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Re: Playing as animals and Njerpez Animals do not lead particularly exciting lives. That would get boring fast.

You can already act as a Njerp in everything except the color of the clothing, i.e. murder everyone you meet. The only differences are that you wouldn't be welcomed in Njerp villages, and that your victims are unsuspecting.

July 06, 2018, 04:22:20 PM
Re: Problems with fishing I sacrifice to the forest spirit every day, but it's probably overkill.
What you need to do is to heed the messages about your relations to the spirits and keep on their good side. That's the long term, though.
To get out of the hole you're currently in, you'd need to either move to start afresh with new spirits of the water, switch to another food source while the spirits of the water calm down (if they do? The spirit of the water is still incredibly happy with me for the sacrifices in spring, when I fished last, and it's now autumn), or buy fish (salted/smoked/dried/roasted) in a village and sacrifice that. You can also sacrifice the last remainder of a roasted pike in the future.
Note that you can only sacrifice once per day per spirit (plus special ritual sacrifices), and the amount sacrificed doesn't matter, so a roach is as good as a salmon (or, put another way, sacrificing a whole salmon is a waste).

In addition to angering the spirits of the water, you can also over fish, in particular in small lakes, so the catches dwindle, although they recover if given time.

July 18, 2018, 10:22:29 AM
Re: Problems with fishing Reread the last sentence of your first quote to find the answer to the first question and last one...

You should sacrifice daily until you're back on a good foot with the spirits targeted.

I haven't seen any difference in effect depending on where sacrifices are made: it seems the item determines the target.

July 18, 2018, 06:04:03 PM
Re: Problems with fishing The value/amount/quality (as long as it's still edible) doesn't matter. Sami said somewhere that the value to the spirits is in the gesture rather than the value of the offering.
July 19, 2018, 12:27:55 PM
Re: this game in unplayable and i'm triggered I don't understand the "spam movement key" claim. One movement key press, one movement step. You can enter keys faster than the game reacts, but that means you can't react to what's happening (such as detection of an animal). There's also overland movement to get somewhere with fewer key presses.

The way I start the game I set up light lever traps, because they don't need much material or tools. I then complement that with zooming out to the overland map, move one tile, zoom in, look for a nearby bird (max 5 tiles) and throw a rock at it. If it hits (usually not, but can happen occasionally), I run up to it and hit it with anything (like the rock in the other hand) to kill it. During that same process I also look for large game for endurance hunting. However, I give up if there are too many tracks around, as it's impossible to make out where the bugger went with the poor initial tracking skill, but much of the time the area isn't track riddled.
Don't run when endurance hunting, as that will reduce YOUR movement speed to a crawl. I only run very small sprints to scare the animal into running again when it's started to get at least slightly fatigued, as the key is to get it to run until breathless. As fatigue causes it to run slower, you can catch up easier, to scare it off again and again (all this requires being able to track it, of course). Tracking anything in spruce infested forests is a pain, so aim for pine forests or mires, where the sight range is good.

Bleeding can stop spontaneously (and often does on wounded animals), so they usually don't bleed out. However, any injuries result in penalties that reduce the movement speed, and injuries to the legs causing them to walk lame reduces the speed further. This, of course, makes it easier to scare it off into running again and again.

July 30, 2018, 06:21:27 PM
Re: does flour spoil? I've ever seen it spoil. I've still got bags of rye flour sitting in my cellar from quest treasures a few years back (I use barley for baking, not rye).
August 07, 2018, 09:25:22 AM
Re: what do roads do? Fatigue builds up faster when winter traveling in wooded and mountainous terrain, and I'd expect roads to be at least as good as (frozen) mires. In addition to that, they indicate village relations and show you where nearby villages are if you're exploring the area. Plus, sleeping on them is not recommended. They also have some flora that may be of interest.
August 08, 2018, 08:16:00 AM
Re: Rare random dead bodies I find dead people far too often. They're villagers who drowned in the village ponds...

If you were to find dead people in the wild (where you missed the case of messing with the wrong bear), you'd have to incredibly lucky to find the body at the very beginning of the game, when you need the items, unless the world is littered with dead bodies all over the place (or the game games bodies in for new character to stumble upon).
Basically, you'd most likely stumble upon dead bodies when you don't have much use for their gear, as you already have several Njerps under your belt, so it would be a feature that mostly would be of limited value for the off chance that someone gets incredibly lucky early on.

August 19, 2018, 09:58:16 AM
Re: Sown plants disappearing after save Your description is somewhat patchy (much exposition, little info). However, I suspect you're planting in early spring and saw plants spring up around your feet immediately, but those plants weren't visible later. If that's the case it's somewhere in the borderlands between bug and feature: You've planted late enough to plant, but not late enough for the plants to actually sprout (which can happen a week or two later depending on the plant). Those plants will sprout "for real" when they're due, so you haven't actually lost anything in that case.
It can also be noted that some plants have exactly the same hue as some types of ground during some growth phases, making them effectively invisible during that time, but that's probably a different issue.

And no, it can't be bugs, because they haven't been introduced yet. They'll probably appear together with other calamities such as droughts and rats ;)

August 24, 2018, 10:25:52 PM
Re: Sown plants disappearing after save As I said, it's in the borderland between bug and feature. The feature part is that you receive feedback that you've planted. In a more exact simulation you shouldn't get any indication at all until the plants actually sprout (or not, if eaten by birds, which UrW doesn't model [currently]), which would be dependent on soil temperature (for the seeds to start to germinate), and time (how long it takes before the growing plants break the surface of the soil).
August 25, 2018, 08:04:06 AM