Topic: [solved] Bug in LoydettyTarvike() function  (Read 4328 times)


« on: September 14, 2024, 11:00:16 PM »
was playing some modded URW (BAC 3.84 v1.3) and crafted a dip net. Starting the craft sent off that message.
There is also a pet reindeer tied to a tree next to me, some drying elk, and a wild reindeer somewhere around me.
Any ideas? If it's BAC, I'm happy to go patch it. Happy to send a save game upon request.

.Dip net. "Fishing rod" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *CARPENTRY* /2h/
{Slender trunk}      [remove] [noquality]
{Branch}   (2)   [remove] [noquality] '+as spreaders'
{Cloth}      #4#   [remove]         '+to make catching net from cloth, fur or leather'
{Thin cordage}      =15=   [remove] [nominlen] [patchwise]      
'+for tying together'
{Axe}<Carving axe>
{Knife}<Small knife>
//Dip net can scoop ores or fish
// Arimon 3.7x:
// - changed {*cord} to {Thin cordage}
// - added [nominlen] to {Thin cordage}
« Last Edit: October 11, 2024, 05:20:52 PM by Sami »


« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2024, 12:08:05 AM »
LoydettyTarvike errors are triggered by recipes that are missing components for certain base objects which have been hard-coded with detachable parts.
Ah, okay, so this happens because the item to be crafted is a "Fishing rod" and nowadays the fishing rod needs a hook, which is associated with the item properties.
As the game fails to find the hook in used the materials/parts, it reports about the failure.

Instead of "Fishing rod" for the base item, "Lippo" might be a better fit.


« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2024, 11:51:10 AM »
Ah! That explains it.
I'll patch it :3