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Re: Crossbows
  and the game features 1000-800 years BC

Where does that information come from?

November 19, 2017, 01:44:32 AM
Re: Village Dogs Well, the villagers been dead for two seasons now and the dogs are still hostile.... They are looking more and more like pieces of hide to me... :p
November 20, 2017, 11:56:19 AM
Re: "Spirit of the forest, I presume"
Are these new functions going to take the ritual skill into account? Just want to know for my future characters, cause I always try to get along with the spirits, but at the current time am able to do so without any skill at ritual.

No, they won't. Ritual skill hasn't basically ever been properly functional, and for the next version it is likely to be removed since we can't find a good use for it anyway.
Like currently also in the next version the relationship with the spirits is kept up with character actions.

November 20, 2017, 12:38:14 PM
Re: Mik After a couple of days back home...

It's time to journey east and check the drying meat from the bear that had wounded the adventurer. The weather is colder now and Mik adds a fur overcoat to his regular travelling gear; it's almost as heavy as his lamellar cuirass and will take some getting used to wearing. His other equipment is the same as he usually carries... 

November 20, 2017, 06:17:09 PM
Re: Question for Sami What version have you been playing? Magic has been in the game for a long time (longer than I've played it, although that's just a couple of years), although the latest and next set of releases have revamped the magic system.

We are not talking fireballs here, but magic based on Finnish folklore, where effects are subtle or possible wholly imaginary (various rituals for better fishing luck, for instance), although some seem to actually work (ritual for getting certain thieves to confess, for instance).
The latest set of releases saw a rework of the old magic system into a new one, and also introduced embodied spirits. The current set of spirits are the spirits of the water and forest maidens, while the spirits of the forest are introduced in the next one.
The forest maiden is somewhat similar to the Scandinavian 'huldra' but isn't a wholly malignant creature as the Scandinavian counterpart.

What's the point of double posting the above as a new thread? It only serves to annoy people.

November 22, 2017, 06:32:07 PM
Nominate UrW for Steam "Labor of Love" Award Sami and Erkka have kept this game evolving since 1992, which is likely longer than many of its players have been alive.

Let's give them some recognition and much deserved exposure by nominating them for the "Labor of Love" award on Steam now.

November 22, 2017, 11:41:46 PM
Re: Mik During the journey, Mik spies a glutton off in the distance in a frozen mire so he drops his gear and sneaks forward with only bow, arrows, and knife. His arrow misses and the beast runs much faster than Mik, out across partially frozen swampland. He dare not follow and break through the ice.

Arriving at the adventurer's shelter by midday, he finds the bear meat is not finished drying. While deciding what to do, a squirrel comes near... and becomes dinner. Mik waits for the drying meat to be ready and passes the time making some wooden bowls. Visiting the nearby Owl village he trades 5 bowls for 1 arrow and some roasted meat.

The trip back home is uneventful and there is a black grouse trapped.

November 26, 2017, 11:01:36 PM
Re: Endgame economics - Money sink ideas I'm currently working on gearing all the nearby villages to my settlements, so to arm the villagers with weapons of their choice + sidearms and shields, eventually to give them armors as well. The end goal of this is just to have a lot of very well equipped cultures (and maybe a deadly gauntlet of enemies to fight through).
November 27, 2017, 04:34:14 AM
Re: Mik Next couple of days see Mik snaring another grouse and observing a badger nearby, so he sets 2 more small deadfall traps. The weather has turned a bit colder and snow covers the ground ankle-deep. Mik remembers how his father taught him to make skis... he will need some good boards, so that's where he starts, using his best woodsman's axe. Now Mik sees that he doesn't have enough furs to use because he doesn't want to waste fine-quality trading furs for the skis... time to go hunting again!

It's late morning but there's still time to do a little hunting before dark. Mik stays close to his home lake but sees no animals. Stopping to check some snares to the north of the lake, here is what Mik finds.

He should bring a few fox traps here!

November 27, 2017, 07:58:06 PM
Re: Mik Continuing the hunt, it's now late afternoon and Mik spots a figure in the distance. He travels down the hill into a heath with scattered trees and finds a lightly-armed Njerpezit scout. Mik pursues with arrow at the ready and then the man turns and charges! At 25 paces, Mik hits his thigh, then he knocks a broadhead as the man continues forward. At 15 paces the arrow flies and hits his arm, sending him to the ground.

Mik readies his shield & mace and approaches, seeing the man's blood pumping into the snow. One strike with the mace and the man perishes.

This hunt has not turned out as planned, but one less enemy is good for the Owl-tribe. Mik burns the body and dedicates it to Kalma, carves the 11th notch on his mace haft, then returns home.

November 29, 2017, 04:14:03 AM