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Bug reports / Re: [BUG OR NOT?] Spearfishing, spawning fish, and the lippo
« Last post by Sami on May 17, 2024, 11:14:01 AM »
At first I don't suspect a bug here. With all the active fishing methods the character tries to catch any fish they can, and in the game world there could be also other fish wandering at the area of the spawning bream. The pike is a plausible catch with spearfishing by the shore even outside the spawning periods.
Bug reports / Re: Fire on water
« Last post by Sami on May 17, 2024, 11:08:29 AM »
Thanks for the save. I'll check even though the issue mechanicsm is hard to find unless it keeps happening again during the test play.
Bug reports / Re: Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« Last post by Sami on May 17, 2024, 11:07:08 AM »
Hmm. Creatures can also regain consciousness (based on the condition checks) and as I don't recall there's a message when it happens so this might not be an actual bug.
A message about "[npc] regains consciousness." would solve the problem, but then again in real life it would be quite difficult to notice - until the NPCs gets up, if they are able to.
Bug reports / Double fire
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 16, 2024, 04:33:12 AM »
Visiting a nearby village ( to keep the sow cuts smoking nicely), pushed 3 branches and block in the fireplace, was surprised to get not "the fire is about to burn out soon"
Checking the fireplace, there's 2 separate fires.

Save available.
Bug reports / Spotting, getting noticed, by unconscious NPC
« Last post by JP_Finn on May 15, 2024, 11:58:51 PM »
I would think unconscious NPC should not spot hiding character.
Noticed this with a hare, would be more dramatic if it were Njerpez.
Bug reports / Re: Fire on water
« Last post by dangerousbrick on May 15, 2024, 05:23:14 PM »
No companions, just some animals on a nearby island. I'm playing with mods, but as far as I understand they shouldn't affect stuff such as making fire.

Here's the save file:
General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« Last post by Sotimieli on May 14, 2024, 06:06:12 PM »
Created a new side character for a challenge. Wanted to do a vegetarian pacifist run. No killing, hunting or fishing or eating meat in any form. Only exception would be milk.

Two weeks in stumbled upon an abandoned settlement with a sauna and a small cottage. Settled there and traded handcrafts, my weapons and all my clothing for two sheep for milk.

Settled at the abandoned site that happened to be on a 3 tile island already cleared of trees. Perfect spot for agriculture.

Started in spring and had to scrape by eating leaves and grass to start. Milk helps immensely and now onlu 15% staving :D

Update. No longer starving. Got my hands on some turnips and gathered a lange bunch of bear- and dogpipe. These seem to be quite enough, complimented with a gulp of milk every day, to keep one from starving. Soon it's harvest time and I plan on trading most of my harvest for something to wear before winter comes. I opted to refuse wearing fur as well, so that will be quite the callenge.
Bug reports / [BUG OR NOT?] Spearfishing, spawning fish, and the lippo
« Last post by cookie on May 14, 2024, 04:14:47 PM »
Hey Sami!

Not sure if this is a bug or intended: saw a vegetation-rich area where bream were jumping. Went spearfishing there and only got pike.

This happened in the middle of Fallow Month IIRC.

[EDIT by Erkka: This was originally posted as a reply to a year old dev news. The development news is meant for Sami to post news about what is currently going on in development, all other discussion should be posted to their respective forum sections. That helps to maintain the forum readability, and also ensures that suggestions and bug reports get Sami's attention - it is a lot more easier to simply browse the bug reports section when debugging, instead of needing to hop all over the various sections looking for some random bug reports as comments in old posts]
Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe
« Last post by Sami on May 14, 2024, 10:03:54 AM »
I believe we've got this issue solved and fixed now, and will likely release a patch this week.
Plotinus, feel free to send the savegame nevertheless. Double checking doesn't hurt.

The issue was about unfortunate item data re-arranging due to world/creature activity on specific areas.
The bug potential has been fixed now and no more this sort of duplication should happen in the upcoming patch.

Fixed - persists in 3.84.1
Fixed now. Depending on character's skill generation order it might display also TEXTILECRAFTBOWYER etc.

Fixed - persists in 3.84.1
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