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Re: mushrooms Also noadi's is safe to eat but has some unusual side effects especially if you eat one save your game and forgot that you ate it when you set out hunt when you start playing the next day.
April 23, 2020, 05:40:52 PM
Re: New color scheme: UnReal World without shades of gray.
@Sami, screen shot or two of your test would make it easier to get those, "yeah I like that" comments. I don't mind getting them in darker hue, but I don't mind the grayscale either.

I'll try to remember to pop'em up here at some point.

April 24, 2020, 08:07:51 PM
Re: Difficulty Scaling
I believe the game would benefit from adding difficulty options during character creation. Options that will add extra challenge for those of us who want it. Without ruining the base experience for new players.
What I suggest are things that affect the entire game world such as animal spawn rates, bandit spawns, average item quality in villages, average temperature and so on. All of which intended to make the game harder only.

Difficulty levels such as these isn't my cup of tea. To me this would mean a whole different approach to the whole game design. I'd rather tweak the game mechanics and add content to feature more of that desired difficulty, and allow playstyle choices to affect how harsh and risky character's life will be.

April 28, 2020, 03:52:36 PM
Re: Separate control access for dogs&followers
With dogs and or followers in tow, visiting villages and settlements can be bit tedious when [C]hat defaults to animal/follower and not chat.
So I suggest to move to dog (& follower) commands to ‘!’ From ‘C’ (as ‘c’ is close, and ^c is Cooking)
Logic here would be to command the others vs chat with your dog to Come, Doggo Come!; when you don’t even see the beast.

This has bothered me too many times, and been suggested earlier also. It’s likely that we’ll separate chat and commands in relatively near future. Been thinking about the actual command key and ‘!’ feels quite intuitive, although it would always be best to find a way to utilize existing commands and conditions. But the current system is indeed burdensome.

Also when visible, but out of conversation range, I need to turn away: not to see the dog, to be able to call it to come closer. Otherwise I get prompted “you get no response, get closer”

This could be solved easily by having “Come  here “ as all-time and not visibility based dog command. Wouldn’t hurt anyone’s playstyle either, so I guess we’ll put it in effect.

April 28, 2020, 04:10:39 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I corrected that. It IS a hauberk...sorry! Aye, it weighs 30, 5 more than the one I'm presently wearing, which is NOT a Long.
May 03, 2020, 09:43:39 AM
family ties in the village? Hmmm ... there are children, old people and girls in the villages. It is obvious that they all have a family connection with each other. I would also like to know the age of the hunter from the neighboring village, whom I help. This could be a separate issue in the dialogue: Tell me  about their family / about themselves. Residents could answer: I am a son (name) and (name) to me (age) and I have a wife (name) I am a hunter. They can only answer if they have a good relationship, if they are bad they will probably answer:  I am not talking to you about this, traveler
May 03, 2020, 01:19:06 PM
Re: Lika's Story Using a crude javelin in a last ditch effort to get food, Lika managed to catch a Pike, of all things.  When you are starving, food can be akin to that of a religious experience.  Anyone who has experienced such troubles knows an event like this can bring you to tears.  Cosmically, Lika must acknowledge that this fish was given to him by the spirits themselves, as he had such a limited chance of survival without it.

Also, here's a picture of Lika I tried to draw, keyword is tried.  If he looks dark, foreboding, and edgy, that's not really my intention.  It still turned out that way.

May 11, 2020, 01:44:55 AM
Re: Multiplayer - what are your opinions? I have yet to try a multiplayer survival game, that makes me feel as relaxed as this game does. Heck, I can't think of a single game at all, that I can spend so much time in while actually relaxing and enjoying myself all the way.

My feeling is that gaming overall have an extreme focus on competitiveness, effectiveness and grinding for you to beat everyone else. There are always those people who spends the majority of their time getting better than everyone else. I see it in the MOBA I've played for years, a casual CS:GO game, or people actively trying to ruin each others camps in DayZ for example (And I think the communities suffer from this, with extreme toxicity as to ranking and such).

When I come home from an 40 hour working week, I really can't be bothered in the long run to get home to some competitive gaming experience, since I'm already exhausted. The reason I have put in 1200 hours in Unreal World and keeps coming back to it, is the relaxation I get from playing it and the use of my imagination while playing it - escaping from reality for a bit, while I'm just a Finnish survivor, eating a hearty stew of fish, turnips and a bit of seasoning in a cabin in the cold of winter. Even if it was just a co-op gaming experience that weren't competitive, I wouldn't be able to get as immersed if I was to be on Discord with a friend at the same time.

May 15, 2020, 06:33:27 PM
Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics So it was said earlier - quite a long time earlier actually - that fire mechanics are about to undergo some improvements. Now there's some concrete upcoming features highlight on that as follows. Lots of adjustments have been done and all the fire stuff has become more flexible to allow numerous little features still to follow. Let's see where it goes, but at least these are in already:

- improved: fire mechanics

          Various features have been added to make fire burning, its' warming effect, obtained information and visual appearance more detailed.

          * Burnt-out fire graphics is related to the amount of fire burned at the site. Small fires leave small remains, large fires leave large remains.

          * Remains of fire accumulates over time so sequential fires burned at the site will increase the remains.
The remains will still eventually disappear with few days pause in fire burning.
          * embers graphics has been and remains of burnt-out fires will be now glowing red for awhile. For how long the embers will be glowing depends on the amount of fire burned.

          * when looking at burnt-out fire it's now also told if there are glowing or still warm embers. This information gives an idea eg. about how recent a campfire found in the wild might be.

 - added: smoking requires continuous maintaining of fire

          In the previous versions smoking succeeded if the room was heated once, and the process required no further maintenance. Now the heating must be maintained through the whole process.
          It's not critical to maintain an exact temperature but the fireplace in your smoking cabin should be warmed up properly on daily basis. Should you forget it one day it's still possible to compensate by heating it up even more the next day.
          If the heating is completely neglected you will find your smoked foodstuff all spoiled. If the heating has failed only to some extent you may find some of the smoked foods spoiled.

These are upcoming features, not yet functional in current version 3.62.

May 19, 2020, 06:42:24 PM
Re: Improvements to fire mechanics, changes to smoking mechanics Wow, this is amazing!

One more question... If we leave meats to smoke in a village, will it be assumed that villagers will continue to periodically light the fire?  Is the game able to track this sort of activity, even if the player is far away?  Or, must the player be continually present to smoke his own meat?

May 19, 2020, 11:51:40 PM