

The knife’s inconsistent curve skipped cutting a deep notch in the haft!

This would be prone to cracking under repeated axe blows. That would not do. Having not yet glued the haft in Novrus banged this one out.

The next morning he started carving another of the birch semi-handles. Once again shaping the wood to match the actual iron socket. Then precision shaping the rest of the handle to the combined weight. Novurs ate deeply today. Under feeding can make hands or minds skip. He was more careful this time.

In the evening thin leather was tucked onto the top of the haft. A little heat and it would singe in like a glue. A top wedge was tapped in pressing the wood and leather glue into the prickly sides of the iron sloped socket. Watered sap was run along the handle to preserve the wood.

Finally Novrus held in his hands a proper broad axe.

(Note: In game Novrus the first broad axe came out as a rough axe. When hafted it was a rough broad axe. In game Novrus did melt the axe down thanks to Bouidda’s clever coding. A fine iron billet was accidentally doubled worked to only decent iron billet by the steel recipe (dang it!). Still the resulting second go had a decent axe head. The remaining not quite depleted axe was deleted rather than made into a free billet.

The haft mounting came out as a rough broad axe. It troubled me to have to do days of melt and rebuild for a re-hafting. I did reload and redo the hafting as discard another axe-haft and blowing one day by waiting. The result did come out as a decent broad axe.)

<Novrus made broad axe>


« Reply #56 on: December 04, 2018, 02:45:07 AM »
In thanks Novrus skid the short way to the ceremonial circle. The small  cross like mound where he made apologies, greater ceremonies and cried over Nilla. Today he lit spruce in thanks. Thanks for the understanding in forging the broad axe. Novrus wanted the sacrifice to represent shaping something with his hands. A cut of meat didn’t seem right today. A hard tack biscuit was chosen. This seemed pleasing to man and spirit alike.

Night was deepening. Novrus realized he could use the night to once again try the meeting with Grey Man.

Novrus went out to find a new ant hill. One farther away from the stead and not even near the traps. In the heathland near the lake shore to the north west he found one. Along the way he had gathered stones and rocks. A stone was placed for each of the four directions: north, east, south and west. The rocks made trail markers to the shore to find this hopefully sacred spot again.

As night entered its dark depth Novrus shaved silver from the silver ring letting it fall on the ant nest. This time he did nothing to adjust the droppings. His eyes were greatly weary from the days in the smithy. With the first melts, form and hafting being a day then four days in the remaking. It had taken the better part of a week.

Again Novrus felt a strong presence. Novrus saw no one so continued his vigil. At midnight his legs gave out dropping in next to the ant hill and into snow. Novrus rose up again. He strained to stay awake. In the small hours before dawn he collapsed this time into slumber. It must only have been an hour or two or three. Novrus thought he saw something in the distance but nothing he could describe. He stood up again shifting to a low ridge a few strides away. He returned to his vigil. 

Peeking over the trees came the glowing sun. It wasn’t a Grey Man. Novrus still stood in vigil awaiting a sign.

In the east a grouse flew into view and away.

Novrus took this as a good omen. Both that he had at least some favour with the woods and that it was time to go east. East back to the homestead.

Some where along the way he face planted into the snow. Somewhere in this night or the night before midwinter had past. The days began to grow longer. Had he been guided to do the ritual near this mystic cusp of light and dark?

When he recovered he returned to chores. On the next tree felled the reforged broad axe did indeed speed things up even more than before. Having now used both he was glad to have spent the days for the reforging and the extra day to re-haft it too.

<Novrus 2nd ant ritual>


« Reply #57 on: December 04, 2018, 11:11:06 PM »

Day 2 of the 12th week before summer season

Novrus’s desire for exploration sometimes made it hard to stay still. Making an object like iron smithing was to him like a taking a journey with that object. He was out of iron to work, unless he broke down the red foe helm or shin guards.

He did clear up the north west fro the courtyard to be. This would be a good place for a herd of animals. To test the size he placed four fence sections, one at each corner. It would certainly be larger than the tight pens used by the Owl. However, Novrus was often away days at a time. The animals would need food left and more room to exercise.

South of the house there was a pocket of trees which save for an entrance was also closed off. He could do something to fence that in easily enough. In there two spruce trees were just inside the perimeter. These gave a rain shelter. To that Novrus had laid some spruce twigs, feathers and leaves as basic bedding for an animal, perhaps a dog, to stay in there.

Next day between stockpiling logs for the new house he skid a patrol. All appeared well this time. Novrus began pondering the cave far to the north. It had been three days travel. A round trip a week to ten days. With chores here in good order he could go there to outfit the cave. He had framed a door in place to create a warmth and battle barrier. It could still use a fireplace to used as a smoker. He might also spot large game during his trip.

Day 4 of the 12th week before summer season

Novrus packed carefully for this trip. He put on the lamellar cuirass and iron helm. He put his fur overcoat on over the armor. He was very warmly dressed.
He debated on what axes to bring but since he was going to be building it was three: woodsman’s axe to fell tree, hand axe for many duties and the carving axe for precision work. He wouldn’t need wood wall so the broad axe would stay. He picked up a pouch of extra arrows and the spruce bow, likely he would leave them there as reserve equipment at the camp. A wood bowl and cup as well. Extra food including turnips and hard tack to be left as emergency food in that cave. A few does of herbal medicine would be a good idea too. Before leaving he made an offering to the spirits on the ceremonial mound.

It was still late morning when he skied into the owl village ot the north of Gruelfed. He had been here months during his first mountain search. A child ran up and alongside shouting out questions like:

“Is that red foe armor?”
“Are rivers still water in the south?”
“Did you see a white stag?”
“Or a one horned reindeer?”

Novrus gave short replies: yes, no, no and no.

Lauri the shaman recognized him. There was no real troubles around though Hendo could use a hand. A reserve of kindling wood. An easy task for a man with many axes. It was only about a two hour delay with a little over a dozen dried meat cuts for payment. Those would do well stored in the cave.

Day 5 of the 12th week to summer season

Purposeful pushes sped his skiing across the mires. The month of regular use had improved his skill immensely. He rarely stumbled. Last night he made a shelter on sparse pine march. Today he was making good time to the cave. When…

…there is a bear there!

Less than ten strides ahead.

<Novrus bear skiing 1>


« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2018, 03:32:36 AM »
Novrus went still. He was panting from the long hard ski northward. This fatigue would put him at a disadvantage. Against a bear that could be fatal. He let the bear walk on while he caught his breath. Feeling a hunger in his belly Novrus ate as quietly as he could and drank from his water skin. Only then did he glide scouting along the bear’s tracks.

This late in the winter the snow was thigh deep. Perhaps a hindrance to bear and certainly one to Novrus were he not skiing.

After a few minutes Novrus came to the realization the bear was traveling not grazing. After all the berries were long since withered. Novrus would have to pick up his pace to get close to the bear.

As this might take to much time or night come Novrus kept an eye out for an easily defended shelter hide out. Spying one he stopped to assemble it.

Carry as much as we was there were two paths. One was to put the extra gear in the new shelter and try to catch up to the bear. The other to leave the bear in this area, set up the cave then return to the hunt. Novrus weighed his options. It seemed the second one was the more likely to him better in years to come.

Pressing on northward the deep skies grew dark early as they do. It was with some surprise that Novrus had skied to within bow shot of an Owl village. It was the encampment at “Wolf’s tip”.

Valde a shaman and Vivva a housewife came over to greet him. Novrus managed he was journeying to a hunting cave and had passed a bear a few hours to the south. They thanked him for the warning about the bear. They would keep a second guard by the reindeer for a few days. As is tradition when a traveler is welcomed they wished to exchange stories and invited to stay in a safe place.

The village Kota had thick piles of winter animal furs. Those of winter having thicker fur than in the summer. Novrus felt next year he could trade them iron goods for such furs.

As Novrus got closer to the cave he thought it useful to scout around in an arc. To see better the lay of the land while there was good light. In doing so he spotted another cave and skied over to it. The interior was big though with much interior slopes and straight drops. The sort of drops one might get injured on in the dark. Interesting as it was Novrus felt the earlier cave was the better for his purposes.

Now at Pasknopuppi Novrus leaned down to study the snow. A lynx was very recently in the area. It may even be living inside the cave. Cautiously he explored but found the tracks didn’t go into the cave nor was it lurking inside. There was enough daylight to start on improving the cave. Floor boards would need to be balanced over rough ground in the cave. At least you already have a ceiling.

 Was it five days? Perhaps. Novrus toiled at the Pasknopuppi cave. By then the area behind the near secret door had a pocket of civilization. Roughly six strides by four or six strides had a gentle wood floor. Twice again at least was the rear of the cave still untouched.
There was storage for firewood, the supplies, room to work and more. A fireplace was built to vent out an opening made toward the inner wall which then would have smoke coil out the front of the cave. As well as warming fires in the summer it could be used to make the cave a smoker. Although uncomfortable to sleep in at the same time. On one side of the fireplace was the wood pile for easy feeding. On the other he had installed a sleeping bunk with a spruce bedding to show the warmth coming of the stacked stones.
Water was currently annoying requiring a few hundred yards downhill to mire pools then back up rocky vista. He had brought a few bowls with him to make such a trip more productive.
Traps were set including one sized to catch the lynx known to be in the area. The other was a noisemaker by the door to the interior. He would leave with these disarmed. There primary purpose was defense while sleeping.

Returning the shelter made to mark the bear trail it was quite likely the bear was long gone. Still Novrus figured large game would come through again. He spent a day improving the camp with trail markers, defensive traps, fire ring and a stock of firewood.

After all that it was time to return to the homestead. No large game this trip. The cave now was a true hunting outpost. Also an emergency shelter for Novrus. It was also an example of those stories you here of people stumbling into a cave finding goods inside. This time they would even find a fireplace and bed!

Back home Novrus scanned the defensive trap. Still as he left it. Then he rushed inside. Quickly he started a fire. He poured water on the hot stones to cause steam. This was also a sauna! Removing his clothes he steamed more water. He leaned back to enjoy coming home.

He indulged further sleeping that night naked between the bear furs.

Upon awakening he dressed then offered meat to the house spirit. A thank you for looking after the homestead during his more than a week absence.

There was chores to be done again. The traps to check. Two birds caught to roast and another burned as too long dead. The pit traps were reset though they still hadn’t got anything. A patrol to make…

… and of course a red foe to be slain.

Novrus was well equipped though one can never know for sure how these will go.

<Novrus red foe 5>

(Note: Regarding improving a cave floor to a building tile, needed for a fireplace and sleeping bunk, see my mod's biy )


« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2018, 04:53:24 AM »

This red foe seemed to a hunter. With a bow, a partial quiver of arrows and basic other gear and clothing.

Red foe was also running away!

Novrus skis for a few minutes following the trail of the faster moving red foe. Red foe had gotten tired. His hiding place discovered red foe again dashed. Novrus’s spear flew through the air. It was a long throw going off a spruce. Red foe though realized he had to turn and fight.

Novrus was switching to round shield and ski pole when red foe leapt forward with his knife. A block and a block then as Novrus pulled out his axe his thigh screamed as stabbed into it. Novrus flopped into the snow. He still gripped his axe and shield.

Red foe leaned forward hoping to get the force of his body behind a deep stab. Novrus counter swung with his axe. To avoid a cloven face red foe had to twist though the knife gouged across Novrus’s arm.

Red foe slashed battered away by the shield. In the same rotation Novrus swung onto his feet. How his thigh wound screamed in pain!

Agile as a deer with little gear Red foe all but dropped to a knee to dodge a horizontal axe swing. Then he leapt like a cat managing a stab onto Novrus but not with the angle to penetrate the layers worn.

Slashes and stabs, shield blocks and dodges. The snow around them tossed like waves breaking in white foam. Novrus receives a leg found, stumbles with a shield block saving him from exploitation. A knife stab again with Novrus’s shield cracking onto Red foe’s wrist. Dropping the knife into the snow. Novrus steps over it denying it the enemy.

Red foe takes out a cudgel. It has bits of fur and feather on it. Likely one carried by the hunter Red foe to finish off game without ruining the hide. This sort of weapon Novrus’s winter layers provide superb protection from.

As much as it was hoped anyway. While in leaning dodge Red foe cracks Novrus’s calf yanking up on the blow. As Novrus’s leg goes up he falls backwards. A follow up blow lands on thick furs doing no harm.

It occurs to Novrus he has yet to land one hit!

Minor wounds they may each be. Several they are. Collectively Novrus was having trouble bearing the weight of all his gear. His panting breath was growing. Recalling the days in shield wall practice Novrus stays defensive a while in hopes of regaining his breath while the red foe tires.

Novrus takes a step back. Red foe jumps off the ground perhaps hoping to over power any high block. The wicked impact on the shield is more than weapon. Red foe’s snarling face appears over the shield almost close enough to kiss. Shield wall training including recieving charges. Novrus let one leg turn. Red foe twisted away in a strange flail of legs. Red foe landed on his feet but the club was gone from his hand. All that power had also ripped the shield from the hand of Novrus!

Novrus’s instinct is to recover his shield. Red foe desperate picks up a rock.

The rock blow with no reach has little speed. Novrus punches up his shield catching the rock and a few fingers. Red foe yelps as the rock flies off into the woods.

Novrus has still not wounded this red foe. Who was this warrior?

Novrus realizes one possible problem: his thrown spear. Shifting left and right Novrus gets part way around. Red foe wasn’t thinking of the spear. He grabbed another rock and seeing the extended distance scooped up the club.

Two club blows blocked and Novrus has circled so the spear is behind him.

Calm in mind Novrus stays defensive. As the club comes in Novrus blocks with the shield then slashes his axe parallel to the shield’s surface. The club snaps in two!

Red foe is stunned for a moment. In that moment Novrus twists his whole body. The axe just swung down now swings horizontal. The outer edge of the axe cutting apart a shallow wound on red foe’s right hip.

Red foe turns once again to a rock. Attempts of blows are made. In sagas the hero and villain fight always with vigor. In truth Novrus was sliding on his skis! Red foe managed a rock strike to little affect. Then a shield block to the wrist again made Red foe become unarmed.

Novrus knows he needs as much breath as possible against the lightly clad agile flow. Block after block he makes waiting for an opening. Then Red foe doesn’t just strike but also grabs the shield. Suddenly the shield is on the ground and Novrus unguarded! Red foe pushes in to smash the rock on helm but again Novrus’s axe cutting wind makes Red foe twist into neither connecting.

Novrus must kneel to turn the shield over in the deep snow. Red foe presses again. This time Novrus’s cross blocks. Axe haft sliding on wrist. Around in an arc they go with Red foe losing grip again. As Red foe recovers balance Novrus is once again fighting axe and shield.

As if in exasperation Red foe kicks at Novrus. The block is shakey slipping a little on the now wet handle. Novrus scowls in pain as bastard Red foe kicks him right in the thigh wound.

Roaring in defiance of stabbing pain Novrus does an angled chopped. All of Red foes talent is needed to avoid as he can’t just move linearly  like before. Red foe flops onto his back. His hands go by his head and in  away Novrus has never seen a double leg kick ends up with Red foe standing again!

“By the spirits and the silver moon!” exclaims Novrus.

Adapting styles Novrus sends away the rock when Red foe finds another. As a kick comes Novrus thought he was ready to deal it a chop. Red foe’s front leg disappeared from view as he went up really striking with the other leg. The shield is slammed so hard the edge pounds into Novrus’s shoulder.

A battering of kicks. Straight kicks, bent over kicks and leaping kicks barrage Novrus. Novrus dropped his shield from one bash then recovered again.

Finally Novrus feels his breath caught as much as it ever will be. Novrus exchanges a barrage of blows. The axe nicks the trouser pants of Red foe without touching skin. Novrus harbors his strength pausing his assault briefing to recover then renew a barrage again.

Red foe feints a kick to attempt a rock strike. Novrus scoots his legs and lower shield back from the fient but doesn’t try to block the rock. Instead Novrus’s axe swing clips Red foe’s weapon side shoulder.

Now Red foe has been hit twice. Sweat and a panting show Red Foe wasn’t a beast of unlimited energy. He was tiring.

The blows attempts exchange. Red foe almost gets a hold of the axe haft but can’t keep with the momentum. Both warriors twist a quarter way around. A comedy of staggering. Novrus keeps grip on both axe and shield while Red foe is again disarmed.

In a fresh move Novrus stabs with the carving axe. Its point tearing open the clothing only of Red foe’s hip.

Blows exchange several times with a rock strike bouncing off the hip furs of Novrus. Red foe twice tumbles in the snow to avoid taking the axe to his head. More rock againt shield and axe against exchange among the trees.

Red foe’s dodge turns into a sudden run.

Novrus skims the axe along Red foe’s back. Red foe is forced to turn to find a fresh axe swing cutting along an arm. Nothing deep.

Novrus eye catch the sight of the spear shaft. Red foe’s run might have been to get around to grab the spear!

In that moment of thought Red foe pump kicks hard knocking the shield away from Novrus. Novrus leans to grab it up as he desires to stay with the style he knows. Red foe kicks again. Novrus grins as instead of blocking he dodges. Without the hard force encounter Red foe’s kick swings so high it puts him on his back. Novrus chops finding only snow as Red foe rolled and is now spinning upright.

“Just die already!” shouts Novrus.

“You first!” answered Red foe.

He speaks our language!

Novrus side steps then with a sweeping leg moves the spear behind him and amid the cover of a spruce tree. Panting lightly and jarred by pain Novrus remembers words of grandfather.

“A long fight is won by those who keep breathing.”

Accepting the kicking abuse he catches up partway on his breath. Then Red foe skids in the snow. Ready for the agility Novrus doesn’t over commit this time. Soon they are exchanging blows with an axe cut skimming Red foe’s chest. The cut clothing reddening from a wound underneath.

Novrus comes out his next rest with his axe being twisted to suddenly change course for a blunt blow with the back. Alas, the trick doesn’t work like it did on his sister in practice. Novrus’s long ski taps a tree trunk making him almost fall over. A boot to the neck is his reward. Slipping also Red foe didn’t generate the power to injure anything more than pride.

Winds waft the trees. The spruces shimmy their snow covered spreads. Birch branches crackle rubbing against each other. Birds dart skyward to escape.

Splattered with melted wet and dabs of blood the two combatants gazed at each other. It wasn’t over yet.

(Note: Due to game mechanics to have Red Foe’s hunting knife and Novrus’s spear inaccessible the Novrus character has picked them up. Story wise I am treating those two weapons as unreachable to both.)

<Novrus Agile 5>

