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Re: [3.52 stable windows] Stuck on river island with steep walls Rare unlucky occurrence, but good to hear that a remedy was found.

Hmm. We need to think of ways how to prevent this, but it's still quite complicated as the terrain generation has a life of its own.

November 11, 2019, 05:27:32 PM
Re: Can I buy the game without steam? Yes, we had an option of "Lifetime Membership" which was obtained by donation equal to 35 USD (or more). The option is not actively promoted anymore, but it's still possible if somebody wishes to go for it. You can e-mail personally for more details, or I can also explain everything you may need to know here.

Steam version - for 11 USD - is not lifetime membership deal although we've been trucking there for the same single purchase for four years and dozen of releases already.

I should also mention that Steam client is not needed to run the game, but it helps to have smooth automatic updates. Also, even if you had downloaded Steam client you don't have to be connected to Steam when playing UnReal World.

November 11, 2019, 06:13:04 PM
Re: [3.60 stable linux] You are left empty handed as somebody got the skin already That's spooky, and bugged as well - since I know there is no spiritworld involved in this kind of activity.
I'd like to have a look at the save, thanks.

November 12, 2019, 05:14:49 PM
Re: Duplicating items by pushing them into water With a great certainty this old and rare issue has been found and fixed now.  The bug that was fixed, and what's an assumed cause here as well, was related to ice breaking in the background messing up item data while pushing action was being proceeded.

Fixed - persists in 3.60

November 17, 2019, 01:03:36 PM
Re: [3.60, Older versions] Infinite Skill Points Glitch Fixed now. Encyclopedia was mistakenly considered a skill entry, and the mess followed.

Fixed - persists in 3.60

November 17, 2019, 03:18:19 PM
Re: [3.60 stable linux] agrictulture graphic doesn't persist on zoomout or sleep
I have managed to reproduce this with a new character, Oskari. I can provide a save of one sleep after the crops were planted and the freshly-planted image is gone

Hey I'd like to have that save, thanks.
Been trying to reproduce but it hasn't worked out for me. I'm thinking maybe it only occurs if the planting attempt fails and nothing would actually sprout.

November 17, 2019, 03:25:55 PM
Re: [3.60 stable linux] inventory weight wrong This seems to apply also to other scenarios which modify characters initial inventory.
Fixed now and the inventory weight is updated after all the initial scenario related stuff is done.

Fixed - persists in 3.60.

November 17, 2019, 03:47:46 PM
Towards end of the year, towards more updates Let's drop a few lines about the near future stuff. Let there be discussion if you feel like it.
So, the calendar year is turning towards its end and I guess it's been pretty evident that we've mostly been fixing bugs during these ever darkening days.
Luckily the bug hunting has been so succesful that there's time to slowly start thinking of new features as well. Even a little patch update still during 2019 seems like a possibility.

This might make some of you think if and when might 3.60 (and so on) to be released outside Steam, at the game homepage. Now I can assure that it will happen still in 2019, after the seasonal Steam sale periods are over. If you've been itching to buy the game on Steam but have hesitations there's this forum thread which may help you out. In any case we'll inform about the upcoming 2019 sales loud and clear to make it more affordable for some.

On our way towards end of the year update the intention is to add fistful of features that are relatively small but significant for many. For this purpose we're also browsing the Suggestions section. I guess I've said it many times that everything there is always read, even though my time for actual discussion is unfortunately limited. Well, soon you'll see that something was not only read but also coded :)
(Maybe, just maybe, we could also try running the good old "replies to suggestions" marathon before the year is over. )

Well, maybe this is enough for now. Take care, fellow adventures, and if something is puzzling you feel free to ask.

November 19, 2019, 07:07:05 PM
Re: Choosing target for attack if they're occupying a single tile Just letting you all know that this feature is coming up.
November 25, 2019, 10:33:37 AM
Re: More Tracking info This is coming up. Both limping and animal size info will be added to tracking description.
November 25, 2019, 10:36:04 AM